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10-03 投稿


mac 发音

英:[mæk]  美:[mæk]

英:  美:

mac 中文意思翻译




mac 网络释义

abbr. 测量与控制(Measurement and Control);机器辅助识别(Machine Aided Cognition);多路存取计算机(Multi-Access Computer);多功能计算机(Multiaction Computer)n. (Mac)人名;(法、德、罗)马克;(英)马克

mac 词性/词形变化,mac变形


mac 常用词组

freddie mac ─── 房地美(房贷公司);弗雷德马克(财富500强公司之一)

big mac ─── 巨无霸(麦当劳一种汉堡)

mac os ─── Mac操作系统(苹果公司开发的)

mac 短语词组

1、MAC sublayer ─── [计] 介质访问控制子层

2、Mac Pherson ─── 麦克弗森(姓氏)

3、charged water mac ─── 充水mac

4、Get a Mac ─── 去拿个麦克

5、cheatsheet mac ─── 备忘单mac

6、Optimized MAC Computer Flight Plan ─── 优化MAC计算机飞行计划

7、china mac ─── 中国mac


9、cannot retrieve mac address ─── 无法检索mac地址

10、clean my mac ─── 清理我的mac

11、client mac address ─── 客户端mac地址

12、t-mac n. ─── 麦格雷迪(即Tracy McGrady,美国篮球明星)

13、whisky mac ─── 威士忌姜酒

14、Freddie Mac ─── 房地美( ─── 房贷公司);弗雷德马克(财富500强公司之一)

15、MAC Transport Control Center MAC ─── 运输控制中心

16、chromium edge for mac mac ─── 的铬边

17、Mac. ─── [医] 浸渍, 浸软

18、Mac-Mahon n. (MacMahon) ─── 人名;(英)麦克马洪

19、changer langue sur mac air ─── 在Mac Air上切换语言

mac 相似词语短语

1、maco ─── n.原色埃及棉针织物;n.(Maco)人名;(葡)马科;(英)马科

2、macs ─── abbr.多元自控系统(MultiprojectAutomatedControlSystem);中高度通信卫星(MediumAlitiudeCommunicationSatellite)

3、-mac ─── n.(非正式)雨衣;n.(Mac)(美、丹等)马克(人名)

4、marc ─── n.机读目录;(水果,种子等经压榨后的)榨渣;n.(Marc)人名;(塞)马尔茨;(德、俄、法、荷、罗、瑞典、西、英)马克

5、mack ─── abbr.军事空运司令部(MillitaryAirliftCommand);n.老弟;老兄(常用作呼唤语);橡胶雨衣;n.(Mack)人名;(德、意、法)马克;(英)麦克

6、maca ─── abbr.海上空中交通管制局(MaritimeAirControlAuthority);避免冲突的多路访问(multipleaccesswithcollisionavoidance);n.(Maca)人名;(捷)马察;(罗)马卡

7、mace ─── n.狼牙棒;权杖

8、masc ─── abbr.阳性(masculine);海上机载监视与控制

9、mach ─── n.马赫(奥地利物理家);[航]马赫数(飞行速度除以音速)

mac 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X, you should use forward slashes instead. ─── 在Unix、Linux和Mac OS X上,您应改用正斜线。

2、The end station with that IP addre re onds, sending back its MAC addre . ─── 它的主要责任是确保端至端之间的可靠连接。

3、The average price of a Big Mac in four American cities is $2.71. ─── 在美国四个城市的巨无霸的平均价格是$2.71。

4、In the United States, home cooking is often heavy food with lots of carbs, like mac n' cheese or mashed potatoes. ─── 通常,家常菜是含有大量碳水化合物的油腻食物,例如通心粉和奶酪或土豆泥。

5、For each separate segment of data to compute the MAC for that data. ─── 实例来计算这段数据的MAC

6、The MAC passes to the Multi-point MAC Control sublayer all valid frames. ─── MAC把所有有效帧传递给多点MAC控制子层。

7、A week earlier, the government had seized Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. ─── 一周前,政府已经接手了范妮梅喝弗雷德马克公司。

8、The famous "Big Mac index" is also based on this standard. ─── 的“大麦克指数”也是基于这一标准。

9、In fact, you can run multiple Mac OS versions simultaneously, each in their own virtual display window. ─── 实际上,您可以同时运行多个Mac OS版本,每一个版本都有自己的虚拟显示窗口。

10、The funtion of MAC module is media access control and encryption. ─── 媒体控制模块提供媒体访问控制和加密机制。

11、On Mac OS X, REALbasic applications use native Carbon user interface controls. ─── 在Mac OS X,REALbasic应用程序使用原生的Carbon用户界面控件。

12、So Torrey gathered the XonX team around him and set out on a voyage to bring XFree86 to Mac OS X. ─── 因此,Torrey把XonX团队召集到他身边,开始了把XFree86带到Mac OS X上的征途。

13、The average Asian probably knows much about a Big Mac,but has no idea what char kuay teow is. ─── 一般亚洲人想必对麦当劳的巨无霸非常熟悉,但他们恐怕从未听说过char kuay teow这道美味佳肴。

14、Jilin City Yuanjin Road Construction Mac. ─── 吉林市原进筑路机械有限责任公司。

15、Also Mac believes that the continuing investigation into what happened with clay Dobson is nothing but media pressure. ─── Mac仍旧认为内部调查是源于媒体的压力。

16、Pay attention to line endings - PHP uses a native function to parse the input, so a Mac file won't work on Unix). ─── (注意回车换行-PHP使用一个本地函数来解析输入,所以Mac上的文件将不能在Unix上正常工作)。

17、Hey, mac! What do you think you're doing? ─── 喂, 老兄! 你搞什麽名堂呢?

18、Plus, any dummy can use a Mac. ─── 再加上,只要是人都能用它。

19、The Bernie Mac Show won the prestigious Peabody Award back in 2002. ─── 2002年,伯尼麦克赢回了颇具盛名的皮博迪奖。

20、It was from the Mac Group. They were trying to create tablet computers that were modular, and that could be used as full-blown Mac systems. ─── 它们正在设计模块化的平板电脑,希望它可以成为成熟的Mac系统。

21、But for Mac users who need to run a few Windows programs some of the time, Parallels 7 is a fine product. ─── 如果你是Mac用户,仅仅有时需要运行一些Windows程序,那么PD7这个产品应该适合你。

22、And we designed it all into the Mac. ─── 于是,我们把这些东西全都设计进了计算机中。

23、Allows you to change the adapter's MAC address. ─── 允许您更改适配器的MAC地址。

24、The MAC address changes at each hop or router. ─── 但MAC位址在每个跳跃或路由器会改变。

25、Define and describe the function of a MAC address. ─── 定义MAC地址并描述其功能。

26、Which networking devices use the MAC address to make forwarding decisions? ─── 哪一网络装置使用MAC住址发动转寄决定?

27、The Isoflurane MAC in AIA an IA groups were 0.78 and 1.11 respectively. ─── 切皮时的MAC-SI50,IA组为1.11,AIA组为0.78,两组之差0.33MAC

28、"I dreamed Mac told me not to," he said proudly. ─── 他自豪地回答:“我梦见麦克对我说不要尿床。”

29、REAL SQL Server is a fast and reliable database server that runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. ─── REAL SQL Server是快速、可靠的数据库服务器,能运行于Windows、Macintosh和Linux平台。

30、There's Harry Burbeck, he does a fine black-face turn. Mac Lewis is all right at heavy dramatics. ─── 哈莱 - 比尔别克善于扮黑人,麦克 - 刘易土演悲剧没问题。

31、If all goes well for her, "Mac" , as he likes to be called, could be at the centre of American politics for another decade. ─── 现在他是克林顿夫人的竞选经理人。如果克林顿夫人一切进展顺利的话,麦克(他喜欢被人这么称呼)在下一个十年里可能是美国政治的中心。

32、Ningbo Mac Panther Tools Co., Ltd. ─── 宁波麦克潘特工具有限公司。

33、The "Mac Daddy" often asks Chris to do things for him. ─── “万人迷先生”经常要克里斯帮他干点什么事的。

34、In our bank transfer example, assume we use a primitive MAC that hashes the request along with a secret key. ─── 在银行划拨范例中,假设我们使用了一种随秘钥杂凑请求的原始MAC

35、ASP.NET checks the ticket for validity using a message authentication check (MAC). ─── ASP.NET使用消息身份验证检查(MAC)来检查身份验证票的有效性。

36、The pretreatment for AL, HD and ALC were MAC, MeVAM and MeVEC respectively. ─── AL、HD和ALC分别用MAC方案、MeVEC方案和MeVAM方案预处理。

37、In the Mac world, the Stufflt program is very popular. ─── 在mac机中,Stufflt程序使用得极为广泛。

38、And, in those regards, the Mac has failed me. ─── 基于这些关切,Mac在我这里失败了。

39、Some supermarket salads contain more fat and calories than a Big Mac and fries. ─── 一些超市里卖的沙拉比巨无霸和炸薯条含有更多的脂肪和卡路里。

40、If you have a paid.Mac account, you can use Back to My Mac to connect to your other Mac computers over the Internet. ─── 如果您拥有收费.Mac帐户,则可以使用“回到我的Mac”,通过Internet连接到您的其他Mac电脑。

41、MAC can actually do much more than that. ─── MAC 实际上可以比那做的要多得多。

42、Fixed quite a few crashes for both Mac and PC Clients. ─── 修复一些导致苹果和PC客户端崩溃的问题。

43、If you will use a volume as a Mac OS 9 startup disk, select the checkbox to install the Mac OS 9 drivers. ─── 如果您要将宗卷用作Mac OS 9启动磁盘,则选择相应注记格以安装Mac OS 9驱动程序。

44、A MONTH ago we asked if you could tell us how much a Big Mac costs where you live, to compile a crowdsourced version of our Big Mac index. ─── 一个月以前,我们向读者询问了他们居住地巨无霸的价格,目的是编写一份巨无霸指数的众包版本。

45、Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.6 Full Reta... ─── 6硬盘安装助手安装成功(附...

46、"Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain. " "What if it does? I'm not made of paper. " ─── “把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。”“下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。”

47、MAC Address: MAC address of virtual adapter. ─── MAC地址:虚拟适配器的MAC地址.

48、What a pass from yao to MAC! So tmac can still dunk. ─── 姚给麦传的球多么好啊,麦迪仍旧可以灌篮。

49、You came in here to tell me that Big willie is not talking to Mickie Mac? ─── 你进来就为了告诉我 大威利不和米奇·麦克说话?

50、Copy Miis from your Wii back to your Mac and save them as images. ─── 复制 Miis 从您的游戏备份到你的 Mac ,并将它们保存为图片。

51、CD format details: For Unix and Mac, the CD's use the Rock Ridge extensions to the standard ISO-9660 format. ─── CD格式的细节:对Unix和Mac系统,CD用到了标准ISO-9660格式的Rock Ridge扩展。

52、In Mac OS X, Quartz already governs the screen, so one must make arrangements if both are to get along together. ─── 在Mac OS X中,Quartz已经控制了屏幕,所以当这两个一起运行的时候,其中一个必须做出特殊的处理。

53、A Mac can handle AppleTalk on LocalTalk, Ethernet, or Token Ring, it can also handle TCP/IP on Ethernet or Token Ring. ─── Mac能在LocalTalk,Ethernet或tokenRing上处理AppleTalk,并能在Ethernet或token Ring上处理TCP/IP.

54、Two parts: a 2-byte priority value and the 6-byte MAC address of the bridge. ─── 一个2字节的优先级值和一个6字节桥MAC地址

55、A Big Mac bought in Boston is indistinguishable from the same sandwich in Bangkok. ─── 在波士顿买的巨无霸与在曼谷买的汉堡包没什么区别。

56、Operation of the Multipoint MAC Control sublayer is transparent to the MAC. ─── 多点MAC控制子层的操作对MAC是透明的。

57、It may not be compatible with your version of Mac OS X. ─── 它可能与您的Mac OS X版本不兼容。

58、The MAC address is the unique GUID value of the network adapter in the computer. ─── MAC地址是计算机中网络适配器的唯一GUID值。

59、Can friends and colleagues help save Mac Taylor's career before it's too late? ─── 好友与同事是否能够帮助Mac挽救他的职业生涯?

60、In this paper, a new class of binary sequences called MAC sequences and it′ s properity are introduced. ─── 介绍了一种任意长度的理想相关峰值二元序列(mac序列)其性质和应用。

61、Lyrics by Hong Ji-You / Composed by Eun -vi / Arranged by Mac Dabby ... ─── Go Young- Jo,Lee Jung -Kya等众多实力雄厚的作曲家门的参与使得DANA的这张新专 .

62、I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts. ─── 周末之前,我必须搞定这台MAC机。

63、Returns the computed Message Authentication Code (MAC) after all data is written to the object. ─── 在所有数据写入对象后返回计算所得的消息验证代码(MAC)。

64、MAC protocols that are adopted in control network include CSMA/CD,Token Bus and master-slave MAC. ─── 在控制网络中常用的媒体访问控制协议是:CSMA/CD、令牌总线和主从式媒体访问控制协议。

65、Using Back to My Mac you can access all of the computers you use with your.Mac account. ─── 使用“回到我的Mac”,您可以使用您的.Mac帐户的所有电脑。

66、Select the hard disk that contains the Mac OS 9 System Folder in a Finder window. ─── 在Finder窗口中选择包含Mac OS 9“系统文件夹”的硬盘。

67、Look, mac, you want to make some big money? ─── 嘿,哥们,想发财吗?

68、BACnet protocol employs CSMA/CD as its medium access technology in MAC sublayer. ─── BACnet协议在其 mac子层采用了 CSMA/ CD介质访问技术。

69、Download and read the Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac Resource Kit version 2. ─── 下载并阅读Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac Resource Kit version 2。

70、Restore our idea of the MAC a d d r e s s . ─── 为什么我们平时能改MAC地址了吧。

71、If you're erasing a disk and plan to use the disk with Mac OS 9, select the checkbox to install the Mac OS 9 drivers. ─── 如果您要抹掉一个磁盘,并且计划在磁盘上使用Mac OS 9,请选择相应注记格以安装Mac OS 9驱动程序。

72、If we damn Mac Gregor, then history will damm us. ─── 如果我们谴责麦克格雷格,那么历史就会谴责我们。

73、Fixed Mac keyboard shortcut for Preferences to conform to standard Mac shortcut. ─── 修正了键盘优先快捷键,使之与标准的比赛快捷键相适应。

74、Big Mac' is McDonald's best-known trademark. ─── 巨无霸”是麦当劳最著名的商标。

75、ARP is the universal tool for matching IP addresses to MAC addresses. ─── ARP是把IP地址映射到MAC地址的通用工具。

76、The modifier for the MAC key. ─── MAC键的修饰符。

77、In Oslo you can expect to pay around $7 for a Big Mac. ─── 在奥斯陆,你得为一个巨无霸支付7美元。

78、His real name is Mr Mac Donald, but he has the nickname" Mac" . ─── 他的真名是麦克唐纳先生,但他的爱称是“麦克。”

79、No more advertise for MAC, right ? Please turn over... ─── 不要再为MAC卖广告了,对吗?请转到后页...

80、How many hexadecimal digits are in a MAC address? ─── 多少十六进制的数位在MAC位址?

81、MII makes it possible to support different media under the MAC Control Sublayer and the Reconciliation Sublayer. ─── 它使得在 mac层和协调子层 (RS)之下可以支持不同的介质类型 .

82、If you're using a desktop Mac, drag the sliders that control sleep for the computer and display. ─── 如果您使用的是Power Mac、iMac或eMac,请拖移控制电脑和显示器进入睡眠状态的滑块。

83、Mac and Linux users can connect to Google Talk using other IM clients. ─── 在华军软件园找了一个汉化,实在看不懂英文可以凑合用这个。

84、Mac is for work.Get a Boot camp and a WinXP... ─── 回复:两个困惑我这个苹果人3个多月的问题,现在还是没有答案!

85、Mac OS X: audio device opening code has been rewritten. ─── Mac OS X版本:重写了打开音频设备的代码。

86、He filmed MAC catalog on 4th of May in Jeju island. ─── 他于5月4日在济州岛拍摄了MAC服装目录。

87、There is one for Unix and Mac already (it uses bash and cron), but Windows users still need a solution. ─── Unix和Mac已经有了这样的一个脚本(它使用了bash和cron),但是Windows用户仍缺少解决方案。

88、Power Mac G5 PowerBook 1.33GHz Mac, Music, Design, XMB!! ─── 先用搜寻讨论区的方式找以前相关的讨论吧!

89、After installing Windows and the Boot Camp drivers, you can start up your Mac in either Windows or Mac OS X. ─── 在安装Windows和Boot Camp驱动程序之后,您就可以选用Windows或Mac OS X来启动您的Mac电脑。

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