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sanguinary 发音

英:[ˈsæŋɡwɪneri]  美:[ˈsæŋɡwɪnəri]

英:  美:

sanguinary 中文意思翻译



sanguinary 网络释义

adj. 血腥的;流血的;残暴的

sanguinary 短语词组

1、sanguinary sailboat ─── 血腥帆船

2、sanguinary ant ─── [医]血红蚁

3、sanguinary priest ─── 嗜血牧师

4、sanguinary vambraces ─── 吸血鬼的血

5、sanguinary bloody ─── 血腥的

sanguinary 词性/词形变化,sanguinary变形

副词: sanguinarily |

sanguinary 相似词语短语

1、penguinery ─── 企鹅产地

2、sanguines ─── adj.乐观的;满怀希望的;面色红润的;vt.血染;以血沾污;n.血红色

3、sanguinarily ─── adv.流血地;嗜杀地,凶暴地

4、sanguinely ─── 乐观地;充满希望地

5、sanguify ─── 放血

6、sanguinaria ─── n.血根草属

7、sanguine ─── adj.乐观的;满怀希望的;面色红润的;vt.血染;以血沾污;n.血红色

8、sanguinity ─── n.血色;乐天

9、penguinry ─── 企鹅园

sanguinary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、sanguinary ant ─── 血红蚁

2、2. A sanguinary encounter seemed daily imminent between the two parties in the street of Baltimore. ─── 双方随时可能在巴尔的摩大街上掐住对方的脖子。

3、Once he was punished for a sanguinary assault, and his connection with Wimbledon ceased in 1514 when he "falsely and fraudulently erased the evidences and tenures of the lord. ─── 在1514年,此公因残暴伤人而受惩罚,他连蒙带骗地抹去了证据和勋爵的余荫,之后便与温布尔登断了联系。

4、well , picture to yourself a future more gloomy still - certainly frightful , perhaps sanguinary . ─── 嗯,可是您不得不为将来画一幅更可怕的画面,或许会更惨!

5、1.dripping with blood; bloody; bleeding; 2.[Figurative] bloody; sanguinary; crimson ─── 血淋淋

6、this bitter and sanguinary war ─── 这场痛苦与流血的战争

7、Even if they lived in the blood district plain for several annuals and had not looked a so sanguinary attack for well. ─── 就算他们在血域平原生活了多年,也从来没有见到过这么血腥的攻击。

8、The museum abjures "emotionalism", which may be why it is oddly bloodless given its sanguinary story. ─── 就算他们在血域平原生活了多年,也从来没有见到过这么血腥的攻击。

9、For was it not your fatal and sanguinary intention to destroy that son of whom M. de Morcerf was so proud? ─── 你本来发誓,要毁灭马尔塞夫先生非常引以自傲的那个儿子,但您没有那么做。”

10、A sanguinary struggle ─── 流血的斗争

11、sanguinary battle ─── 血战

12、A despised enemy has often maintained a sanguinary contest, and renowned states and kings have been conquered by a very slight effort. ─── 遭人鄙薄的军队往往坚韧勇猛,声名赫赫的国家却常常不堪一击。

13、The museum abjures "emotionalism" , which may be why it is oddly bloodless given its sanguinary story. ─── 博物馆坚决放弃使用“感情主义”,这也是为什么它奇怪而无情的展示了其血腥的故事。

14、the sanguinary Mecca Incident ─── 麦加流血事件

15、With sangfroid the sanguinary man bangs his sanguine son against the hanger in the hangar. ─── 残暴男子从容地把乐观的儿子往飞机库里的挂钩上猛撞。

16、In the late Warring States Period, leaders of dozens of kingdoms divide the land and fight viciously to expand their territories in sanguinary civilears. ─── 战国末期,群雄争霸,英雄辈出。各国有志之士纷纷走出国门大展鸿图。卫鞅就是这样一位有志之士。

17、a sanguinary ruler ─── 残暴的统治者

18、Blood is common word and sanguinary is learned one;Home is common word and domestic is learned one; ─── 口语可以在早晨锻炼后读一会,那么现在是不是也要每天用英语写点什么呢?

19、The museum abjures “emotionalism”, which may be why it is oddly bloodless given its sanguinary story. ─── 博物馆坚决放弃使用“感情主义”,这也是为什么它奇怪而无情的展示了其血腥的故事。

20、a sanguinary fool ─── 大傻瓜

21、I can't change my sanguinary inbeing,never.I can feel that the tears come by my face.Kill myself is the best,maybe.so Please. ─── 我无法改变我的粗鲁的性格,我能体会到眼泪从脸上流过。也许自杀才是最好方式。

22、You will need a lot of tactical skills, because your sanguinary enemies will fight to the last man! ─── 你意志需要许多兵学的技术,因为你的流血敌人意志打架到最后男人!

23、Ensanguined bloodstained gory sanguinary blood-soaked ─── 出血的,血淋淋的

24、He is alike to datura, the dependence blood is a nutrient, has deadly perilous, cruel sanguinary, so, he is too standing single. ─── 他与曼陀罗一样,依赖鲜血为养份,有着致命的危险,残忍血腥,所以,他也是孤独的。

25、Wage sanguinary wars;militaristic and aggressive(policy) ─── 穷兵黩武

26、a sanguinary stream ─── 血流如注

27、With sang-froid the sanguinary man bangs his sanguine son against the hanger in the hangar. ─── 残暴男子从容地把乐观的儿子往飞机库里的挂钩上猛撞。

28、a sanguinary disposition [villain] ─── 生性残忍 [残暴的恶棍]

29、I can't change my sanguinary in being, never. I can feel that the tears come by my face. Kill myself is the best, maybe. so Please. ─── 我无法改变我的粗鲁的性格,我能体会到眼泪从脸上流过。也许自杀才是最好方式。

30、Bloodstained ensanguined blood-soaked sanguinary gory ─── 血污的,血红色的

31、Bloody, gory, sanguinary, sanguineous The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "attended by or causing bloodshed" ─── 这些形容词都有“被伤害流血或造成流血”的意思

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