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10-03 投稿


mordacity 发音


英:  美:

mordacity 中文意思翻译



mordacity 词性/词形变化,mordacity变形

名词: mordacity |副词: mordaciously |

mordacity 相似词语短语

1、edacity ─── n.贪吃;狼吞虎咽

2、morality ─── n.道德;品行,美德

3、furacity ─── 呋喃

4、feracity ─── n.丰富;多产

5、audacity ─── n.大胆;厚颜无耻

6、voracity ─── n.贪食,贪婪

7、mordacious ─── adj.锐利的;辛辣的

8、mendacity ─── n.谎言;虚伪;撒谎癖

9、mortality ─── n.死亡数,死亡率;必死性,必死的命运

mordacity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cause of disease:Food intemperate, eat and drink too much at one meal, lead food mordacity greasy but to diarrhea. ─── 病因:饮食不节制、暴饮暴食、过食辛辣油腻而致腹泻。

2、Jack showed his dislike plainly in scorching mordacity . ─── 杰克以尖刻的讽刺直率地表明了自己的厌恶。

3、This kind of wine drinks mordacity, smell but particularly faraway and sweet. ─── 这种酒喝起来辛辣,闻起来却格外的悠远香甜。

4、There are also many purposes including condiment of mordacity, medicine, ornamental and coloring matter in other genera of Brassicaceae. ─── 但十字花科在分类上还存在着较多的问题,尤其表现在族、属之间的划分和归属上。

5、This kind of wine drinks mordacity, smell but particularly faraway and sweet.I have been have a desire of grow the alcohol. ─── 我这些天回到了久别的故乡,看到了小农小贩们也许并不富有,但到了这年关,都有一颗沉甸甸的心情。

6、Of the composition be more, empress period mordacity, excited and bitter of the motion be more heavy. Mark? ─── 的成分较多,后期辛辣、愤慨的情绪较重。

7、Of the composition be more, empress period mordacity, excited and bitter of the motion be more heavy.Mark? ─── 的成分较多, 后期辛辣、愤慨的情绪较重。

8、He is behind the irony that expect the keynote of the work to be changed direction the mordacity gradually by the relaxed humor. ─── 他后期作品的基调由轻松幽默逐步转向辛辣的讽刺。

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