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10-03 投稿


Milesian 中文意思翻译




Milesian 短语词组

1、Milesian school ─── 米利都学派

Milesian 相似词语短语

1、Milesians ─── 米莱西安

2、Silesian ─── adj.西莱亚西的

3、Salesian ─── n.方济各·撒肋爵的信徒;慈幼会教徒

4、Silesia ─── n.西里西亚(中欧一地区)

5、Salesians ─── 慈幼会

6、millesimal ─── adj.千分之一组成的;千分之一的;n.千分之一

7、Milesian ─── adj.爱尔兰的;n.爱尔兰人;米利都的;米利都的居民

8、Silesians ─── 西里西亚人

9、milesimo ─── 米莱西莫

Milesian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、3 - The Milesian school is important, not for what it achieved, but for what is attempted. ─── 米利都学派是重要的,并不是因为它的成就,而是因为它所尝试的东西。

2、butthe South Irishman,the Milesian,who sees thingsupside down habitually. ─── 而是指南爱尔兰人,他们常常倒过来看待事物。

3、but the South Irishman, the Milesian, who sees thingsupside down habitually. ─── 而是指南爱尔兰人,他们常常倒过来看待事物。

4、Let us assume that you, the Milesian standing in the square listening to Thales, know perfectly well what the word everything means. ─── 让我们假定,你,那个站在广场上听泰勒斯演说的米利都人,非常清楚地知道一切事物是什么意思。

5、yourself in the shoes of our ancient Milesian who has just heard these words for the first time. ─── 在我们古代的米利都人立场,设想你头一次刚刚听到这句话。

6、1 - The Greeks were rash in their hypotheses, but the Milesian school, at least, was prepared to test them empirically. ─── 希腊人是勇于大胆假设的,但至少米利都学派却是准备从经验上来考查这些假设的。

7、Together they formed what we call the Milesian School of Pre-Socratic philosophy. ─── 他们三人一起形成了我们经常说的前苏格拉底哲学的米利都学派。

8、The categories of whole & part in graeco-philosophy have in the course of its evolution experienced three stages. From Milesian School to Eleatic School was the embryonic stage of the categories of whole and part. ─── 整体与部分范畴在古希腊哲学中的演进,大致经历了三个阶段:从米利都学派到爱利亚学派,是整体与部分范畴的萌芽阶段;

9、Milesian school ─── 米勒学派

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