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10-04 投稿


recentness 中文意思翻译



recentness 相似词语短语

1、precentress ─── 优先

2、ferventness ─── 热情

3、frequentness ─── 频度;频率

4、reverentness ─── 崇敬

5、recenters ─── vt.重定位;回到中心位置

6、decentness ─── 正派

7、recentres ─── 秒

8、ancientness ─── 古老

9、presentness ─── 现在

recentness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Despite the recentness of its discovery, C. roenbergensis is one of the commonest creatures on the planet. ─── 尽管其发现历史不长,Cafeteriaroenbergensis是我们这个星球上最常见的物种之一。

2、Her mind travelled over the recent events. ─── 她在心里把最近发生的事情一一想了一遍。

3、The sexual assault kit indicates recent condom use. ─── 性袭击检查显示最近使用过避孕套

4、The recent statement of the president forecast a change in the situation. ─── 总统最近的一次讲话预示着形势将有所变化。

5、I am writing with rerspect to your recent letter. ─── 专此奉覆你近日的来函。

6、Her lecture took in all the recent developments in the subject. ─── 她的讲座将该学科的新发展全部包罗在内。

7、Her recent conduct is beyond the pale. ─── 她最近的行为令人难以忍受。

8、His recent death overshadowed the family gathering. ─── 他最近去世给家庭聚会蒙上了阴影。

9、The president's recent death set the stage for a military coup. ─── 总统最近死后,酝酿着一场军事政变。

10、Thanks to his strong constitution, Jack was able to pull through his recent serious illness. ─── 幸亏他体质好,杰克才得以平安度过了最近这场大病。

11、Despite her recent stroke, she is quite rational. ─── 她尽管最近曾患中风, 但头脑仍很清醒.

12、The idea of the weekend is a recent invention. ─── 周末的概念是近期才出现的。

13、In the recent crisis no banks could manage to bail out the companies feeling financial pressure. ─── 在最近的这次危机中,没有一家银行能帮助那些处于困境的公司渡过难关。

14、He is ruminating on recent events. ─── 他正在思考最近发生的事。

15、We will mail you our most recent catalogue. ─── 我们将寄给你我们的最新目录。

16、In spite of her recent election success, she remains first and foremost a writer, not a politician. ─── 尽管她最近竞选获胜,但她首先是一位作家,而不是一位政治家。

17、Her recent achievements have silenced her critics. ─── 她近来取得的成果让那些批评她的人无话可说了。

18、Several large banks in America and Europe folded up during the recent economic crisis. ─── 在最近的经济危机中,美国和欧洲的几家大银行倒闭了。

19、He made pointed (ie obvious) references to the recent scandal. ─── 他有针对性地提到最近的丑闻。

20、Your recent work has been below standard. ─── 你最近的工作一直低于标准。

21、His thoughts kept running on recent events in India. ─── 他一直想著最近在印度发生的事。

22、Overseas tourism has boomed in recent years. ─── 尝试出境旅游的中国人也越来越多。

23、What you've heard is the recent news. ─── 你听到的是最新消息。

24、We must build on our recent success. ─── 我们必须依靠现有的成功

25、It is great to hear about your recent promotion. ─── 听说你近来得到了提升,这好极了。

26、I cannot forbear from expressing my opinion about your recent mistakes. ─── 对于你最近的一些错误我不能不表示我的意见。

27、His most recent works were favorably reviewed. ─── 他的最新作品获得好评。

28、Do you know about the recent hijack in Iran? ─── 你知道最近在伊朗发生的一起劫机事件了吗?

29、Concern about ecology is a recent development. ─── 对生态的关心是最近才有的事。

30、I haven't heard that expression before is it a recent coinage? ─── 我以前从未听到过这个词语--是最近新造的吗?

31、His recent comments savour of hypocrisy. ─── 他近来说的话有点虚伪。

32、In a recent article she strikes out at her critics. ─── 她最近写了一篇文章对批评她的人予以猛烈回击。

33、In spite of the recent setbacks in sales, the general manager spoke with assuredness at the meeting. ─── 尽管最近销售受到挫折,总经理在会上的讲话还是很自信。

34、His recent novel is reckoned as the worst of the year. ─── 他最近问世的小说被认为是本年度最差的一本。

35、At the meeting he gave a sketch of recent happenings. ─── 会上他简述了最近发生的事件。

36、Much of this sharing is recent,only 5 years old. ─── 很多这类共同学习的活动是最近才出现的,只有5年的历史。

37、Your recent work hasn't been up to standard. ─── 你最近的工作达不到标准。

38、The company cleaned up on their recent business arrangement. ─── 公司在最近的一次买卖中赚了一笔钱。

39、His recent novel is a fine literary effort. ─── 他新近的小说是一本文学佳作。

40、The opposition speaker made a lively speech, lacing into the government for its recent inaction. ─── 反对党的演讲者作了一次生动的演讲,抨击了政府最近的无所作为。

41、His recent run of bad luck has cooled him off. ─── 他最近一连串的倒霉事件使他兴趣降低了。

42、The recent criticism she's had seems to have washed right over her. ─── 她最近受到批评不过是水过地皮湿无大影响。

43、Judging by recent form, he should easily pass the exam. ─── 从他最近的表现来看,他应该很容易考及格。

44、The more recent down turn in home sales, he added, is "a temporary problem" that should reverse itself once declining interest rates take hold. ─── 他又说,最近房屋售出率下降是“暂时问题”, 一旦利率持续下降,应会自动回升。

45、Sales of home computers have taken off in recent years. ─── 家庭电脑的销售量近年来上升很快。

46、A recent survey of public opinion showed that most people were worried about the increasing crimes. ─── 一份最近的民意调查表明,大多数人对不断增长的犯罪率表示忧虑。

47、You'd better commiserate john on his recent misfortune. ─── 你最好对约翰最近的不幸表示同情。

48、Considering the recent salary decrease, their discontentments are obvious. ─── 想想最近的工资削减他们不满的原因就很明白了。

49、Despite the recentness of its discovery, C. roenbergensis is one of the commonest creatures on the planet. ─── 尽管发现时间很短,咖啡厅洛博金斯是这个星球中最常见的生物。

50、Can you quote a recent instance? ─── 你能举出一个最近的例证吗?

51、In spite of his recent misbehaviour, he is, at the bottom, a good man. ─── 尽管他最近表现不好,但他本质上还是一个好人。

52、He is much put about by their recent behaviour. ─── 他们近来的行为使他十分焦虑。

53、A college student or recent college graduate. ─── 大学生大学在校生或新近毕业的大学生

54、On the evidence of their recent matches it's unlikely the Spanish team will win the cup. ─── 从西班牙队最近的比赛情况来看,他们难以在这一锦标赛中夺标。

55、He reviewed his policy in light of recent developments. ─── 他根据最近的事态发展重新考虑自己的方针。

56、To this speculation recent discoveries give weight. ─── 对于这个推测,近来的发现提供了有力的证据。

57、They briefed the press about the recent happenings. ─── 他们向报界通报最近发生的事情。

58、They were completely burned up by the recent fire. ─── 在最近这场火灾中,他们家产全被烧毁了。

59、A recent graduate experiencing the real world for the first time. ─── 一个刚毕业首次体验现实世界的毕业生

60、I'm sorry I can't judge of the recent happenings. ─── 很抱歉,对最近发生的事,我无法作出评价。

61、An advanced student or a recent graduate undergoing supervised practical training. ─── 实习生接受有指导性实践训练的高年级学生或新毕业的学生

62、She chattered on and on about her recent trip. ─── 她喋喋不休地谈她最近的旅行。

63、He made pointed references to the recent scandal. ─── 他有针对性地提到最近的丑闻.

64、I hadn't heard that expression before ; is it a recent coinage? ─── 我以前从未听到过这个词语,是最近新造的吗?

65、The chart show the company's rapid growth in recent year. ─── 图表显示了该公司近年来的迅速发展。

66、The bank folded up during the recent economic crisis. ─── 在最近的经济危机中,这家银行倒闭了。

67、Sport has become much more commercialized in recent years. ─── 体育运动近几年更加商业化了。

68、Have you any comment(s) to make on the recent developments? ─── 你对最近的事态发展有什麽评论吗?

69、As can be seen, Shanghai has being changed greatly in recent years. ─── 可以看出,上海近年来发生了巨大的变化。

70、Our price remain unchanged in spite of the recent rise of the market. ─── 尽管最近市场需求增加,我们的价格依然没变。

71、In answer to your recent inquiry, the book you mention is not in stock. ─── 您近日询问的书暂时无货,谨此奉覆。

72、As absent because of a recent bereavement. ─── 层舱可为六位乘客提供卧铺。

73、Recent changes in the tax law are clearly set out in the booklet. ─── 在那本小册子里清楚地描述了近来税务法的变更情况。

74、He is a recent convert to Christianity. ─── 他最近改信基督教了。

75、I am sorry I am no judge of the recent happenings. ─── 很抱歉,对最近发生的事,我无法做出评价。

76、Her dress is a recent importation from France. ─── 她的衣服是新近从法国来的进口货。

77、The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia. ─── 兔子在澳洲是较为近期引进的动物。

78、He ruminated over / about / on recent events. ─── 他反复思考最近发生的事。

79、His recent behavior puzzles me. ─── 他最近的行为使我迷惑不解。

80、The President is at the center of a recent scandal over revelation about his financial interests. ─── 总统因近来被揭露涉嫌金融权益问题而成为丑闻的主角。

81、His recent illness has taken it out of him. ─── 他最近这场病使他变得虚弱不堪。

82、I know nothing at all about the recent happenings there. ─── 对那里近来发生的事我一点儿也不知道。

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