marjoram 发音
英:['mɑːdʒ(ə)rəm] 美:['mɑrdʒərəm]
英: 美:
marjoram 中文意思翻译
marjoram 网络释义
n. 墨角兰,[植] 马郁兰(一种唇形科植物)
marjoram 词性/词形变化,marjoram变形
marjoram 短语词组
1、hop marjoram ─── [网络] 忽布奥勒冈
2、sweet marjoram ─── [植物]茉乔栾那(Majorana hortensis或Origanum majorana)
3、marjoram oil ─── [化] 甘牛至油
4、knotted marjoram ─── [网络] 打结马祖林;多节墨角兰
5、oil of marjoram ─── [化] 马郁兰油; 甘牛至油; 花薄荷油
6、pot marjoram ─── [网络] 欧尼花薄荷;盆栽马郁兰
7、wild marjoram ─── [植物] 牛至
marjoram 相似词语短语
1、marmorean ─── marmorean公司
2、marigram ─── n.海潮图,潮汐图
3、marram ─── n.滨草(长在海边的防砂用禾本科植物)
4、marigrams ─── n.海潮图,潮汐图
5、Karakoram ─── n.喀拉昆仑山脉(与喜马拉雅山脉向北接连的大山脉)
6、marconigram ─── n.(马可尼式)无线电报
7、majorat ─── 少校
8、marmoreal ─── adj.冰冷的;大理石的;[岩]大理石状的
9、pot marjoram ─── 盆栽马郁兰
marjoram 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、sweet marjoram ─── marjoram
2、oleoresin marjoram ─── 甘牛至油树脂
3、Ingredients: HA, collagen, evening primrose oil, horse chestnut, argireline peptide, m-tranexamic acid, marjoram. ─── 成份:玻尿酸、胶原蛋白、月见草油、七叶树、六胜肽、传明酸、植物马乔莲。
4、The Egyptian team now plans to look at common culinary herbs, such as marjoram and thyme, to see if they contain compounds that can fight drug resistant bacteria. ─── 埃及的研究小组计划对牛至和百里香等烹调用的植物进行研究,寻找其中是否存在抗菌物质。
5、The sauce is flavoured with herbs, including marjoram and basil. ─── 酱汁加入了各种草药调味,其中包括马郁兰和罗勃。
6、Wild marjoram oil; ─── 牛至油;野牛至油;
7、It is said that marjoram has antiseptic qualities. ─── 据说马郁兰有杀菌的特性。
8、sweet marjoram oil ─── 香马郁兰油
9、Herb Usage ChartSoups chervil, garlic, marjoram, mint, parsley, rosemary, savory, tarra ... ─── 真系唔该哂,香草,真系唔少野...
10、It is said that marjoram has antiseptic qualities. ─── 据说马郁兰有杀菌的特性。
11、golden marjoram ─── 金色牛至
12、Research shows that the scents of certain herbs -- such as lavender, bergamot, marjoram, and sandalwood -- actually alter brain waves, helping to induce relaxation and sleep. ─── 研究表明,事实上,某些草药的气味,如薰衣草,佛手柑,墨角兰,和檀木的气味可以改变脑电波,帮助放松和促进睡眠。
13、Combine salt, marjoram, basil, pepper, and garlic powder in a small bowl. Rub spice mixture all over the pork roast. ─── 先将盐,马乔莲,九层塔叶,黑胡椒粉和蒜粉在一个小碗里充分混合,然后将混合物均匀的涂抹在猪里脊肉上。
14、"How did you like this film?" "Well, as a pig loves marjoram." ─── "你喜欢这部电影吗?""一点都不喜欢。"
15、Stefan Marjoram and his goldden principles on animation ─── 和他的黄金法则
16、Native to the Mediterranean and western Asia, marjoram is cultivated as an annual where winter temperatures kill the plant. ─── 原产于地中海地区和亚洲西部,在北方作为一年生植物栽培。
17、doctors in antiseptic green coats; the antiseptic effect of alcohol; it is said that marjoram has antiseptic qualities. ─── 医生穿着绿色无菌外套;酒精的消毒作用;据说牛至有杀菌的特性。
18、Another blend for uplifting your mood consists of sweet fennel, lemon and sweet marjoram essential oils. ─── 另一个令人振奋的融合为你的心情由甜茴香,柠檬,甜马郁兰精油。
19、Blends well with: Geranium, Lavender, Rose, Neroli, Marjoram, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Rosewood, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang and others.Chamomile adds a soft, warm note to a blend. ─── 可以很好的与天竺葵、熏衣草、玫瑰、橙花、马郁兰、雪松、乳香、红木、香紫苏、依兰及其他具有温和温暖性质的甘菊类精油混合。
20、"Herbs are the fragrant leaves of such plants as Basil, marjoram, mint, rosemary, and thyme ." ─── 香草是墨角兰、薄荷、迷迭香和百里香等植物气味芬芳的叶片。
21、The lily I condemned for thy hand, And bus of marjoram had stol'n thy hair; ─── 这一句的理解就简单了:我要责备:百合,它偷了你的玉手;薄荷花苞,它偷了你的乌发。
22、"Restfulness","For the later hours of the day","Wild Marjoram, Lavender Matherone, Basil",125.00 ─── "宁静","为一天以后的时间","野马郁兰,薰衣草,罗勒",125.00
23、It is used to flavor many foods.Various other aromatic herbs or undershrubs of the genera Origanum (see oregano) and Majorana of the mint family are also called marjoram. ─── 许多薄荷科牛至属(参阅oregano)及墨角兰属的其他芳香草本或小灌木亦称墨角兰。
24、Herbs are the fragrant leaves of such plants as Basil, marjoram, mint, rosemary, and thyme . ─── 香草是墨角兰、薄荷、迷迭香和百里香等植物气味芬芳的叶片。
25、French marjoram oil ─── 假荆芥风轮菜油
26、doctors in antiseptic green coats; the antiseptic effect of alcohol; it is said that marjoram has antiseptic qualities. ─── 医生穿着绿色无菌外套;酒精的消毒作用;据说牛至有杀菌的特性。
27、oil of marjoram ─── 马郁兰油
28、For greater effect add another essential oil such as rosemary, juniper or marjoram to your massage oil blend. ─── 为了取得更好的效果,可以添加其它精油,例如:迷迭香、丝柏或马乔莲。
29、Greek Farmer Salad Feta Cheese, Black Olive, Marjoram and Lemon-Olive oil Dressing. ─── 配洋乳酪、黑橄榄、生菜、柠檬橄榄油。
30、"How did you like this film? ""Well, as a pig loves marjoram ─── "你喜欢这部电影吗?""一点都不喜欢。"
31、A blend for headaches includes lavender, sweet marjoram and peppermint essential oils in a carrier blend of almond or grape seed. ─── 一个融合了包括运营商头疼的杏仁或葡萄混合薰衣草,甜马郁兰和薄荷精油。
32、marjoram oil ─── 马郁兰油甘牛至油
33、Pot Marjoram ─── 欧尼花薄荷(唇形花科)
34、The omelet is flavored with herbs such as basil and marjoram. ─── 煎蛋饼是用紫苏和茉乔栾那这样的香料草调味而成的。
36、"How did you like this film"Well,as a pig loves marjoram" ─── “你喜欢这部电影吗?”“一点都不喜欢。”
37、The omelet is flavored with herbs such as basil and marjoram. ─── 煎蛋饼是用紫苏和茉乔栾那这样的香料草调味而成的。
38、spread the chicken with mayonnaise, salt, pepper, marjoram and rosemary… ─── 把做好的蛋黄酱、盐、胡椒、马郁兰和迷迭香倒在整鸡上。
39、Oil of wild marjoram ─── 野马郁兰油
40、The family includes many herbs, such as basil (Hyssopus officinalis), marjoram (Origanum), mint (Mentba), sage (Salvia officinalis), savory (Satureja), and thyme (Tbymus vulgaris). ─── 唇形科包含多种草本植物,如罗勒(Hyssopusofficinalis)、马郁兰(牛至属)、薄荷(薄荷属)、鼠尾草(鼠尾草属)、香薄荷(香薄荷属)和百里香(Hyssopusofficinalis)。
41、Extraction MethodSweet marjoram essence is obtained through steam distillation of the fresh plant. ─── 甜马郁兰精油由其新鲜植株通过水蒸气蒸馏而得。
42、"Evening Peace","A calmative blend for the evening, drives away stress and agitation","Wild Marjoram, Lavandin, Lemon Mint",108.00 ─── "黄昏平静","作黄昏镇静的调和,排除压力和烦乱","野马郁兰,醒目薰衣草,柠檬薄荷",108.00
43、" His own verses are often rude and defective.The gold does not yet run pure, is drossy and crude.The thyme and marjoram are not yet honey. ─── 他写的诗通常是粗糙和有瑕疵的,黄金还没有提纯,有杂质和原生物,仿佛是百里香和马郁兰还没有酿制成蜜。
44、Essential Oils (Lemon, Lavender, Pine, Rosemary, Myrtle, Marjoram, Orange, Tangerine, Sweet Lime) 0.7%, Clay 6%, Grapefruit Extract 2%, Birch Extract 2 ─── 植物精油(柠檬、薰衣草、赤松、迷迭香、香桃木、马郁兰、甜橙、绿柑桔、莱姆等)0.7%、黏土6%、葡萄柚精华2%、桦树精华2%。
45、His own verses are often rude and defective. The gold does not yet run pure, is dross and crude. The thyme and marjoram are not yet honey. ─── 他写的诗通常是粗糙和有瑕疵的,黄金还没有提纯,有杂质和原生物,仿佛是百里香和马郁兰还没有酿制成蜜。
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