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10-03 投稿


minish 发音


英:  美:

minish 中文意思翻译




minish 相似词语短语

1、monish ─── 劝告;告诫

2、linish ─── v.打磨

3、winish ─── 威尼什

4、diminish ─── vt.使减少;使变小;vi.减少,缩小;变小

5、finish ─── v.完成;结束;用尽(所剩之物);(竞赛)获……成绩;(英式足球)进球;(非正式)使筋疲力尽;对(物件)最后加工;结束(牲畜)的肥育;(少女)进上流社会做准备;n.结局;抛光;最后精细加工;结束;(比赛的)终点,最后阶段;饰面;(葡萄酒的)余味

6、Finnish ─── adj.芬兰的,芬兰语的;n.芬兰人,芬兰语

7、minishes ─── vt.缩小,减小;vi.缩小,减小;n.(Minish)人名;(英)米尼什

8、minidish ─── n.微型卫星电视接收天线

9、minished ─── vt.缩小,减小;vi.缩小,减小;n.(Minish)人名;(英)米尼什

minish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How to minish measure error and enhance identification precision was also studied in the paper. ─── 文章还对如何减小测量误差,提高辨识精度进行了研究。

2、Air flow pulverizing could minish the particle size in larger extent, and the efficiency was more than twice as much as that of the machine pulverizing. ─── 气流粉碎可以较大程度的减小粉料细度,其粉碎效率是机械粉碎的两倍以上;

3、Meshing to minish analysis error is a concerned problem in FEA. ─── 如何划分网格以减小分析误差是有限元分析中令人关心的问题。

4、The voltage and frequency fluctuating would be brought by the randomicity of wind speed and wind direction.How to minish so as to eliminate the fluctuation is an important research task. ─── 风速、风向的随机波动性会使风力发电机组的输出电压、频率产生波动,如何减小以致消除这一波动是现代大型风力发电技术的一个重要研究课题。

5、The results showed that increasing scan rate and decreasing laser power can minish balling effect to a certain extent. ─── 研究表明,适当提高扫描速度或减小激光功率可以在一定程度上减小316不锈钢粉末激光烧结的球化效应。

6、Minish the ship resistance and improve theheadway is necessary. ─── 减小船舶阻力,提高航行速度已势在必行。

7、The test result reveals that hydro-gel film surface CA minish as NVP content & contact time increase. ─── 试验表明,材料薄膜表面接触角随着NVP含量增大及接触时间的延长而减小;

8、when nearing to cross, we should minish the gas. ─── 开车接近十字路口时,要减小油门。

9、If the conical angle difference is too large, the anchorage length will minish and the contact stress of CFRP bars will increase. ─── 锚具长度越长,对碳筋的受力越有利,碳筋所受接触压应力的峰值也越小;

10、Weakening stiffness of shear-wall and thickening the slab will enlarge the relative deformation at bottom. On contrast, will minish the whole deformation of the building. ─── 削弱剪力墙的刚度和增加楼板厚度都会加剧底层相对变形,一定程度上减小结构的整体变形。

11、Ye Shall not minish aught from your bricks of daily task. (Exodus 5:19). ─── 你们每天作砖的工作一点不可减少 (出埃及记第5章第19节) 。

12、The dynamics model with flexibility mast was used to study the causes and affecting factors of the mast swing when the stack-crane was accelerating or decelerating, and a strategy to minish the swing of the mast was proposed. ─── 利用带有柔性体立柱的动力学模型研究了在堆垛机加、减速时立柱摆动的成因及影响因素,并提出减小立柱摆幅的控制措施。

13、Nonetheless, seeing our own life, we tend to minish our happiness and magnify our vexation, thereby feeling more and more unsatisfied with our present life. ─── 而在看待自己生活时,人们总喜欢缩小自己的幸福,扩大自己的烦恼,所以我们对自己的生活总有太多的不满。

14、Experimental results show that the method can minish the probability of dis-detecting and leak-detecting,and detect the moving targets robustly and accurately. ─── 实验表明,该方法鲁棒性好,能有效地减小误检和漏检的概率,较准确地检测到海上的运动目标。

15、Radar cross-section (RCS) is an important parameter of a target antenna, to minish RCS is antenna"s important development direction all the time. ─── 雷达散射截面(RCS)是天线特性的一个重要指标参数,减小天线的RCS一直是天线发展的重要方向。

16、Ye Shall not minish aught from your bricks of daily task. ─── 你们每天作砖的工作一点不可减少。

17、To minish the finance gap we must innovate the financial system to reduce the transaction cost between bank and enterprise and to enhance the information symmetry. ─── 因此为纾解民营企业的融资困境,必须进行金融体制创新,建立健全的信用担保体系,以降低银企交易成本、提高信息对称度来填补其金融缺口。

18、Special channel design, multi-layer composite can minish transfiguration quantity effectively. ─── 特殊流道设计,多层复合时能有效的减小各层分界面变形量。

19、A method to minish the aperture of the optical system with through transmission LCD ─── 一个有效减小透射式液晶后续光学系统口径的方法

20、A dynamic high type control method is introduced in this dissertation.It can minish the dynamic error greatly by using this method. ─── 本论文介绍了一种动态高型控制方法,利用该方法可以较大幅度减小跟踪误差。

21、The experimental figure approve the conclusion is right Can as reference for minish Commutation torque ripple. ─── 通过实验波形证实本结论分析正确,可以为电机减小转矩脉动作为参考。

22、The results show that increasing scan rate and decreasing laser power can minish balling effect to a certain extent. ─── 研究表明,适当提高扫描速度或减小激光功率可以在一定程度上减小316不锈钢粉末选择性激光烧结的球化效应。

23、Using spatial distribution between current error vector and the reference voltage vector,this method gives the best voltage vector to minish current error control in the reasonable scope. ─── 该方法利用电流误差矢量与参考电压矢量之间的空间分布给出最佳的电压矢量输出,使电流误差控制在合理的范围之内。

24、Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can minish burthen of tumor and lower the clinical stage, and increase resection rate of cancer. ─── 新辅助化疗可以减小肿瘤负荷,降低临床病期,提高肿瘤的手术切除率。

25、The experimental figure approve the conclusion is right Can as reference for minish Commutation torque ripple. ─── 通过实验波形证实本结论分析正确,可以为电机减小转矩脉动作为参考。

26、A Design and Realization of CMOS Integrate Current Source to Minish the Influence of Process Parameter ─── 一种减小工艺参数影响的CMOS集成电流源设计方法与电路实现

27、Light eight and good agility have been the important aim in robot design.In that case, the strength demand should be fulfilled while trying to minish the dimension of robot components. ─── 重量轻、灵活性大已成为设计机器人时所追求 的重要目标,为此在减小机器人构件尺寸的同时,还要满足其强度要 求。

28、Technology and Steps to Minish the Porosity of Asphalt Pavement ─── 减小沥青路面现场空隙率的技术措施

29、The mode of inquiry-based teaching could minish the differences between acquisition of mother language and second language. ─── 探究式教学模式可以弱化母语习得和第二语言学习间的差别。

30、Therefore it is a big problem to be resolved for the law experts to minish the conflict by the way of law. ─── 因此,如何通过法律调整的手段最大程度的缓和两者之间的矛盾,是我国法学界亟待解决的问题。

31、Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can minish burthen of tumor and lower the clinical stage,and increase resection rate of cancer. ─── 新辅助化疗可以减小肿瘤负荷,降低临床病期,提高肿瘤的手术切除率。

32、Range subsection weighting technology is used to minish SNR loss caused by weighting, so as to increase radar range. ─── 采用距离分段加权技术,可以减小加权引起的信噪比损失,从而提高了雷达的作用距离。

33、This paper seeks the algorithm to converge to the minimum zone,using the moving direction and step width to minish the radius. ─── 本文另辟途径,直接以降低同心球半径之差为目标,寻求球心的移动方向和移动步长,不断把半径之差减小,从而使球度误差的计算向"最小区域"收敛。

34、So the structure scheme was amended, the rubber support was applied to minish the counterforce of the support. ─── 对结构方案进行了修改,并应用橡胶支座来减小支座反力。

35、To minish the effect of temperature change to the stability of DTG,the temperature expiation project was designed. ─── 为了减小温度变化对动力调谐陀螺仪性能稳定性的影响,设计了温度补偿方案。

36、And simultaneously, the doping ions, to a certain extent, can restrain the surface plasmon resonance absorption and minish the size of Ag nanoparticles. ─── 在光吸收性能方面,镧和铝的引入都会在一定程度上抑制银粒子的表面等离子共振吸收,同时细化银纳米粒子。

37、The experimental results show that this method enables to minish error from (11, 10) pixels to (0, 2) pixels to accurately control the micro-manipulator movement in three dimensional space. ─── 实验结果表明,利用该方法可以将轨迹误差从(11,10)像素,减小为(0,2)像素,从而方便地控制机械手在三维空间做精确定位和运动。

38、Through the test and theories analysis, the stiffness of air spring enlarge with the filling time increasing but minish with the exhausting time increasing . ─── 通过试验和理论分析可知,空气弹簧刚度随充气时间增长而增大,随放气时间增长而减小。

39、Abstract: In order to minish the coupling of common impedance and reduce the interference among loadings on 485 bus, physical isolation of nodes is a practical method. ─── 摘要: 通过对485总线的物理隔离,达到减小公共阻抗耦合面积,降低节点间相互干扰程度的目的。

40、EA could decrease the deposit of lipid and minish the thickness of subcutaneous adipose, but had no significant effect on thickness of subcutaneous adipose. The effect of the 300mg/kg and 500mg/kg EA were better than 100mg/kg EA. ─── 苜草素处理组减少了腹脂的沉积、减小了皮下脂肪的厚度,但对肌间脂肪宽度无显著影响,添加300mg/kg和500mg/kg的苜草素的效果要好于100mg/kg。

41、The grain size of materials should be minish without losing luminous intensity. ─── 需在保证夜光材料亮度的情况下,减小其粒径。

42、19 And the officers of the children of Israel did see that they were in evil case, after it was said, Ye shall not minish ought from your bricks of your daily task. ─── 19以色列人的官长听说,你们每天作砖的工作一点不可减少,就知道是遭遇祸患了。

43、Minish the well space and increase transflux routeways upper backwater and driving, especially setup precipitation well and drain residual water at the bottom of diving layer. ─── 减小井间距,增加上层滞水和潜水的入流通道,尤其要在潜水含水层底板低洼处设置降水井将低洼处的残留水引走。

44、Some measurements must be taken to minish choked fracture and decrease fracture fluid leak off. ─── 在实际施工中,应采用各种措施消除瓶颈裂缝和减小压裂液滤失。

45、How to minish measure error and enhance identification precision was also studied in the paper. ─── 文章还对如何减小测量误差,提高辨识精度进行了研究。

46、In order to create flextural vibration easily, it is always slotted equally along its axes to minish its radial stiffness. ─── 为易于产生径向弯曲振动,通常沿轴向等间距开缝,以降低径向刚度。

47、This paper introduce a method of temperature transform base on platinum resistance, and give out the automatically adjust electric circuited to minish error. ─── 摘要本文介绍了一种采用铂电阻作为温度变换器进行温度变换的方法,并且给出了使用自动进行校准电路来减小误差的方法。

48、Carbamide can be used as nucleate agent and minish the cellular dimension evidently. ─── 碳酸胺能起到成核剂的作用,显著减小泡沫塑料泡孔尺寸;

49、The results show that the additions of fibers improve the anti-cracking and minish the autoshrinkage of concrete. ─── 根据纤维本身的特性,研究了纤维的不同体积含量、纤维不同长度等条件下的增强情况。

50、The Legend of Zelda - The Minish Cap ─── 塞尔达传说-缩小帽

51、Suggestions are made about how to minish its defects and research of GFRP boats. ─── 最后对玻璃钢船舶业的研究与发展方向提出了建议。

52、The results show that even transition of rigid for the joint section can minish the stress concentration and make the force transfer smoothly; ─── 结果表明:钢混接合段刚度的匀顺过渡可减小应力集中,使传力顺畅;

53、These improvements minish the assessment error of the sustainable development of the regional tourism, which is due to the trade factors. ─── 改进模型减小了由于贸易因素而导致区域旅游可持续发展评价结果的偏差。

54、Scheme to Minish Image Memory Space in Application of BREW ─── BREW应用中减小图像存储空间的方法

55、To improve the quality of image and minish the burden of image processing software of automatic collimation system, image pretreatment is carried through image collection. ─── 在图像采集中进行预处理,提高图像质量,减小自动瞄准中图像处理的负担。

56、In structure design, if this property is full used, it can help to decrease the dosage of the prestressing tendon, save anchorage device, reduce cost and minish invert arch. ─── 工程设计中,若能充分利用部分预应力混凝土的这一特性,将可以减小预应力筋的用量,收到节约锚具、降低造价、减小反拱的效果。

57、The paper introduces a sort of encrypted algorithm which comparied with the original length of cryptograph, the length of encrypted cryptograph will base on the difference of the encrypted information piece length to minish. ─── 本文介绍了一种加密后的密文长度与原明文长度文相比,依据所选加密信息块长度的不同而做相应减小的加密算法。

58、And it points out direct method and unbind-coupling method solve the problem on stress uniformity, flexible shapers minish wave dispersion , mathematics solve contact problems between ends. ─── 提出了直接法和数据解耦的方法处理应力不均匀问题、使用软介质的方法处理大直径杆的弥散效应问题、用数学计算的方法处理试件端面摩擦效应的问题.

59、We must try our best to minish the loss to the lowest limit. ─── 我们必须尽力把损失减小到最低限度。

60、With the augmentation of grain size, surface defects of the manganese zinc ferrite nanocrystallines minish, and intergranular free volume combines. ─── 随着粒径的增大,纳米晶的表面缺陷减小,晶界间的自由体积发生复合。

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