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10-03 投稿


rumpled 发音

英:[ˈrʌmpld]  美:[ˈrʌmpld]

英:  美:

rumpled 中文意思翻译



rumpled 短语词组

1、rumpled bed ─── 皱巴巴的床

2、rumpled up ─── 皱巴巴的

3、rumpled my hair ─── 弄皱了我的头发

4、rumpled chicken ─── 皱褶鸡

5、rumpled structure ─── 褶皱结构

6、rumpled tunic ─── 皱褶束腰外衣

rumpled 词性/词形变化,rumpled变形

动词过去分词: rumpled |动词现在分词: rumpling |动词第三人称单数: rumples |动词过去式: rumpled |形容词: rumply |

rumpled 相似词语短语

1、unrumpled ─── 无障碍

2、dumpled ─── 倾倒的

3、rumples ─── vt.弄皱;弄得乱七八糟;vi.弄皱;变凌乱;n.皱褶;皱纹

4、rumbled ─── vt.使隆隆响;低沉地说;vi.隆隆作响;n.隆隆声;抱怨声;n.(Rumble)人名;(英)朗布尔

5、crumpled ─── v.弄皱,起皱(crumple的过去分词);adj.摺皱的,弄皱的;(人倒地后)身体扭曲的

6、rimpled ─── v.弄皱;生皱

7、rumple ─── vt.弄皱;弄得乱七八糟;vi.弄皱;变凌乱;n.皱褶;皱纹

8、scrumpled ─── 擦伤的

9、frumpled ─── 不完整的

rumpled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That rumpled mattress was terribly uncomfortable. ─── 褥子没有铺平,躺在上面硌得难受。

2、He wears rumpled, nondescript suits, drives his own car, drinks Cherry Coke, and is more likely to be found in a Dairy Queen than a four-star restaurant. ─── 他穿皱巴巴的普通西装,亲自开车,常喝"樱桃可乐",多数情况下是光顾"戴瑞王后"这样的小饭馆,而不是四星级的豪华酒店。

3、To the east and northeast, the glacier is covered by ash and other volcanic debris, giving it a rumpled, brown look. ─── 在东部和东北部,冰川为尘埃和其他火山碎屑所覆盖,看起来是一种皱巴巴的棕色。

4、His uniform was rumpled. ─── 他的军服皱皱巴巴。

5、He got it out, rumpled and wilted, and it mightily increased his dismal felicity. ─── 他不知道,要是她了解此事,她会不会同情他,她会哭吗?

6、rumpled feathers ─── 乱蓬蓬的样子衣服七皱八折

7、"Exhibit A, " he said, and my heart rate increased, but all he held up was a rumpled New York Times. ─── “展品A,”他说,我的心率开始加速,不过他举出来的只是一张皱巴巴的《纽约时报》。

8、The bed was rumpled where he had slept. ─── 床上他睡过的地方乱糟糟的。

9、He wears rumpled,nondescript suits,drives his own car,drinks Cherry Coke,and is more likely to be found in a Dairy Queen than a four-star restaurant. ─── 他穿皱巴巴的普通西装,亲自开车,常喝“樱桃可乐”,多数情况下是光顾“戴瑞王后”这样的小饭馆,而不是四星级的豪华酒店。

10、She rumpled his hair playfully. ─── 她顽皮地弄乱他的头发。

11、a rumpled gray suit. ─── 摺皱的灰色套装。

12、And the way a rumpled, well-loved bed is so much more inviting than a pristine one. ─── 这张凌乱的可爱小床远比一张整齐的更具诱惑力。

13、His hat was on the back of his head, his hair was widely rumpled. ─── 他帽子耷拉在脑后,头发蓬乱。

14、Wendy: Peter Pan, oh, Peter.I knew you’d come back.I saved your shadow for you.Oh I do hope it is not rumpled . ─── 温蒂: 小飞侠,哦,我知道你会回来的,我替你保存着影子,真希望没把它弄皱。

15、Mary rumpled her dress by sitting on the floor. ─── 玛丽坐在地板上,因而把衣服弄皱了。

16、until I met rumpled, smelly, old Michael. ─── 直到我遇见邋遢的臭麦克,

17、Grace, looking tired and rumpled, climbs out of her seat nearby. She looks down at her doughy body. ─── 格蕾丝从旁边的链接单元里爬出来她看上去即郁闷又疲惫她垂头丧气地看着自己软弱无力的的身体。

18、I looked down at my rumpled sweater, Wal-Mart jeans, and $11 tennis shoes. ─── 我打量了一下自己皱折的汗衫、从沃尔玛买的牛仔裤以及花11美元购买的网球鞋。

19、The bed was rumpled and strewn with phonograph records ─── 那张床上凌乱不堪,散放着一些唱片。

20、the rumpled sheet ─── 被弄绉的床单

21、"Why,what bloodshot,draggled,dishevelled spectacle,is this"cried Mortimer"Are my feathers so very much rumpled"said Eugene,coolly going up to the looking - glass. ─── 莫蒂梅惊叫道:“你怎么样,双眼充血,衣服散乱,披头散发!”尤金说:“难道我真是那么乱蓬蓬的吗?”她边说边冷静地走向镜子旁边。

22、The bed was rumpled where he had slept. ─── 上他睡过的地方乱糟糟的。

23、"Why, what bloodshot, draggled, dishevelled spectacle, is this?" cried Mortimer. "Are my feathers so very much rumpled?" said Eugene, coolly going up to the looking-glass. ─── 莫蒂梅惊叫道:“你怎么样,双眼充血,衣服散乱,披头散发!”尤金说:“难道我真是那么乱蓬蓬的吗?”她边说边冷静地走向镜子旁边。

24、Then, a twisted grey garter looped round a stocking: rumpled, shiny sole ─── 接着是一只歪歪拧拧地套在长袜上的灰色袜带。袜底皱皱巴巴,磨得发亮。

25、Yoda was unreadable as always, his rumpled features com posed in a mask of serene contemplation. ─── 尤达一如既往地难以读懂,他那张皱纹纵横的脸仿佛就是一个宁静安详的面具。

26、Smoke drifts across the bed, the rumpled sheets and bloodstains. The boy looks afraid. The shadows have been talking to him. ─── 烟在床上飘过,床单皱巴巴的,上面还有血污。那男孩看起来很害怕。那些影子们曾和他说过话。

27、Viburnum odoratissimum Ker-Gawl.var. awabuki (C.Koch) Zabel ex Rumpl. ─── 日本珊瑚树 常绿灌木或小乔木 忍冬科 好阳光,宜能耐阴K。

28、Those items that survived were all rumpled and torn from my habit of stuffing my stuff in a hurry. ─── 乱七八糟的原因,就是因为我总是习惯乱堆东西。

29、We can see from the rumpled sheet that the bed has been slept in. ─── 我们从被弄绉的床单可以看出有人在这床上睡过了。

30、She did not wish to go out into the world all rumpled, like the field poppies.It was only in the full radiance of her beauty that she wished to appear. ─── 它们不愿意像田野的罂栗花一般,蓬头垢面地来到这个世界,它一心一意只想艳冠群芳。

31、[15] He did not look or act like his usual self--his face was very red, his hat was on the back of his head, his hair was wildly rumpled. ─── (15)他此时的样子和表现都一反常态----他的脸涨得通红,帽子向后斜戴着,头发也乱成一团。

32、Joining the rumpled J.D. in his exhilarating brave new world are his college buddy, Chris Turk (Donald Faison, "Clueless"), an intern with a more elite surgical group, and J.D.' ─── 一批医学院的学生来到圣心医院开始他们的实习生涯,但是从第一天起就发现这里并不是想象中安详宁静的医学圣地,从医生到护士甚至门卫个个不同寻常。

33、He was an older gentleman, he had a short afro, bucked, crooked teeth and his clothes were rumpled. ─── 他打扮成一个年岁比他大的人,留着非洲式短发,长着突出并且歪曲的牙齿,穿着褶皱的衣服。

34、var. awabuki (K.Koch) Zabel ex Rumpl. ─── 种拉丁名:Viburnum odoratissimum Ker-Gawl.

35、Above the rumpled greenery, red-brown African mahogany trees rose at random, their trunks tall and straight, their limbs sagging with the weight of orchids and ferns. ─── 上面非洲红桃心木自由生长,它们的枝干高大笔直,枝条被兰花和蕨类植物压的向下垂着。

36、His hat was on the back of his head, his hair was widely rumpled. ─── 他帽子耷拉在脑后,头发蓬乱。

37、The wind rumpled her lovely hair. ─── 风吹乱了她美丽的头发。

38、She gave him a hug, kissed his cheek, and rumpled his hair. ─── 她拥抱了他,亲吻了他的面颊,又搓了搓他的头发。

39、The paper criticised the "characteristically rumpled" mayor for at one stage having his hands in his pockets during the ceremony. ─── 该报批评这市长“特有的凌乱”,因为他在闭幕式上把手放在口袋里。

40、Fix got up in a somewhat rumpled condition, and, looking at his adversary, coldly said, `Have you done ?' ─── 这时费克斯的仪表已经很不象话了,他爬起来望着路路通,冷冷地说:“打够了?”

41、My father in his forty-eighth year, rumpled, kind, bankrupt of honor, flushed with certainty. ─── 我的父亲已经48岁,个子不高,心地善良,名声扫地,充满自信。

42、I would walk into work, looking rumpled and barely awake, grumpy and behind everyone else. ─── 而晨练是永远不会被其他事情挤掉地。

43、Wen Xiang turned to look and saw an old man with unkempt hair and rumpled appearance, was holding a wooden staff as he slowly emerged from the recess of a hidden room. ─── 文祥回头一看,一个须发蓬松,衣冠不整的老者,拄著一根木棍,缓缓自璇室深处走出来。

44、Fix got up in a somewhat rumpled condition, and, looking at his adversary, coldly said, 'Have you done?' ─── 这时费克斯的仪表已经很不象话了,他爬起来望着路路通,冷冷地说:“打够了?”

45、a rumpled linen suit ─── 皱巴巴的亚麻布套装

46、Mount Washington rises rumpled and soft above the New Hampshire forests, beyond the brick towns, the old mills, and the cold cities, but not really too far away from anything. ─── 外形匀称、皱折和缓的华盛顿山从美国新罕布什尔州的森林中拔地而起,凌驾于砖砌的小镇、古老的工厂和寒冷的城市之上;

47、Mustering one great final effort, he threw himself toward the table, landing on his knees in a rumpled posture. ─── 集中最后的力量,老人跪着双膝挣扎着移向桌子。

48、She chose her colours with the greatest care.She adjusted her petals one by one.She did not wish to go out into the world all rumpled, like the field poppies. ─── 她精心选择着她将来的颜色,慢慢腾腾地妆饰着,一片片地搭配着她的花瓣,她不愿象虞美人那样一出世就满脸皱纹。

49、The major ferreous mineral in ore is magnetite and major gangue mineral is quartz.Ore has obvious banded structure, but the band isn't zone, and developed rumpled structures. ─── 矿石中主要含铁矿物为磁铁矿,脉石矿物主要为石英,具有明显的条带状构造特征,但条带不平整,揉皱构造发育。

50、" Why, what bloodshot, draggled, dishevelled spectacle, is this?" cried Mortimer." Are my feathers so very much rumpled?" said Eugene, coolly going up to the looking - glass. ─── 莫蒂梅惊叫道:“你怎么样,双眼充血,衣服散乱,披头散发

51、He was an older gentleman, he had a short afro, bucked, crooked teeth and his clothes were rumpled. ─── 他打扮成一个年岁比他大的人,留着非洲式短发,长着突出并且歪曲的牙齿,穿着褶皱的衣服。”

52、her clothing was disheveled; powder-smeared and frowzled; a rumpled unmade bed; a bed with tousled sheets; his brown hair was tousled, thick, and curly- Al Spiers. ─── 她衣冠不整;凌乱的撒了粉的;弄皱的没有整理的床;床上的床单乱成一团;他褐色的头发又乱,又厚,又卷-al.斯皮尔。

53、9. He wears rumpled, nondescript suits, drives his own car, drinks Cherry Coke, and is more likely to be found in a Dairy Queen than a four-star restaurant. ─── 他穿皱巴巴的普通西装,亲自开车,常喝"樱桃可乐",多数情况下是光顾"戴瑞王后"这样的小饭馆,而不是四星级的豪华酒店。收藏指正

54、Wendy: Peter Pan, oh, Peter.I knew you'd come back.I saved your shadow for you.Oh I do hope it is not rumpled . ─── 温蒂:小飞侠,哦,我知道你会回来的,我替你保存着影子,真希望没把它弄皱。

55、He spent two years driving across America in his old, beat-up car, sleeping in the back seat in his rumpled white suit, getting up each day eager to share his idea with someone new. ─── 他花了两年时间在美国走南闯北,开着他那辆老爷车,穿着皱巴巴的白西装睡在后座上,每天早上起来就急着把他的点子分享给新认识的人。

56、his face was very red, his hat was on the back of his head, his hair was wildly rumpled. ─── 他的脸涨得通红,帽子向后斜戴着,头发也乱成一团。

57、That rumpled mattress was terribly uncomfortable ─── 躺在上面硌得难受。

58、She wore rumpled linen suits. ─── 他穿着起皱的亚麻布衣服。

59、At a man in a rumpled business suit holding his children tightly to him while his wife looked on. ─── 他开始环顾四周,看到有个穿着皱巴巴西装的男人紧紧地牵着孩子们的手,他的妻子站在一旁。

60、crumpled paper; her skirt had become creased; a rumpled gray suit. ─── 弄皱的纸;她的裙子起了折痕;摺皱的灰色套装。

61、5. "Why, what bloodshot, draggled, dishevelled spectacle, is this?" cried Mortimer. "Are my feathers so very much rumpled?" said Eugene, coolly going up to the looking-glass. ─── 莫蒂梅惊叫道:“你怎么样,双眼充血,衣服散乱,披头散发!”尤金说:“难道我真是那么乱蓬蓬的吗?”她边说边冷静地走向镜子旁边。收藏指正

62、Five bodies showed up at my triage desk, a pale petite woman and four small children in somewhat rumpled clothing. ─── 一下有5个人出现在我的分诊工作台前,一个脸色苍白的小个子妇女和4个穿着有些皱巴巴衣服的小孩。

63、smooth one's rumpled feathers ─── 重新镇静下来,恢复平静

64、Manacled, rumpled, with his spectacles askew, he had looked both pathetic and desperate.And no wonder. ─── 在那次审判中,他手带镣铐,衣着凌乱,眼镜歪斜,神情看起来既可怜又绝望。

65、I arrived bleary-eyed and rumpled. ─── 我抵达时睡眼朦胧、头发凌乱。

66、Mary rumpled her bed sheet. ─── 玛丽把床单弄皱了。

67、Just for this morning, I will let you wake up softly, all rumpled in your flannel and I will hold you until you are ready. ─── 只是今天上午,我就会让你轻轻唤醒,所有在您的法兰绒皱巴巴,我将您,直到您准备好了。

68、"Are my feathers so very much rumpled? ─── 尤金说:“难道我真是那么乱蓬蓬的吗?”

69、The bed was rumpled and strewn with phonograph records. ─── 那张床上凌乱不堪,散放着一些唱片。

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