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10-02 投稿


mousy 发音

英:['maʊsɪ]  美:['maʊsi]

英:  美:

mousy 中文意思翻译



mousy 网络释义

adj. 胆小如鼠的;灰褐色的;像老鼠的

mousy 短语词组

1、a mousy person ─── 胆小鬼

2、mousy brown ─── 鼠棕色

3、mousy polo ─── 老鼠马球

mousy 相似词语短语

1、bousy ─── 喝醉的

2、mousily ─── 老鼠般地

3、lousy ─── adj.讨厌的;多虱的;污秽的;极坏的

4、mouse ─── n.鼠标;老鼠;胆小羞怯的人;vt.探出;vi.捕鼠;窥探

5、mopsy ─── 莫普西

6、mousey ─── adj.像老鼠的;多鼠的

7、tousy ─── adj.蓬松的;权宜的;简陋的

8、mousery ─── n.育鼠处

9、mossy ─── adj.苔藓覆盖的,长满苔藓的,苔藓状的;老派的,极端保守的

mousy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Noboby could, not with a mousy little person like Melanie. ─── 没有人会爱上象梅拉妮那样的小耗子模样。

2、a mousy grownish-gray color; mouse-colored hair; a mouselike rodent. ─── 带褐色的灰颜色;鼠灰色的毛发;鼠灰色的啮齿动物。

3、""Please don't call me mousy ─── ""请不要叫我小老鼠。

4、mousy odor ─── 鼠[样]臭味

5、If Reese did have talent, it was hiding under her skinny, mousy frame and her Coke-bottle glasses. ─── 如果里斯确实有天分的话,那也是给她纤细的身材和厚如可乐瓶底儿的眼镜遮盖住了。

6、Forget about that image of librarian as a mousy bookworm. ─── 这两个调查,访问的样本人群大概不一样。

7、The inspector remembered her as a small, mousy woman, invariably worried. ─── 检查员记得,她是一个矮小、安静腼腆、总是忧心忡忡的人。

8、and Zhang Yuan's Green Tea, in which she plays two roles, a mousy student and a sexy pianist. ─── 在张元执导的《绿茶》,她分饰两角:一个胆小如鼠的学生,另一个则是性感的钢琴手。

9、a mousy grownish-gray color; mouse-colored hair; a mouselike rodent ─── 带褐色的灰颜色;鼠灰色的毛发;鼠灰色的啮齿动物

10、Slide 3-1 This is a case of a child with tinea favus.The lesions on the bilateral parietal temple are the concave sulfur-yellow crusts with a distinctive mousy odor. ─── 幻灯3-1这是一例黄癣患儿的头皮损害,顶颞部大片硫黄色的黄癣痂,有鼠臭味;

11、To get into a mousy frame of mind, designate a period of time during which you will focus entirely on a given activity. ─── 为了能进入“老鼠”心态,可以指定一段时间,在这段时间里,你要完全注意于某件活动上。

12、The mousy man looked up ─── 那个胆小的男人抬起头来。

13、a mousy grownish-gray color; ─── 带褐色的灰颜色;

14、He was aged between 25 and 30, with a medium build and collar-length mousy hair. ─── 他年龄在25到30岁之间,中等体格,有一头长至衣领的暗棕色头发。

15、To get into a mousy frame of mind, designate a period of time during which you will focus entirely on a given activity. ─── 为了能进入“老鼠”心态,可以指定一段时间,在这段时间里,你要完全注意于某件活动上。

16、The mousy man looked up. ─── 那个胆小的男人抬起头来。

17、grown lank with fasting; lank mousy hair. ─── 因挨饿而长的很瘦;细而暗灰褐色的。

18、Admiration for European hair made even mousy brown tones a more desirable option than black, while younger Japanese of both ***es sought to express individuality with a palette of colors. ─── 报道说,日本女性到了一定年纪会通过染发来遮盖生出的白发。

19、a mousy face. ─── 一张鼠脸

20、She has let her hair go a mousy brown, and looks "drawn, even ill. ─── 她的头发变成了灰褐色,看上去“憔悴,甚至有些病态”(混血王子5)。

21、He was accompanied by his mousy little wife. ─── 他有个羞怯的小妻子相伴。

22、Nobody could, not with a mousy little person like Melanie. ─── 谁也不会的。同媚兰这样一个耗子似的小个儿。

23、The same thin girl with the mousy brown hair still stared back at me in the mirror, but somehow the words had finally blossomed in my heart. ─── 镜子里面一个同样瘦弱,一头灰棕色头发的女孩在盯着我,但是这句话终于在我的心中开花了。

24、The chestnut2) curls were gone, replaced by a mousy mum-bob3) (“easier with the kids”). ─── 她那栗色的鬈发已经不在了,取而代之的是一头灰褐色的妈妈式短发(“更方便带孩子”)。

25、Mousy sets up a scheme to run away leaving th eimpression that he has been murdered. ─── 小老鼠更制造一件谋杀自己的凶案来逃走,好让施家不再找寻他。

26、Her hair needs washing rather badly: its mousy color can hardly be natural. ─── 她的头发脏得可以,有待洗涤;它的那种鼠灰色大概不会是天然的。

27、The same thin girl with the mousy brown hair still stared back at me in the mirror, but somehow the words had finally blossomed in my heart. ─── 我说。同样瘦弱,一头灰棕色头发的女孩在镜中盯着我,但是温柔的话语终于在我的心中开花了。

28、An' dey thinks dey wants mousy lil gals wid bird's tastes an' no sense at all. ─── 他们想要的是耗子般的小姑娘,胃口小得像雀子,一点儿见识也没有。

29、’ They had girlfriends to date, pretty girls who could fill out a strapless dress, but they also had some mousy little thing to do their work for them. ─── 他们有一些女性朋友们去约会,那些可爱的姑娘们可以将一件无吊带的背心穿在身上,但是她们能为他们做的只是些微不足道的小事。

30、he hardly speaks to meexcept to make Elena laughlike when he calls me mousy ─── 他几乎一句话也不对我说,除非是为了逗埃莱娜笑,就像他叫我小老鼠的时候那样。

31、1.shy; bashful; timid; modest; mousy; sheepish 2.to be shy of ─── 羞怯

32、Mousy, a kid from a poor family, is sold aas adopted son into a well-to-do household. ─── 施家少爷有病,施夫人往庙宇求神,庙祝教她收养一乾儿子小老鼠来灾,原来正是小老鼠的父亲想将儿子卖往富贵人家的计划。

33、I've told him a hundred times not to call me mousy ─── 我告诉他一百次了别叫我小老鼠。

34、Paid for my transformation from mousy assistant ─── 她出钱把我从怯懦的助理

35、8. He was a pleasant North countryman, small, almost mousy, with white hair and black eyebrows. ─── 他来自北部乡村,生性活泼,个子矮小,鹤发浓眉,胆小如鼠。

36、mousy hair. ─── 灰褐色的头发

37、If Reese did have talent, it was hiding under her skinny, mousy frame and her Coke-bottle glasses. ─── 如果里斯确实有天分的话,那也是给她纤细的身材和厚如可乐瓶底儿的眼镜遮盖住了。

38、Her hair needs washing rather badly: its mousy color can hardly be natural. ─── 她的头发脏得可以,有待洗涤;它的那种鼠灰色大概不会是天然的。

39、""Run and fetch it,Mousy." ─── ""跑步去拿,小老鼠。

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