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10-03 投稿


meteorous 发音


英:  美:

meteorous 中文意思翻译





meteorous 相似词语短语

1、meteorites ─── n.[地质]陨石(meteorite的复数形式);[天]陨星

2、meteorists ─── 陨石

3、meteors ─── n.[天]流星(meteor的复数)

4、meteorol. ─── 流星。

5、meteoroids ─── n.[天]流星体(meteoroid的复数);太空武力(游戏名)

6、-pterous ─── 翼状的

7、metestrous ─── 米

8、metoestrous ─── 甲地孕酮

9、meteoroid ─── n.[天]流星体

meteorous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A giant meteor smashed into Earth and blocked out the sun, so the dinosaurs had nothing to eat and died. ─── 不是说一个巨大的流星撞击了地球,挡住了太阳,因此,恐龙没有什么食物可吃,被饿死了。

2、Key words: utopia, daily life, The Meteor Garden, Cinderella. ─── 关键词:乌托邦,日常生活,流星花园,灰姑娘。

3、Spawned by Halley's comet , which last buzzed the planet in 1986, the tiny space rocks are the seeds of the annual Orionid meteor shower. ─── 地球目前正穿过这个由星屑组成的空间。上次穿行是在里根总统任职期间。

4、Niuniu poor trapped inside the bubble, with a meteor to protect themselves. ─── 可怜的牛牛被困在泡泡里面了,要用流星保护自己。

5、How do astronomers predict meteor showers? ─── 天文学家如何预示流星雨?

6、Not every star can be the wishing star except for the meteor. ─── 不是每颗星都可以许愿,但是流星做到了。

7、I can't find any evidence of a meteor or anything like that ever being in the marsh. ─── “我找不到任何流星或任何类似物体存在沼泽内的证据。”

8、Yet given a feeling of its own, the sword would soon burn its glow out, fleeting as a meteor. ─── 但剑若也有情,它的光芒是否也就会变得和流星一样短促。

9、Experts believe that a meteor of that size finds its way to the earth only once in 50,000 years. ─── 专家们相信,如此巨大的陨石落地大概50000年才会发生一次。

10、Summer is the season for shooting stars, and this year could be among the best as the annual Perseid meteor shower promises to be better than usual. ─── 夏天是流星的季节,而今年将是观测流星最好的时机,预计一年一度的英仙座流星雨会比往常更精彩。

11、The son said, @It looks like a meteor to me, Dad. ─── 儿子说:“爸,那看起来像是一颗流星,

12、A meteor flew across the Draco. ─── 一颗流星,横穿苍龙星宿。

13、A meteor has crashed onto the planet, unleashing millions of alien creatures which roam the Earth. ─── 一颗流星坠落行星上,释放出上百万个异形入侵地球。

14、If you see to a meteor,Can you give it that bitter period of five days already long boy. ─── 如果你看到一颗流星,你能不能把它送给那个苦候已久的男孩。

15、Several theories link polarity flips to external disasters such as meteor impacts. ─── [参考译文]些理论将两极转化现象归因于诸如陨星撞击等外部因素。

16、 双语使用场景

17、Great achievements have been gained from Leonid Meteor Shower observations and researches during the period of 1998-1999. ─── 1998-1999年的狮子座流星雨观测研究取得了十分丰富的成果。

18、One must be quite patient to witness such a swarm, or a meteor shower, as the swarms cross the earth's path only once every 33 years. ─── 人们必须有足够的耐心,才能等到亲眼目睹流星团或"流星雨"发生的那一天,因为流星团穿越地球轨道每33年才有一次。

19、The 2006 Leonid meteor shower will be much less intense than in 2002, but will be near its predicted peak this weekend. ─── 2006年狮子座流星雨的效果将比2002年稍差些,但预期流星雨高峰期将在这周末到来。

20、Experts think the meteor landed about 20,000 years ago. ─── 专家分析,这颗流星大约是在20000年前坠落于此的,

21、But photographer Tony Rowell still managed to catch one bright Lyrid meteor. ─── 但摄影师托尼仍然设法捕获了一颗明亮的流星。

22、A meteor suddenly shot across the sky. ─── 一颗流星急速掠过天空。

23、Patty Ronney, 49, said she had never seen a single meteor before leaving home. ─── 49岁的帕蒂-龙尼说她在离开家赶到威尔逊山之前,从来没有见到过流星。

24、The stars above broke through the canopy, streaming by like a meteor shower, and the world spun away swiftly from me in darkness. ─── 头顶上的星星刺破天幕,如流星泻雨般飞驰,我周围的世界在黑暗中飞快地旋转开去。

25、If you like Meteor, here are some other games you should also try! ─── 如果你喜欢流星,这里有几个类似的游戏,也许你也想试试吧!

26、Comets are probably the most numerous astronomical bodies in the solar system aside from small meteor fragments and the asteroids. ─── 在太阳系中,除流星小碎块和小行星之外,彗星也许可以说是数量最多的天体了。

27、"If I yelled because I saw a meteor coming toward you, would you listen then? ─── “如果我高声叫喊,是因为我看见有一颗流星正朝你俯冲而来,那你会不会听我的话?”

28、This year's Perseids meteor shower will occur from Tuesday night to early Wednesday. ─── 今年的英仙座流星雨将在12日晚至13日凌晨出现。

29、Oliver(1942, 1948)has followed meteor trails to measure winds. ─── 奥利弗(1942,1948)曾跟踪流星尾迹测量风。

30、In 1972, an unusually bright meteor from space was witnessed bouncing off Earth's atmosphere, much like a skipping stone can bounce off of a calm lake. ─── 1972年,一颗来自太空异常明亮的掠地流星被目击到进入了地球的大气,有些像在一片平静的湖面上打水漂一样。

31、In 1996, the Geminids meteor shower generated fairly intense storms against a dark moon-less sky, which excited most observers. ─── 1996年在没有月亮的暗空中出现了相当强烈的双子座流星雨,观察者因此而兴奋不已。

32、The Geminids is one of the northern skies most reliably performing meteor showers and did not disappoint last year. ─── 双子座流星雨是北半球最可靠的流星雨之一,去年并没有让人失望。

33、He can tell you one about the meteor story. ─── 他会告诉你一个关于流星的故事。

34、Martian meteor and a micro-organism from Australia join forces to prove whether life could have started in outer space. ─── 一块来自火星的陨石和澳洲的微生物组织为外太空是否可能发源生命提供了力证。

35、It was made by a meteor that fell from space. ─── 它是由流星从太空中坠落造成的。

36、At the same time, the number of large meteor impacts declined sharply. ─── 与此同时,巨大陨石冲击的次数骤然下降。

37、Because I am grown up. Trouble! Not what he was only in my life a meteor. ─── 因为我长大了。烦!不能代表什么,他只是我生命中的一颗流星。

38、At several specific times of a year, great meteor showers occur. ─── 在一年的几个特定时间里,会发生大规模的流星雨。

39、In the early morning of 13 th,Perseus Meteor shower appeared as it promised which made the sky beautiful. ─── 13日凌晨,英仙座流星雨如约绽放,惊艳夜空。

40、It is the most noteworthy Leonids meteor shower to date. ─── 因为这年的流星雨成为迄今为止最为壮观的。

41、The Perseid meteor showers, is that right? ─── |英仙座流星雨 对吧?

42、A couple is sleeping at the Stanley Beach Thousands of spectators leave garbage on Wednesday morning after watching the most spectacular meteor shower in33 years.18 Nov,98. ─── 千多人在赤柱海滩欣赏完33年难得一见的流星雨后,在星期三早上遗下大量垃圾。

43、Theoretically, their heir's theory of meteorology can explain the meteor. ─── 从理论上讲,他们的继承人的气象理论能解释这种大气现象。

44、Certain regions have more debris than others, so we have meteor showers on those nights. ─── 一些区域比其他区域有更多的尘埃,因为在那样的夜晚我们可以看到流星雨。

45、There's no need to worry about such a huge meteor will ever land near you. ─── 你不用担心这么大的陨石会降落在你的身边。

46、Nature is now providing a Beautiful show each night for persons living in the northern half of the world. The show is a meteor shower. ─── 大自然现在每天晚上正在为居住在北半球的人们展示出美丽的景象。这种景象就是陨石雨。

47、Stone: The author can control this. Lightning, meteor shower, ice geysers and fire jets can all be toggled off and on. ─── 作者可以控制。闪电,流星雨,冰川或者火箭雨可以被设置成打开或关闭。

48、As long as there is ideal in our heart ,all can make a wish toward the meteor at any time at us. ─── 只要我们心中有理想,在任何时候我们都能向流星许愿。

49、The best meteor display of the summer comes during the second week of August, during the Perseid event. ─── 夏季最精彩的流星表演将出现在8月的第2周、英仙座流星雨爆发期间。

51、Like bright moonlight, city lights can completely blot out a meteor shower. ─── 和明亮的月光一样,城市的灯光也会挡住大部分流星雨的光芒。

52、At any rate,the original dragon enshrined the entire meteor that fell through the atmosphere there,through that tunnel behind you. ─── 不论如何,最初的龙将这整块穿过大气圈的陨石安置在穿过你身后隧道的另一侧了。

53、Days later, Columbus saw a large meteor fall from the sky. ─── 几天后,哥伦布看见一颗大流星从天空坠落。

54、Orionid Meteor Shower Peaks Sunday Morni. ─── 周日黎明最佳观赏猎户座流星雨。

55、Okay, relied the crab. By the way, the meteor also caused some worms to lose their homes. I crafted a small box for you and filled it with worms. ─── 好吧,蟹说道,顺便问一句,流星坠地还使一些蚯蚓流离失所。这是我为你精心制作的小盒子,里面装满了好多蚯蚓。

56、You sudden and negligent gift is,like the meteor in the night of fall,burning in my life. ─── 你刹那见不经意的馈赠,像秋夜的流星,在我的身心深初着了火。

57、Played during summer nights, the dragon is like a meteor attracting a lot of insects. ─── 夏夜舞耍时,流星闪烁,引来飞虫追逐,

58、Then a smart threshold is obtained from the minimum mean of different segments of background noise and used to detect the meteor trail echo. ─── 再根据流星干扰的分布特点分段计算背景噪声均值,求取流星干扰检测门限;

59、Combining those frames which captured meteor flashes, he produced this dramatic view of the Perseids of summer. ─── 尽管彗星尘埃颗粒是彼此平行进入大气层,但看到的景象是从英仙座某点以一定的角度发射出来。

60、Oliver (1942,1948) has followed meteor trails to measure winds. ─── 奥利弗(1942,1948)曾跟踪流星尾迹测量风。

61、This year's Perseids meteor shower was a good one, as it was particularly active and corresponded with the dark skies that come with a new moon. ─── 今年的英仙座流星雨很利于观测,因为今年流星雨特别活跃,而且在黑暗的天空中只有一轮新月。

62、With the view of meteor shower Soundtrack Special Edition release about what time? ─── 一起来看流星雨原声音乐特别版大概什么时间发行?

63、Looks back on past events' time, remembers these like meteor to delimit the life love. ─── 回首往事的时候,想起那些如流星般划过生命的爱情。

64、A faint meteor was also caught in the view, but approaching a conjunction, brilliant Venus and ebright Jupiter dominate the skyscape. ─── 在日落后拍摄的这张影像里,向上延伸的楔形辉光称为黄道光,它是太阳系盘面尘埃反射阳光的产物。

65、They both wondered whether it was indeed a meteor. ─── 他们两个人想知道那是否真的是流星。

66、It must be a meteor,@ the farmer told his son. ─── 农夫告诉儿子:“那一定是颗流星。”

67、Have you seen meteor shower? In the past two years, we have many opportunities to see it. ─── 你见过流星雨吗?在过去的两年里,我们有很多机会可以一睹它的风采。

68、Skygazers are getting ready to watch the annual Perseid meteor shower, which peaks on Wednesday. ─── 天文爱好者正准备观看本年度英仙座流星雨,周三晚频率达到最高。

69、"We only know about the ones that happen to intersect Earth's orbit and cause meteor showers such as the Perseids or Leonids. ─── “我们仅仅知道那些恰好和地球轨道相交,会引起流星雨的云团,例如英仙座和狮子座流星雨。”

70、The Lyrid meteor shower peaks this year during the predawn hours of April 22. ─── 今年4月22日黎明前数小时中天琴座流星雨将出现峰值。

71、If it was too small, it burned up in the bloated atmosphere, like a meteor. ─── 如果太小,它就会像流星般,在厚实的大气层中烧掉。

72、But what didn't scare me, but was very soothing, was watching this cosmic meteor shower. ─── 但是没有吓着我,而是给我极大安慰的是我看到了这宇宙间的流星雨。

73、He says that he has seen a meteor at some time. ─── 他说有一次他看到过一颗流星。

74、In fact, it is thought that a meteor killed the dinosaurs millions of years ago. ─── 事实上,有人认为在数百万年前就是一块陨石造成所有的恐龙灭绝。

75、In fact, sightings of the meteor, as bright as the Full Moon, were widely reported throughout the Netherlands and Germany at approximately 17:00 UT. ─── 事实上,这颗火流星亮如满月,在荷兰和德国等地有广泛的观测报告,报告时间在国际标准时17:00左右。

76、Several people witnessed the meteor of many colors. ─── 一些人目睹了这颗色彩斑斓的流星。

77、It turns out that the Atavus were already on Earth before humans were - and that they were forced underground by a meteor shower. ─── 它说阿塔人在地球人以前就已经在地球上了,并且由于流星雨的缘故躲入地下。

78、At night there is a meteor shower. ─── 今天晚上有流星雨。

79、Comet dust rained down on planet Earth last August, streaking through dark skies in the annual Perseid meteor shower. ─── 8月末将有一场流星雨降落地球,这就是一年一次的英仙座流星雨。

80、Large meteor impacts may have occasionally thickened and warmed the atmosphere. ─── 大型陨石的撞击则可能偶发的使大气密度及温度增加。

81、TOO LONG:Object could be a satellite, diffraction spike, meteor, charge bleed, CCD crosstalk or even a real fmo. ─── 太暗:如果轨迹无法在放大的图片上被容易地辨认出来,请不要再次上报这个目标。

82、To help answer this question, astronomers studied in some detail the Quadrantid meteor shower that occurred over this past weekend. ─── 为了回答这个问题,天文学家们对上周末发生的象限仪座流星雨进行了仔细的观测。

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