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10-02 投稿


methinks 发音

英:[mɪˈθɪŋks]  美:[mɪˈθɪŋks]

英:  美:

methinks 中文意思翻译



methinks 网络释义

vi. 我想;据我看来;我以为

methinks 词性/词形变化,methinks变形


methinks 相似词语短语

1、bethink ─── vt.想起,忆起;使……思考;使……考虑

2、rethink ─── vt.重新考虑;再想;vi.重新考虑;再想;n.重新考虑;反思;新想法

3、methinketh ─── 梅廷克斯

4、rethinks ─── vt.重新考虑;再想;vi.重新考虑;再想;n.重新考虑;反思;新想法

5、bethinks ─── vt.想起,忆起;使……思考;使……考虑

6、unthinks ─── v.不想;置……于脑后;改变想法

7、forethinks ─── 深思熟虑

8、misthinks ─── 想错;认为…不好

9、thinks ─── 想

methinks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thou art needlessly rough, methinks. ─── 依我看,你不必如此粗鲁。

2、THESEUS The wall, methinks, being sensible, should curse again. ─── 忒修斯:这墙并不是没有知觉的,我想他应当反骂一下。

3、Far off as I lived, I was not exempted from the annual visitation which occurs, methinks, about the first of April, when everybody is on the move; ─── 住得虽然远僻,每年,我想,四月一日左右,人人都来踏青,我也免不了受到访问;

4、methinks about this season that we had our wedding. ─── 我想,我们正是在这个季节举行婚礼的。

5、"Welcome home, reverend sir,"said the physician. "And how found you that godly man, the Apostle Eliot? But methinks, dear sir, you look pale; as if the travel through the wilderness had been too sore for you." ─── "欢迎你回到家中,可敬的牧师先生,"医生说。"你看那位圣洁的艾略特使徒可好啊?可是我看你的样子很苍白,亲爱的先生;看来你在荒野中的这次旅行过于疲惫不堪了。

6、But methinks there is a lack of that earnest and precise attention on your Majesty which men show to a welcome guest of a degree so far above them. ─── 不过我觉得他们对待陛下缺乏人们对待地位比自己高得多的贵宾那种诚恳而周到的照顾。

7、Methinks the power to do herself so ill a turn was dearly bought. ─── 我认为把她自己害得这么惨的魔力是用高价买来的。

8、Still methinks there is an air comes from her ─── 可是我仍然觉得她在往外呼气。

9、Methinks a mortal doth approach! ─── 我想有一个凡人到来了!

10、Methinks I see thee,now thou art so low,as one dead in the bottom of a tomb. ─── 在我看来你现在情绪这么低落,就像坟墓底下的一具死尸。

11、But methinks, dear sir, you look pale; ─── 可是我看你的样子很苍白,亲爱的先生;

12、Methinks indeed you are weeping! ─── 在我看来,你们难道不是在哭泣么!

13、Give me a clear blue sky over my head, greengrass beneath my feet, a winding road before me, and let methink! ─── 头顶蓝天,脚踏绿茵,眼望蜿蜒小路,一种想法油然而生!

14、But, O, methinks, how slow this old moon wanes! ─── 但是唉!这个旧的月亮消逝得多么慢

15、So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand, ─── 你的容颜我以为永远驻定

16、Seed, H.B., etal, Clay Strength under Earthquake Loading Condition, Journal of the Soil Methinks and Foundation Division.ASCE, 92.SMZ, March, 1966. ─── 郁寿松,石兆吉,等.上海地铁隧道震陷的计算分析[J].地震工程与工程振动.1986年3月6卷1期.

17、Sun Quan: But methinks that his logic has a little sense, though I felt something had gone wrong in it. Let me have a second thinking anyway. ─── 孙权:偶觉张昭说得好象有点道理,但又感到有哪里不对劲,容偶再细细想一想。

18、There's more to this than meet the eyes, methinks. ─── 这焦外差太多了,而且天塞焦没对准。

19、Methinks I can remember my last glance at it, just as the iron-plated lid fell down. ─── 我还记得那最后一眼,就在铁皮盖关上的一瞬间。

20、Methinks, it is wrong. ─── 据我看来,这是错的。

21、Cassio. An inviting eye; and yet methinks right modest. ─── 凯西奥一双动人的眼睛;可是却有一种端庄贞静的神气。

22、Hamlet: Methinks it is like a weasel. ─── 我认为,它像一只黄鼠狼。

23、Methinks it were but poor courtesy, and cold regard to Holy Church to leave him afoot here in the forest. ─── 要是我们把他留在森林里,又无马可骑,那将是对神圣教会不礼貌的冷漠表现。

24、Welcome, good Cambio. [To TRANIO] But, gentle sir, methinks you walk like a stranger.May I be so bold to know the cause of your coming? ─── (向特拉尼奥)可是这位先生好像是从外省来的,恕我冒昧,请问尊驾来此有何贵干?

25、Yon kiss, Crevecoeur, came tenderly off -- methinks it was ominous. ─── 我想它可是个强有力的预兆。”

26、Hmm. Apes that evolve into something humanlike? Pretty unlikely, methinks. ─── 嗯,类人猿进化成和人类一样?我想不太可能。

27、"Methinks that the moment my legs began to move, my thoughts began to flow. " ─── “我的腿开始移动,我的思想开始漫游。”

28、To whom, when sickened with the praises of all other men, I could daily betake myself, and known as the vilest of all sinners, methinks my soul might keep itself alive thereby. ─── 能够让我在受到别人赞扬得难过的时候,随时到他那儿去一下,让他知道我是一切罪人中最可耻的,我想,这样我的灵魂或许还可得以生存。

29、Said the first poet, "Methinks I see with my third eye the fragrance of this wine hovering in space like a cloud of birds in an enchanted forest." ─── 第一位诗人说道:"我似乎用我的第三眼,看到这美酒醇郁的香气在空中弥漫,就像一群飞鸟翩跹于一片迷人的林间。"

30、Queen: The lady doth protest too much, methinks. ─── 王后:我觉得那女人表白心迹的时候,说话过火了些。

31、Methinks I long to die to receive that last and final purification which shall usher me into heaven. ─── 我渴望死去,以致能得到最终之洁净,引导我进入天国。

32、I'd rather not post it all here. Too much text, methinks, and I doubt you'll care anyways. ─── (我不想将它们全部发布在这里。自己觉得文字太多,并且我怀疑你们会不会关注。)

33、For methinks thou stay'st too long. ─── 快去,我想着你已该起身。

34、But methinks, dear sir, you look pale; as if the travel through the wilderness had been too sore for you. ─── 可是我看你的样子很苍白,亲爱的先生;看来你在荒野中的这次旅行过于疲惫不堪了。

35、10.THESEUS Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour Draws on apace; four happy days bring in Another moon; but, O, methinks, how slow This old moon wanes! ─── 忒修斯:美丽的希波吕忒,现在我们的婚期已快要临近了,再过四天幸福的日子,新月便将出来;但是唉!

36、But methinks, dear sir, you look pale, as if the travel through the wilderness had been too sore for you. ─── 可是我看你的样子很苍白,亲爱的先生; 看来你在荒野中的这次旅行过于疲惫不堪了。

37、I must to the barber's, mounsieur;for methinks I am marvellous hairy about the face; ─── 咱一定得理发去,先生,因为咱觉得脸上毛得很。

38、J: Hmm. Apes that evolve into something humanlike? Pretty unlikely, methinks. ─── 约翰逊:嗯,类人猿进化成和人类一样?我想不太可能。

39、Methinks thou art too late!" ─── 你要干什么?”他小声说。

40、” Methinks it should be so with thee. ─── 你也应该有相同的感受。

41、Harriet:Srunningly horridious ego desperately seeks a good bashing.Can we oblige?Methinks so. ─── 臭气熏天的自负,纯属找抽型。想逼我?我是这么认为。

42、HELENA So methinks; And I have found Demetrius like a jewel, Mine own, and not mine own. ─── 海丽娜:我这是这样想。我得到了狄米特律斯,像是得到了一颗宝石,好像是我自己的,又好像不是我自己的。

43、"the girl was half won;and methinks a kiss from her sweet lips might have made me altogether human. ─── 可怜的羽毛头回答,“姑娘本来快答应了,俺以为只要她甜甜的嘴唇亲上俺一下,俺就能完全变成人了。

44、Methinks these words are worthy of being written as with a diamond on a rock forever. ─── 我想这两节圣经,眞值得用金钢钻记录在盘石上,永远保存起来。

45、But still, methinks, it must needs be better for the sufferer to be free to show his pain, as this poor woman Hester is, than to cover it up in his heart. ─── 话说回来,我认为,一个受折磨的人能够像这可怜的妇人海丝特这样,有自由来表达自己的痛苦,总比全都闷在心里要强。”

46、"Truly, friend; and methinks it must gladden your heart, after your troubles and sojourn in the wilderness,"said the townsman, "to find yourself, at length," ─── "真的,朋友,我想,你在人迹罕到的地方历经劫难之后,"那个镇上人说,"终于来到我们这块敬仰上帝的新英格兰,心里一定挺高兴的;

47、Ah, well, methinks tha he thinks tha if he took off'is clothes, he'd have a lower Armor Check penalties. ─── 呃,俺想,他大概认为要是他把衣服脱光,他的防具检定减值就会降低。

48、Thou hast lost thy forwardness and fire, methinks, at the Court, where others find both. ─── 我想你是在宫廷里失掉了你的冲劲和火气。而别人却和你相反。”

49、Think of MeThink of me, Think of me fondly, When we've said goodbye.Remember me once in a while, Please promise meYou'll try. ─── 想念我,请深情地想念我在我们离别以后请答应我你会试着偶尔地想念我。

50、Methinks I have a great desire to a bottle of hay. ─── 咱想,咱怪想吃那么一捆干草;

51、Methinks an intergreted approach to the three doctrines will offer a one-size-fits-all solution to our dilemma. ─── 笔者认为,如果我们能够将中、西、马哲学统一到价值论哲学之中,那么,这一难题就有可能获得真正的解决.

52、Methinks I was nearly in this frame of mind;the world lay about at this angle. ─── 我以为我是在这样的思维的框框中,我对周围世界的看法是从这样的角度看的。

53、but, methinks, that Saturn, being combust, threatens danger and infortune to the party sent; ─── 不过我认为,土星既然主火,那么就被派遣者来说,这可是一个危险的凶兆。

54、HIPPOLYTA Methinks she should not use a long one for such a Pyramus; I hope she will be brief. ─── 希波吕忒:我想对于这样一个宝货皮拉摩斯,她可以不必浪费口舌;我希望她说得短一点儿。

55、Iago. What an eye she has! methinks it sounds a parley of provocation. ─── 伊阿古她的眼睛多麽迷人!简直在向人挑战。

56、HERMIA Methinks I see these things with parted eye, When every thing seems double. ─── 赫米娅:我觉得好像这些事情我们都用昏花的眼睛看着,一切都化作了层叠的两重似的。

57、88. J: Hmm. Apes that evolve into something humanlike? Pretty unlikely, methinks. ─── 约翰逊:嗯,类人猿进化成和人类一样?我想不太可能。

58、Your last two letters, methinks, have more nerve and will in them than usual, as if you had erected yourself more. ─── 你后来的这两封信有比以往更多的意志和勇气,仿佛是你更加挺直了腰板。

59、Methinks it were but poor courtesy, and cold regard to Holy Church to leave him afoot here in the forest. ─── 要是我们把他留在森林里,又无马可骑,那将是对神圣教会不礼貌的冷漠表现。”

60、Methinks the grade is more convictive... ─── 其实,上什麽学校并不重要。。。

61、"Methinks, gentlemen, we need inquire no further!" ─── 依我看,诸位先生,我们无需再问了。

62、And yet methinks I have astronomy,But not to tell of good or evil luck,Of plagues, of dearths, or seasons' quality; ─── 可是我以为我也精通占星学,但并非为了推算气运的通蹇,以及饥荒、瘟疫或四时的风色;

63、BOTTOM Methinks, mistress, you should have little reason for that. ─── 波顿:咱想,奶奶,您这可太没有理由。

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