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mysteriously 发音

英:[mɪˈstɪriəsli]  美:[mɪˈstɪəriəsli]

英:  美:

mysteriously 中文意思翻译



mysteriously 词性/词形变化,mysteriously变形

副词: mysteriously |名词: mysteriousness |

mysteriously 相似词语短语

1、semiseriously ─── 半认真的

2、mysterious ─── adj.神秘的;不可思议的;难解的

3、astuciously ─── 机敏地

4、mysterioso ─── 神秘的

5、seriously ─── adv.认真地;严重地,严肃地

6、mysteriousness ─── n.神秘

7、deleteriously ─── 有害地;有毒地

8、abstemiously ─── adv.适度地;有节制地

9、meritoriously ─── adv.极好

mysteriously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her cousin Vinnie (who's also her boss) has posted bail on Samuel Singh, who mysteriously disappears just as his work visa is running out. ─── 书中引入了一些科学常识,从心理和生理学的角度讲述肥胖的定义、成因,肥胖带给女性精神的精神压力和心理阴影,以及容易对孕产妇这一特殊人群造成的健康危害。

2、When her can of blue paint mysteriously disappears, Belinda is determined to find out which one of the children took it. ─── 小女孩的颜料不见了,是谁偷了呢?是邻居的小朋友吗?还是另有其人呢?适合4岁以上儿童阅读。

3、Both got mysteriously thin together. ─── 两个人同时神秘瘦了下去。

4、She was silent, smiling mysteriously. ─── 她沉默不语,神秘地笑着。

5、In the evenings, patches of fog curl mysteriously through the city in the moonlight, giving it an ethereal, magical atmosphere. ─── 在晚上,重重的雾在月色中神秘地笼罩着这座城市,给它以一种优美的、奇幻的氛围。

6、Until, mysteriously, the photographs reappeared today, to prove him that he really saw and photographed Leeds fifty years ago. ─── 如今,这位摄影家又神奇般地复活了。他的作品证明

7、When I was young, I had a friend, and one day, he mysteriously handed me a box of cigarettes, imitating the look of adults smoking. ─── 小时候有一个小朋友,有一天很神秘地拿着一盒烟到我这儿来,模仿大人抽烟的样子。

8、It had been no easy matter when he first drifted in mysteriously out of nowhere to their little mountain cottage. ─── 然而事情并不总是如此简单,当雾虎第一次不知从什么地方神秘光临他们的山间小屋时。

9、"You can be as good as you want to be," Margrave said rather mysteriously. ─── “你想拉得多好就可以拉得多好,”马格瑞夫的话说得很玄妙。

10、Amakusa Shiro (Kenji Sawada), who was killed in the Shimabara War, mysteriously appears in the peaceful time of Edo. ─── 在岛原之乱念冤带恨而死的天草四郎(泽田研二饰),临死时抉心舍弃神,坠入魔界。

11、Famous scientists around the world have mysteriously disappeared and Chronicle reporter Polly Perkins (Gwyneth Paltrow) along with ace aviator Sky Captain (Jude Law) are on the investigation. ─── 全球知名科学家忽然集体神秘失踪,机械帝国突然从天而降袭击地球,造成严重破坏。

12、Yu Chen befriends Zhang Feng in Macau who is also known as the God of Gamblers.They fall in love and decide to marry but he mysteriously disappears on the eve of their wedding. ─── 予晨到澳门公干时,在赌城认识外号“赌神风”的章风,被其翩翩风度所吸引,两人迅速堕入爱河,就在两人积极筹备婚礼之际,章风却突然人间蒸发。

13、He spoke mysteriously, too, of splendid women, and was suspected of having once committed himself with a Countess ─── 不但如此,他还用神秘的口吻谈起国色天香的女人,大家都疑心他曾经一度跟一位伯爵夫人关系暧昧。

14、Or they pass mysteriously by underground streams until they emerge and combine into new forms that kill vegetation, sicken cattle, and work unknown harm on those who drink from once pure wells. ─── 化学物质还神秘地通过地下水传递,最终以新的形式出现并结合,使植物毒死,牲畜害病,并使饮用一度纯净的井水的人遭受了不明之害。

15、But then, we notice that, mysteriously, some of the tests for methods on class ─── 但是,接着,我们发现,太不可思议了,类

16、Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. ─── 不要把你的未来寄托给偶然,也不要等待事情自己变得更好。你必须朝着自己希望和期望的方向努力。

17、For example if you lost to Spain there might be a little sombrero that mysteriously appeared next to your changing place before you arrived for training. ─── 例如,如果你输给西班牙,那么就会有阔边帽,在你回到训练前,某些地方一些神秘的东西会出现。

18、We see the remains of a civilization that built the most ancient temple structures in the world before mysteriously evanishing. ─── 在神秘地消失之前,我们看到在世界上建得最古老的庙宇结构的文明社会的遗迹。

19、But when Ojo's ribbons, Pip &Pop's sticks and Treelo's feathers mysteriously disappear, the gang puts on their own detective caps and gets ready to solve a real mystery in the Big Blue House. ─── 不过,当娇娇的缎带、波波水獭兄弟的树枝、小青的羽毛都离奇失踪的时候,这群小小侦探团决定使尽浑身解数,要解开蓝色的家的神秘之谜!

20、Other stories spoke of poltergeist effects such as objects being thrown around the house and objects of the dead person mysteriously moving. ─── 其他的故事还讲述了鬼怪的恶作剧,如房子的东西被扔来扔去,以及已故的人的东西神秘地移动。

21、Shortly after his laboratory mysteriously burned to the ground destroying his equipment and priceless research data. ─── 不久以后,厄普-托马斯的实验室被一场神秘的大火烧光,包括仪器设备和无价的研究数据。

22、Once there, his life gets turned upside-down when God appears and mysteriously commands him to build an ark. ─── 到那里后,上帝出现在他面前,神秘地命令他建造方舟,这使他的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。

23、Soon, bird's nest disappeared mysteriously. ─── 不久,燕窝神秘地不见了。

24、A group of modern-day students is mysteriously transported to a fantasy world in peril. ─── 一群现代学生被神秘地传送到一个处于危险之中的幻想世界。

25、And how long would it being insisted on is mysteriously bound up with the talent. ─── 努力能否坚持、坚持多久,跟天赋有着神秘的联系。

26、In search of his father who has mysteriously disappeared diving in the city, David stumbles across the cryptic trail leading to the long-lost fortune of the Medici. ─── 在寻找神秘消失在这个城市的父亲的过程中,大卫一路跌跌撞撞的穿过指引遗失已久的梅第奇财富的神秘足迹。

27、Then he mysteriously pointed at his mouth and waved his finger back and forth several times as if to say: "Don't talk. " ─── 接着他诡秘地指着自己的嘴,摆了摆手指,示意:“不要说话。”

28、He ever pressworked because of doing the one stake that the factory fails plots mysteriously case, final behead. ─── 他曾因办印刷厂失败的一桩神秘阴谋案,最后斩首。

29、They had mysteriously found their way there from the wine cellar. ─── 它们神不知鬼不觉地从酒窖来到了这里。

30、On the night Samuel North (Nathan Mobley) is to reunite with the girl he loves: Hanna Thompson (Jaimie Alexander), he is mysteriously murdered and sent to Hell. ─── 在晚上,萨穆尔将与他深爱的女孩汉娜重聚,可他神秘地被谋杀,然后遣送到地狱。

31、Unfortunately a CGI script will generally not run when you try it from the command line and a script that works perfectly from the command line may fail mysteriously when run from the server. ─── 不幸地,当你从命令行尝试它时,CGI脚本通常不能运行,从命令行中完整工作的脚本可能不可思议地失败当从服务器中运行时。

32、But, it must now be said, another portion of the community had latterly begun to take its own view of the relation betwixt Mr. Dimmesdale and the mysteri old physician. ─── 但是,我们现在必须说明的是,后来另外一部分居民开始对丁梅斯代尔先生和那神秘的老医生之间的关系持有异议了。

33、Then, suddenly and mysteriously, house-elf Dobby appears in Harry' s bedroom and warns of great danger if the aspiring wizard should attempt to return to Hogwarts. ─── 它警告这位志向远大的巫师,如果他试图回到霍格沃茨魔法学校,将会大难临头。

34、She was silent, smiling mysteriously. ─── 她沉默不语,神秘地笑着。

35、"I should like to be a periwinkle, " said he, mysteriously, "on the top of a valley, and sing tooralloo-ralloo. " ─── “我倒喜欢成为一枝长春花,”他玄妙地说,“长在峡谷之巅,高唱嘟——啦卢——拉卢。”

36、I said mysteriously with a wink. They prolonged the clasp for the photographer, exchanging smiling words. ─── 他们握手时边笑边谈,以此延长握手时间,好让摄影师进行拍照。

37、Go in search of the sacred tablets and my royal astrologer, who mysteriously vanished. ─── 去寻找神圣的写字板和我那神秘消失的皇家占星师。

38、To chime the notes of his emotion, a verse mysteriously entered the correspondent's head. ─── 为拨动思绪,记者的脑海里莫名其妙地浮现出一首诗。

39、Coming out on the road, the peasant paused, looked about him, and turned toward a thin screen of trees.He stood still at a big oak, still covered with leaves, and beckoned mysteriously to them. ─── 他走上一道斜坡,停了一下,张望四周,然后朝一处树木稀疏的地方走过去,在一株叶子还没有掉落的大橡树下站住了,神秘地对他们招手。

40、It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad on the 12th. ─── 令人悲哀的是说,他神秘地去世在法国期间,他在国外出差的第12位。

41、She propped up her mysteriously wounded husband, searching for the front door through her one good eye. ─── 她扶着莫名其妙受伤的丈夫,用自己那只没伤的眼睛寻找着餐馆的正门。

42、If I end up mysteriously disappeared for divulging this, so be it. ─── 如果我在吐露了这些话之后神秘地消失了,请不要觉得奇怪。)

43、When people were commenting on this, he again emerged mysteriously from obscurity and gave "Water in Water" to everyone which become the theme song of this World Swimming Championships. ─── 就在人们议论纷纷之际,他又神秘地从幕后走了出来,奉献给大家的就是如今成为世界游泳锦标赛会歌的《水中水》。

44、A parasite mysteriously latches onto a dying FBI agent's internal organs. ─── 寄生虫神秘地寄附在死去的FBI探员的内脏器官里。

45、Even now, the scandal is quietly claiming victims, though in a lot of places it seems to have vanished mysteriously from the radar. ─── 虽然在许多地区这起丑闻似已从雷达屏幕上神秘消失,但即便到今天,仍有人悄悄地成为受害者。

46、Everyone who's died in the last ten years has mysteriously returned to life, and in one French town, thirteen thousand people are back on the scene. ─── 在一座法国城市中,所有在过去十年间死去的人神奇地活过来,整个城市在突然之间多了一万三千的人口。

47、The powers of heaven and earth mysteriously assist in its execution. ─── 天堂与尘世之诸力量在神秘地协助其实施。

48、If you are unlucky, it will point somewhere inside your own program and corrupt one of your data structures, causing the program to fail mysteriously. ─── 如果你运气不好,那么它可能指向某个属于你程序的地方然后毁掉你的某个数据结构,导致程序莫名其妙的失败。

49、A couple of messages had mysteriously disappeared. ─── 几条信息已经神秘地消失了。

50、They are so upset"--Pitty dropped her voice mysteriously--"about the Ku Klux Klan. Do you have the Klan down in the County? ─── 他们愤怒极了"----皮蒂神秘地压低声音----"至于那个三K党,在你们乡下也有吧?

51、He was visited by an apparition, a girl mysteriously resembling his daughter. ─── 他被一个幽灵来找他,不可思议地是一个像他女儿的女孩。

52、For example, if a person has died mysteriously, the diviner is supposed to be able to tell when, where, and how the person died. ─── 例如,如有个人死得很神秘,占卜人就能说出那人死亡的时间、地点和方式。

53、One time, they have a fight against other young men and catch one of them. However, this guy is found dead mysteriously afterward. ─── 一次,他们与另一帮少年大打出手,并将一人捉住,岂料此少年事后离奇死去,惹出大祸。

54、On the other hand, Rockman's wife broke down after their son died mysteriously. ─── 另边厢,乐民儿子离奇死亡,死因怪异,妻子更吓至魂飞魄散。

55、Was it only a year ago our “it” girl mysteriously disappeared for “boarding school”? And just as suddenly, she is back. ─── 一年前不就是我们的焦点女孩神秘消失,然后去了什么“寄宿学校”吗?现在她突然回来了。

56、Mysteriously, the streets were deserted. ─── 不知怎的,街上空无一人。

57、When homeless persons begin going missing mysteriously from the streets in Kansas City, a local detective calls the BAU to investigate the disappearances. ─── BAU应邀去堪萨斯城调查一系列街头流浪汉神秘失踪案。

58、said the count mysteriously, his eyes fixed on the corpse, disfigured by so awful a death ─── 伯爵神秘地说话,两眼盯着那尸体,这具尸体由于死得很惨,所以其形状特别可怕。

59、When her findings pointed to mismanagement and cronyism, her detailed handwritten report mysteriously vanished and she was sent packing. ─── 后来她发现原因在于管理不善和任人唯亲,接着她那份全手写的详细的报告神秘地消失了,而她也遭到解雇。

60、In south Texas, its frightening name resurfaces in the news every few months -- especially after another neighborhood pet or farm animal mysteriously dies. ─── 在美国德克萨斯州德南部,特别是当邻居家的宠物或农场动物神秘死亡后,每个数月,令人毛骨悚然的名字就会出现在新闻上。

61、The original mysteriously disappeared after Venerable Wang made the copies. ─── 原件在复印以后就神秘地消失了。

62、But just as there are ordinary good-enough parents who mysteriously produce a difficult child, there are some decent people who have the misfortune of having a truly toxic parent. ─── 但是,就像那些平凡却足够好的父母生养出了问题小孩一样,一些体面人却非常不幸地拥有令人发指的父母。

63、In this first of many cases, Kindaichi finds himself onboard a cruise ship in which the captain mysteriously disappears the day after a big party. ─── 在这第一次的许多情况下,金田一发现自己乘坐的游船,其中队长神秘消失后的第二天一个大党。

64、Alchemists liked to believe that their symbols made alchemy seem mysteriously important to those who were not alchemists. ─── 也许炼金术士们认为外行看见这些符号,会觉得炼金是一件很神秘的大事。

65、Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. ─── 不要听任你的将来会有改变,或者等待某种神秘的东西而变的更好,你必须有希望和抱负。

66、Kilo prototype mysteriously loses weight ─── 公斤原型神秘变轻了

67、Earlier in the day, the dense smoke covering Ulaanbaatar has reduced visibility significantly. The smog has mysteriously hidden the surrounding mountains that the five hundred thousand local residents can clearly see everyday. ─── 今天稍早,笼罩乌兰巴托的浓烟使得能见度大为降低,当地五十万市民一向可清楚看到的周围山峦,现在都藏在烟雾中。

68、He alluded mysteriously to contingents of physical and non-physical beings who appear to be waiting poised just beyond our earth to help us in our coming difficulties. ─── 他还神秘地间接提到了一部分肉身和非肉身的生命,他们似乎在地球以外泰然自若地等待着帮助我们克服即将来临的困难。

69、A. Henry and his dog that appeared in street last week disappeared mysteriously in the forest yesterday. ─── 亨利和他的小狗上周还在街上,昨天又神秘地磨灭在树林里。

70、She lowered her voice and went on mysteriously ─── 她很神秘的放低了声音,再加以申明

71、The Maltese-registered, Finnish-chartered vessel, Arctic Sea, that mysteriously disappeared off the coast of France two weeks ago, in an undated photo. ─── “北冰洋号”是在马耳他注册、芬兰包租的商船,在北冰洋水域神秘失踪。这张未注明日期的照片是该船两周以前在法国海岸所拍。

72、The plane crashed mysteriously near the island of Ustica. ─── 飞机在乌斯蒂卡岛附近神秘地坠毁了。

73、Henry and his dog that appeared in street last week disappeared mysteriously in the forest yesterday. ─── 亨利和他的小狗上周还在街上,昨天又神秘地消失在树林里。

74、Despite all the efforts to protect judges, a recent drug case was mysteriously dismissed, only for the suspect to be found guilty in a hasty retrial. ─── 尽管已经尽可能的对法官进行了保护,但是最近的一桩贩毒案却神秘的不了了之,只在二审时草草宣判疑犯有罪。

75、His footprints and remains have been mysteriously preserved by nature at that cradle of mankind for the whole human race to trace its origin. ─── 大自然在人类的摇篮神秘地保留了他们的足迹和遗迹使得全人类得以凭吊先祖。

76、Toad was nervous, but the Rat, nodding mysteriously at him, went straight up to the door and opened it, and in walked Mr. Badger. ─── 蟾蜍立时紧张起来,可是河鼠诡秘地冲他点点头,径直走到门口,打开门。进来的是獾先生。

77、Impossible but true, the volunteer’s signature has mysteriously traveled from the selected card to another. ─── 不可能但真实, 志愿者的署名神奇旅行了从选择的卡片到另一个。

78、They got it with Polaroid, first through a photo that emerged from a secretive sandwich that needed to be pulled apart and waved (almost like a magic wand) until the photo mysteriously appeared. ─── 他们拿著宝丽莱得到立即满足,从一个看起来像很秘密的有多层物,吐出一张照片,需要用手拉出来并且挥一挥(就好像挥魔术棒),直到这张照片神秘地出现影像。

79、A balloon is mysteriously "sucked" into a flask. ─── 一个气球神秘地被吸进了一个细颈瓶。

80、Don't le a ve your future to ch a nce, or w a it for things to get better mysteriously on their own. ─── 不要把你的未来留给机会,或者等着事情神奇的自我变好。

81、Do you notice how mysteriously the colors behave here? ─── 你注意到这些色彩的情调在这里显得如何神秘吗?

82、He falls in love with a mustang called Cocoa, who tries as hard as she can to buck him off before she runs away only to be mysteriously rediscovered later on. ─── 后来,布莱恩特爱上了一匹名叫“柯柯”的野马,这匹野马耗尽全身解数来摆脱他的束缚,逃之夭夭,但后来却又被神秘地发现。

83、Cape Town, South Africa, May 30, 2009--Rescuers try to push one of about 55 pilot whales that mysteriously stranded themselves back to sea. ─── 2009年5月30日,南非,开普敦---救援人员试图将一头领航鲸推回大海,这是55头神秘搁浅的领航鲸中的一头。

84、They are circular patterns which mysteriously appear in fields of crops, such as wheat and barley. ─── 它们是神秘地出现在诸如小麦或大麦一类农作物田地里的圆形图案。

85、Boston's Terry Francona, scheduled to manage the AL team, mysteriously disappears in the Bronx hours before the game. ─── 原本排定的红袜队教练粉柯南,在赛前神秘失踪。

86、a man who mysteriously vanished from his home last month ─── 上个月从家中神秘失踪的一名男子

87、With the third breath, a card rises mysteriously, majestically, from the deck, as if pulled by unseen hands. ─── 以第三呼吸, 卡片从舱板神奇上升, 庄严地, 好像由未看见的手拉扯。

88、"You can be as good as you want to be," Margrave said rather 5)mysteriously. ─── “你想拉得多好就可以有多好,”马格瑞夫的话说得很玄妙。

89、The night was foggy, and the moonlight glimmered mysteriously through the mist. ─── 夜间大雾弥天,月牙儿神秘莫测地穿过雾霭闪闪发光。

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