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medina 发音

英:[meˈdiːnə]  美:[me'di:nə]

英:  美:

medina 中文意思翻译



medina 词性/词形变化,medina变形


medina 短语词组

1、lina medina ─── 麦地那线

2、assemblyman jose medina ─── 议员何塞·梅迪纳

3、chris medina ─── 美国偶像

4、Medina worm ─── [医] 麦地那龙线虫

medina 相似词语短语

1、Medina ─── n.麦地那市(沙特阿拉伯西部城市)

2、medians ─── n.[数]中位数(median的复数)

3、medaka ─── n.青鳉(产于日本、中国和朝鲜)

4、mediant ─── n.中音;[数]中间数

5、medinas ─── n.麦地那市(沙特阿拉伯西部城市)

6、medical ─── adj.医学的;药的;内科的;n.医生;体格检查

7、media ─── n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉

8、medivac ─── 救伤直升机

9、medigap ─── n.补充性医疗保险

medina 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Medina of Tunis ─── 突尼斯城的阿拉伯区

2、The group raided Cieneguillas prison in the Mexican state of Zacatecas in under five minutes, freeing the 53 prisoners using 10 vehicles without a shot fired, according to Gov.Amalia Garcia Medina. ─── 墨西哥警方说,星期六,武装分子仅用五分钟就袭击了监狱,释放并用10辆交通工具运车了53囚犯,没有开一枪。

3、The most expensive one of all is Gates’ mansion off 73rd Avenue Northeast in Medina. ─── 最昂贵的一栋是盖茨位于麦迪那东北73大道上的 豪宅。

4、Geek Magic with Tomas Medina ─── 小丑魔术

5、Eduardo Medina Mora, the sacked attorney-general, was a former businessman and a powerful and independent figure. ─── 被解雇的爱德华多•梅迪纳•莫拉曾经是位商人,也是一位颇具影响力的独立人物。

6、Doug Medina, senior director of enterprise marketing at Huges, said ISS was chosen because it had a program to take the company through all the requirements. ─── 麦道的高级主管企业营销在预科阶段说,国际空间站被选中,是因为它有一个计划,采取公司通过所有要求。

7、Medina worm ─── [医] 麦地那龙线虫

8、Kick-off is scheduled for 20.45 local time at the Constant Vanden Stock Stadium in Brussels and the match will be officiated by Luis Medina Cantalejo of Spain. ─── 比赛将于当地时间20:45在布鲁塞尔的范登斯托克球场开打,比赛将由西班牙裁判麦地那执法。

9、Jorge Medina : A player from Quilmes Buenos Aires. ─── 来自布宜诺斯艾利斯的奎梅斯。

10、Medina collaris ─── n. 白瓣麦寄蝇

11、On this day in 622, the prophet Muhammad completes his Hegira, or “flight,” from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution. ─── 公元622,先知穆罕默德完成了他从麦加到麦地那的流亡或“逃跑”,避免了被处决。

12、Medina joined the company in 2007 and has served as the chief financial officer of Wal-Mart Puerto Rico and most recently of Wal-Mart Chile. ─── 梅迪纳2007年加入沃尔玛,曾担任波多黎各分公司的首席财务长,目前在沃尔玛智利分公司任职。

13、Suitable for welding of low carbon steel,medina carbon steel,low ally steel and their cast etc. ─── 适用于焊接低碳钢、中碳钢、低合金钢及铸件等。

14、The inmates are likely connected to the Gulf Cartel, a powerful drug cartel operating in northern Mexico, Medina said in a statement Saturday. ─── 这些囚犯似乎与海湾的卡特尔企业有关联,这家企业是墨西哥北部的强大的医药企业。

15、When jordans they saw Riohacha from dunks ridge in the mountains, General Victorio Medina had been shot. ─── 烧开水不能去除化学有害物及重金属,自来水的二次污染和一些劣质桶装水令人担忧!

16、7 Medina JE, Byers RM. Supraomohyoid neck dissection: rationale, indications, and surgical technique. Head Neck, 1989,11:111-122. ─── 中华耳鼻咽喉科杂志1999年第4期第34卷继续教育园地作者:徐震纲屠规益单位:100021北京中国医学科学院协和医科大学肿瘤医院头颈外科...

17、Book online the cheapest hotels in Medina Sidonia - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Medina Sidonia 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

18、You have seen, in Medina were good training, including his mental state is fine in the new season without any problems. ─── 你已经看到了,麦迪在训练当中状态很好,包括他的精神状态也不错,迎接新赛季没有什么问题。

19、We see it in Julio Medina, a former inmate who leads a faith-based program to help prisoners returning to society. ─── 我们看到麦地那身上的美国特质,这位前囚犯带领一个以信仰为基础的项目,帮助囚犯重回社会。

20、Medina said he had to do a good job of playing to prepare to resist the pain, he did not like his actual age (29 years) so young. ─── 麦迪表示自己已经做好了抵抗伤痛打球的准备,可他并不像自己实际年龄(29岁)那么年轻。

21、Prophet Muhammad Mosque in Medina ─── 和麦地那

22、Republican Guard Medina Division ─── 共和国卫队麦地那师

23、Mind you this is a man who got lost in the Marrakech Medina. . . now if it had been Fez, we might have understood. ─── 值得一提,这男人曾经在梅迪纳的马拉喀什迷过路。如果这是菲斯的话,我们大概可以理解。

24、At the age of40 he began to preach as God's prophet of the true religion. Mohammed established a theocratic state at Medina after622 and began to convert Arabia to Islam. ─── 他四十岁时开始作为真正的宗教的上帝的先知传教。穆罕默德在公元622年以后在麦地那建立了一个政教合一国家并使阿拉伯半岛皈依伊斯兰教。

25、Hostilities followed between Mecca and Medina which ended at last in a treaty. ─── 于是麦加与麦地那之间进入战争状态,最后只好以签订条约了结此事。

26、General research can only reach the detection limit of 106 cfu/ml. Medina et al used SPR-immunochemical methods to detect E. Coli O157:H7.The direct detection of bacteria cells provided low responses. ─── Coli O157:H7 和沙门氏菌,扩展了表面等离子体共振(SPR)生物传感器对微生物的检测限,并实现了快速检测。

27、Software Description: About Islamic wallpaper of Medina, This is an Islamic wallpaper of Medina. ─── 软件许可:免费软件这是麦地那的一张伊斯兰教的壁纸。

28、Iraqi Republican Guard's Medina Division ─── 伊拉克共和国卫队麦地那师

29、, Trevino Arteaga,Coah., Medina Arteaga,Coah., Menchaca Arteaga,Coah. ─── 在Arteaga,Coah.的另一个姓氏 : Quiroga Arteaga,Coah.

30、Medina said that the return to the stadium is a breakthrough, he said: "Back to the golf course feeling very good and be able to pitch in the run up under a great feeling. ─── 麦迪表示,回归球场就是突破,他说:“回到球场的感觉真好,能够在场上跑上跑下的感觉很棒。”

31、Medina quartzite ─── 麦迪纳石英岩

32、American Idol initially portrayed Chris Medina as a star in the making. ─── 美国偶像”一开始将Chris Medina描绘成一个即将升起的明星。

33、Chaphalocrocis medina ─── 稻纵卷叶螟

34、The Field Trial of Some Chlorpyrifos EW on Controlling Chaphalocrocis medina Guenee ─── 几种毒死蜱EW防治水稻稻纵卷叶螟的田间药效试验

35、Their brain is working harder than it should," Medina says. ─── 这些青少年的大脑本应可以轻松完成,现在却非常困难。”

36、Medina del Campo, Treaty of ─── 坎波城条约

37、In recent years, well-heeled Europeans have started to flee the more touristy Marrakesh for Essaouira, where they stay in luxurious riads in the medina and sunbathe on the pristine white beaches. ─── 近年来,富有的欧洲人已经把旅游点从马拉喀什转移到索维拉,在那,他们住进非欧洲人聚集区的豪华酒店享受着纯朴洁白滩的日光浴。

38、Medina Division ─── 麦迪纳师

39、Medina malayana ─── n. 黑瓣麦寄蝇

40、They say, "If we return to Medina, surely the more honourable (element) will expel therefrom the meaner. ─── 他们说:“如果我们返回麦地那,尊荣者必将卑贱者驱逐出城。”

41、The main commercial street that leads to the medina starts from here. ─── 它是通向麦地那的主要商业街起点。

42、Medina came to the south, there are two channels, the right to warm rooms, mosques and residential areas to the left. ─── 来到麦地那的南部,这里有两条通道,右方前往温房,左方前往清真寺和住宅区。

43、but he escaped with his faithful friend and disciple, Abu Bekr, to the friendly town of Medina which adopted his doctrine. ─── 但是他和他的忠实朋友兼信徒阿布 - 贝克一起逃到了采纳他的学说的友好城市麦地那。

44、At a local charity that offers food to the poor, Mexican American activist Pancho Medina says the law targets Hispanics. ─── 提供食物给穷人,墨西哥美国活动家潘乔梅迪纳说,这项法律目标的西班牙人。

45、The prize winner from Asian is Medina Marina Rikhvanova. ─── 高曼奖北美地区获奖人是耶稣利昂桑托斯。

46、From Cooperate to Conflict--The Relation of Arab-Jew in Medina Times ─── 从合作到冲突--简析麦地那时期的阿拉伯-犹太关系

47、Pilgrims could be riding the rails to Mecca and Medina at 360kph (225mph) as early as next year, rather than plodding along the kingdom's notoriously crash-prone roads. ─── 最早于明年,朝圣者将以每小时360公里的速度乘铁路到麦加和麦地那市,而不是怨声载道地跋涉在坎坷不平的公路上。

48、It is an exhausting and perilous journey which Juan Medina, a photographer based in the Canaries, has been documenting since 1999. ─── 英国独立报派遣记者前往采访的当周,在毛列塔尼亚首都奴卡卓特(Nouakchott)附近海岸工作的渔夫发现两具残缺不全的尸体,漂浮在海上,随著海浪上下游移著。

49、A single brigade of the "Medina" division was involved in combat. ─── “麦地那”师的一个旅参加了战斗。

50、Defense officials at the Pentagon said the Apaches encountered heavy groundfire during their assault on the Medina armored division. ─── 五角大楼的国防官员表示,美国人在与麦地那装甲师交火的时候遭遇到猛烈反击。

51、Now the team, not only to me and Medina, but with a lot of players such as Barry and Artest, They have a wealth of experience and can give the team a whole lot of help. ─── 现在球队里不但有我和麦迪,而是有了很多球星,比如巴里和阿泰斯特,他们都拥有丰富的经验,能给予整个球队很大的帮助。

52、Medina worn ─── 麦地叩虫

53、The Mamluks revived the caliphate in 1258 and patronized the rulers of Mecca and Medina. ─── 1258年马木路克恢复哈里发的地位,并保护麦加和麦地那的统治者。

54、Jewel of Medina" has since been released in America, but it remains under wraps in Britain. ─── 麦地那珍宝”已经在美国发行,但是在英国,出版商们仍然未敢公开发行。

55、65. Mohammed died in Medina soon after this victory, in 632. ─── 此次胜利后不久,穆罕默德于632年在麦地那去世。

56、The main commercial street that leads to the medina starts from here. ─── 它是通向麦地那的主要商业街起点。

57、QUIROGA, Cecilia Medina ─── 塞西莉亚·梅迪纳·基罗加

58、9.The brigade was split in two groups during fighting and withdrew toward Baghdad and toward Karabela to join the main forces of the ["Medina"] division. ─── 在战斗中,该旅分成两部,并分别撤向巴格达和卡尔巴拉,去加入“麦地那”师的主力部队。

59、Arab prophet of Islam. At the age of40 he began to preach as God's prophet of the true religion. Mohammed established a theocratic state at Medina after622 and began to convert Arabia to Islam. ─── 穆罕默德伊斯兰教的阿拉伯先知,四十岁时开始作为真正的宗教的上帝的先知传教。穆罕默德在公元622年以后在麦地那建立了一个政教合一国家并使阿拉伯半岛皈依伊斯兰教

60、One friend of mine was involved in a close range night battle as part of 1st AD, at Medina ridge I believe. ─── 我的一个朋友作为第一装甲师的一份子经历了一次近距离的夜间战斗,据我的推测是发生在麦迪那山区。

61、Wish Allah make the holy you good every day; wish Mecca's nimbus made you every success; wish Arabian Sea's holy water made all go well with you; wish Medina Temple of Emmanuel made you happy forever! ─── 愿神气使你天天好心情;愿麦加的灵气祝你工作顺利;愿阿拉伯海的圣水祝你万事如意;愿麦地那寺院的灵光祝你永远开心!

62、Instead of focussing his attention on Medina, he should wage war over the broadest territory possible. ─── 即与其集中精力于麦地那,他更应该把战场扩展到更广阔的区域。

63、Private First Class-Crank Medina: We gotta get the hell out of here, man- these things are gonna kill us. ─── 一等兵“爆脾气”麦迪那:我们***必须得离开这里,这些看起来像人的怪物想杀死我们。

64、Please contact me (Beatriz Medina) at the email address below. ─── 请与我联系(比梅迪纳)以下电子邮件地址。

65、Medina fuscisquama ─── n. 褐瓣麦寄蝇

66、Windfall Industries - A MRDD service provider for Medina and surrounding counties offering direct care facility-based Vocational Training. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

67、Defense officials at the Pentagon said the Apaches encountered heavy groundfire during their assault on the Medina armored division. One official said many Apaches were hit by fire. ─── 五角大楼的国防官员表示,美国人在与麦地那装甲师交火的时候遭遇到猛烈反击。一名官员称多名美国人被击毙。

68、Medina cement ─── 米地那水泥

69、medina quartz ─── 中温石英

70、The chaps are selling these at the entrance to the Medina. ─── 小贩在梅迪纳的入口处出售这个玩儿。

71、The Turks sat in Medina “on the defensive, immobile. ─── 土耳其人安坐在城中,“一动不动地防守”。

72、Today Medina Walker on the crown of red anger, and how many have joined Artest of the tube. ─── 今天麦迪对沃克的冲冠一怒,多少和阿泰的加盟有管。

73、It is reflected in Bosnian streets honoring Muslim heroes and central Asian girls named after the holy city of Medina. ─── 它在尊重穆斯林英雄的波斯街头得到反映,在以圣城麦地那命名的中亚女孩那里得到印证。

74、Thank you. We celebrate Islamic New Year to commemorate the historical event that Mohammed and Muslims migrated to Medina. ─── 谢谢!我们庆祝伊历新年是为了纪念穆罕默德和穆斯林教徒们迁徙往麦地那这一历史事件.

75、At the end of the 7th century Jerusalem was recognized as the third holiest city in Islam, after Mecca and Medina, and as a destination for pilgrimage. ─── 在公元七世纪末,耶路撒冷是继麦加和麦地那以后,被公认为是伊斯兰的第三个圣城,是一个朝圣的目的地。

76、From any part of the city follow the signs to "centro ciudad" (all of them will bring you to Calle Medina, eventually). ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日2天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。

77、An experiment was conducted to study the effects of three soil ameliorants(Medina,Kangdibao and Gailiangji)with different concentrations on total salt content and pH value of saline-alkali soils. ─── 在实验室条件下,研究了3种盐碱土改良剂(美地那、康地宝、碱益康)的不同浓度对盐碱土的总盐分和pH值的影响。

78、You see, the king of Saudi Arabia, also known as the Keeper of the Two Holy Mosques of Mecca and Medina, can visit the pope in the Vatican. ─── 沙特阿拉伯的国王,也是麦加和麦地那两个大清真寺的守护人,可以来梵蒂冈拜访教宗。

79、Medina melania ─── n. 暗黑麦寄蝇

80、Until now we've had days off in between our matches but I don't have a day off tomorrow;the whole draw plays fourth round matches and I'm playing Medina Garrigues. ─── 来到这里之后,我有了充分的休息时间,但是从明天开始,我的赛程将会变异常艰难起来。

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