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10-03 投稿


materializing 发音

英:[məˈtɪəriəlaɪzɪŋ]  美:[məˈtɪriəlaɪzɪŋ]

英:  美:

materializing 中文意思翻译




materializing 同义词

emerge | turn up | take shape |happen | occur | shape up | appear | come into existence | pop up | exist | show up | materialise | arrive | come about

materializing 词性/词形变化,materializing变形

名词: materialization |动词现在分词: materializing |动词过去分词: materialized |动词过去式: materialized |动词第三人称单数: materializes |

materializing 反义词


materializing 相似词语短语

1、patrializing ─── 父权化

2、dematerialising ─── v.非物质化,精神化;消失;使电子化(等于dematerialize)

3、rematerializing ─── 再物质化

4、immaterialising ─── 非物质化

5、dematerializing ─── vt.使消失;使丧失物质形态;vi.消失;丧失物质形态

6、immaterializing ─── vt.使失去实体;使无形

7、arterializing ─── v.化为动脉血

8、lateralizing ─── v.(大脑)表现偏侧性

9、materialising ─── 物质化(materialise的现在分词)

materializing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sticking to the scientific development notion Materializing harmonious development ─── 坚持科学发展观实现协调发展

2、Good materi al can optimize the performance of devices. ─── 根据器件要求,选择合适的材料系列,可实现器件性能的优化。

3、Textbooks as the materializing stuff are the material embodiment of thecurriculum standard as well as the important resource and medium for teachersand students. ─── 教材作为课程改革的物化产物,它既是课程标准的具体体现,又是教师和学生开展教学活动的重要资源和媒介,在课程改革中占有重要的地位。

4、The Connotation, Working Principles and Materializing Forms of Circular Economy ─── 简析循环经济的含义、运行原则和实现形式

5、it was a choice ,a straightforward language choice.What his achievement was an attitude hobnobbed with his life.His intent was materializing boppish and cartoon. ─── 它所完成的,是一种与自我的亲近相关的生活态度,而它的目的,却丝毫也不隐讳波普化和卡通化了的愉悦与快感。

6、And the criminal litigation proof are indispensable for realizing the task of criminal lawsuit and materializing and reflecting the value and intention of it. ─── 实现刑事诉讼法的任务,体现和反映刑事诉讼的价值和目的,离不开刑事诉讼证据。

7、The process reveals a general law of brand figure moulding from materializing to personifying, to deifying of brand, and finally to finishing moulding of brand figure. ─── 这是一个实现品牌从物化到人化从而实现神化,进而完成品牌形象塑造的一般规律。

8、The cultural problem is concerned by investigative urban field generally under the background of protecting regional cultures and materializing urban characteristics. ─── 因此 ,榆林市地域生态环境建设问题是榆林市规划与建设的最主要方面。

9、A vague figure is materializing. ─── 一个模糊的图形出现了。

10、Social security is the adjustor and lubrication materializing social justice. ─── 社会保障正是实现社会公平的一种调节器、润滑剂。

11、Textbooks as the materializing stuff are the material embodiment of the curriculum standard as well as the important resource and medium for teachers and students. ─── 教材作为课程改革的物化产物,它既是课程标准的具体体现,又是教师和学生开展教学活动的重要资源和媒介,在课程改革中占有重要的地位。

12、This is like materializing a view in SQL. ─── 这就象SQL中的具体化视图。

13、But Mr Trichet admitted that risks to the US economy were materializing and announced two fresh auctions for US dollar liquidity this month. ─── 但特里谢承认,美国经济所面临的风险正不断成为现实,他宣布两次新的美元流动性拍卖。

14、Mikawa Y, Hamagame H,Shiraata J,et al. An exp erimental Study on prevention of post Laminectomy scar formation by the use of new materi als. Spine 1986,11:843 ─── 赵建华,王民刚,蒋祖言。聚乳酸薄板预防椎板切除术后硬膜外纤维瘢痕粘连的实验研究。中国脊柱脊髓杂志1997;7(6):256

15、Reunderstanding various forms for materializing public ownership ─── 对公有制实现形式的再认识

16、Keywords Emulsion Flavor;Stability;Cloudiness;Raw Materi als;Application; ─── 乳化香精;稳定性;浊度;原料;应用;

17、But that threat keeps not materializing. ─── 然而,这种威胁一直没有出现。

18、"The expectations for a monster quarter are not materializing, " he said. ─── “对于季度业绩大爆发的预期并未实现。”他表示。

19、Last but not the least, I wish to congratulate those involved in materializing the plan. ─── 最后,预祝第一届飞利浦香港大学生足球联赛举办成功!

20、Cultural relics are carriers of civilization and the materializing culture. ─── 文物是文化的载体,是一种物化了的文化。

21、The method of materializing views based un queries of time period can meet the needs of clients, and enhance the efficiency of queries. ─── 基于时间段查询的物化视图更新策略可充分适应用户需求,提高查询效率。

22、A person's bravery is to hold a strong faith in materializing his own hope and strive for it perseverantly. ─── 人的勇气就是坚信自己的希望能够实现,并为之进行不屈不挠的努力。

23、DESIROUS of ensuring that the operator of a nuclear installation willbe exclusively liable for damage caused by a nuclear incident occurring inthe course of maritime carriage of nuclear materi al, ─── 希望确保海上核材料运输过程中引起的核事故所造成的损害仅由核装置经营人负责,

24、It is computed from the probability of the event materializing (becoming an issue) and the impact it would have ( Risk = Probability X Impact ). ─── 它对事故发生(转变为问题)的概率和所带来的影响进行系统的计算。

25、Materializing labour is the essential condition of value creation and is also the coagulation and carrier of new value which living labour creates. ─── 物化劳动是价值创造的必要务件,是活劳动创造的新价值的凝结和载体。

26、Work will proceed at a brisk pace, though cash returns might be slow in materializing. ─── 工作进展得相当轻快,但收入可能得慢慢才会落实。

27、Application of TJ281-BEP new waterproof coiled materi als in the tunnel project ─── TJ281-BEP新型防水卷材在隧道工程中的应用

28、After years of waiting, the venture capital industry seems to see their hopes and opportunities materializing. ─── 经过漫长的等待,创投行业似乎也看到了收获的季节。

29、All DPCA employees have made effort to realize their annual objectives with great enthusiasm by materializing DPCA idea to be innovative in hard time and be prepared for excellence. ─── 广大干部员工以高昂的斗志和饱满的热情,齐心协力,为公司全年经营目标的实现做出了艰苦努力,“居危思变,砺志卓远”的神龙精神得到充分体现。

30、materializing forms ─── 实现形式

31、Materializing Important Policy on Progress with Each Passing Day ─── 体现与时俱进的重要政策

32、Conclusion: Forms of materializing ownership system are finally determined by level of development of productive forces, which could and should be diversified. ─── 结论:所有制实现形式最终决定于生产力发展水平,所有制实现形式可以而且应当多样化。


34、Materializing Design ─── 实体设计

35、In fashion marketing, digging consumer needs, materializing it in brand advertisement, only in this way can fashion enterprise develop brand marketing strategy better. ─── 在服装营销中,只有深入挖掘消费者的需求,在服装平面广告中体现这种需求,才能更好地发展服装广告营销策略。

36、Research on Principal Part of Compensation for Injury Accident in School Physical Education and Way of Materializing Compensation ─── 学校体育伤害事故的赔偿主体及兑现途径的研究

37、Kothari and Kumar consider materializing such an architecture a "daunting task". ─── Kothari和Kumar认为让这样一个架构落地是一个“艰巨的任务”。

38、On the relevance of materializing social justice and administration ─── 社会公正实现与政府行政

39、Z.B.Yu.a , D.P.Thompson.a , A.R.Bhatti.b , a: Materials Division, Department of Mechanical, Materi ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容

40、In this article, recent progress in stent materi als is reviewed.Particular emphasis is given to the stents design, stents coati ng and biodegradable stents. ─── 本文综述支架材料领域的最新进展,重点涉及支架设计、支架涂层及可降解支架。

41、Focusing on reality and purity, Minimalist Art hade brought about a critical influence on the materializing society. ─── 极简主义艺术是对极度物质化的社会审美意义上的纯理性批判,强调作品的真实存在,作品更纯粹、更单纯、更本体。

42、" - and we become preoccupied with materializing our career goals. ─── ---现在我们全身心地为实现事业的目标而奋斗。

43、On Stock System Being the Major Materializing Form of Public Ownership ─── 试论股份制是公有制的主要实现形式

44、Restructuring Political System: An Significant Guarantee for Materializing the Scientific Development Concept ─── 政治体制改革是实现科学发展观的重要保证

45、In the proposalform you were asked whetherany inflammable materi alswere stored on the premises. ─── 在投保单上你被问及是否有任何易燃物被存储在房屋里。

46、As a whole stainless steel horizontal tank type mixer, this machine is widely used for mixing of powdery or paste materi... ─── 本机为全不锈钢卧式槽形混合机,在制药、化工、食品、电子、饲料、颜料、染料等工业中用于混合粉状或糊状的物料。

47、After all you're a good 30 feet in length and you have a penchant for materializing out of any body of water, no matter how small. ─── 你足有30英尺长,并且有高超的水遁技巧,无论那块水域有多小你都能借助其现身。

48、The Li-ion high power batteries with the capacity of 10Ah and 7.5Ah were introduced about their designs,performance,choice of the main raw materi als,manufacture process and their quality control. ─── 介绍了大容量动力型10Ah锂离子电池和高功率型7.5Ah锂离子电池的产品设计、技术指标确认、主要原材料的选择、制造工艺过程和性能检测情况。

49、Lukacs thought that Materializing cause the opposition between the subject and object, freedom and necessity. ─── 卢卡奇认为物化导致了主体与客体、自由与必然的二元对立。

50、Textbooks are the materializing stuff of curriculum.As the foundation of instruction, textbooks are key factors to the implementation of curriculum. ─── 教科书是课程的物化产物,其作为课堂教学的主要依据,同时也是学生获取知识的重要源泉。

51、Kothari and Kumar consider materializing such an architecture a "daunting task" ─── Kothari和Kumar认为让这样一个架构落地是一个“艰巨的任务”

52、Not all graphical browsers, although able to display an interlaced GIF, are actually able to display the materializing effects of interlacing. ─── 尽管所有的图像浏览器都能够显示交错的GIF,但实际上并非能够显示交错的真正效果。

53、Up to date,the doped lithium niobate crystal is the most ideal three dimensional storage materi. ─── 搀杂铌酸锂晶体是目前最理想的三维光折变存储材料。

54、Derived Tables are still handled by materializing them in the temporary table, furthermore temporary table with no indexes (so you really do not want to join two derived tables for example). ─── 派生表仍然以临时表的方式显式地处理,而且还是没有索引的临时表(因此最好不要像在例子中那样连接2个派生表)。

55、Textbooks as the materializing stuff are very important to convey the knowledge, socialize the individual and develop students. ─── 教材作为课程的物化产物,在传递人类文化知识、完成个体的教化、促进学生发展方面发挥着重要的作用。

56、Wishing for this one time when this will might be realized, God sent His only begotten son whom He could trust to execute the entire task of materializing the ideals of creation. ─── 期待旨意能够一次就完成,神便差遣了祂的独生爱子,那是神可以信任以实现整个创造理想事工的那一位。

57、biodegradable materi al ─── 生物降解材料

58、One major hope for Yahoo is the upgraded advertising system it introduced in February. However, the payoff from that system isn't expected to start materializing until later this year. ─── 雅虎最主要的希望就是加固二月份引进的广告系统。但是,从该系统预计盈利不会一开始就实现,直到今年晚些时候。

59、Internet users and providers cannot be held liable for posting libelous materi: al written by someone else, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously tod: ay. ─── 加利福尼亚高级法院今天无异议裁决:互联网使用者和提供者对于发表他人所写的诽谤材:料不必承担责任。

60、I noticed some small objects materializing in the distance. ─── 我发现远处出现了什么东西。

61、However, the payoff from that system isn't expected to start materializing until later this year. ─── 但是,从该系统预计盈利不会一开始就实现,直到今年晚些时候。

62、The present writer firstly gives the definition of the conception of RURPL;them,points out the law defect;furthermore,emphasizes the significance of materializing RURPL. ─── 文章在界定农村宅基地使用权概念的基础上,指出了现行法律的制度缺陷,并进一步强调农村宅基地使用权物权化的意义。

63、Social security is the adjustor and lubrication materializing social justice. ─── 社会保障正是实现社会公平的一种调节器、润滑剂。

64、If China, a large developing country, is to speed up materializing modernization, keep up with and surpass developed countries, it will be of signality to develop education. ─── 以创新知识、传播知识、培养人才为己任的教育越来越受各国的重视。

65、Postmodern humans swim in a third transparent medium now materializing. ─── 至于人类,后现代的人类,则正畅游于第三种正在形成的透明介质之中。

66、risk factors for materializing independent innovation of automobile manufacturers are analyzed and then corresponding proactive measures are proposed. ─── 基于汽车制造企业自主创新的过程实现剖析了自主创新平台的风险因素,提出相应的风险防范措施。

67、With the development of our society,play environment is materializing and modernizing,thus losing simplicity and nature.At the same time,it is pursuing function overly. ─── 随着时代的发展,游戏环境日益物质化、现代化,失去朴素性和天然性,并且过分追求游戏的功利性。

68、easy manipulation ofscene and the models in it;the directly perceived managing lighting,texturing, materializing etc. ─── 对光源、材质与纹理的建立、编辑和管理,也从面向对象和方便用户的角度给出了独到的解决方案。

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