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10-02 投稿


midge 发音

英:[mɪdʒ]  美:[mɪdʒ]

英:  美:

midge 中文意思翻译



midge 短语词组

1、wingless midge ─── 无翅蠓

2、midge population ─── 蠓类种群

3、midge in hospital ─── 医院里的蠓虫

4、midge and the eggs ─── 米奇和鸡蛋

5、owl midge ─── [医] 白蛉

6、gall midge ─── 瘿蚊

7、biting midge ─── 蠓

midge 词性/词形变化,midge变形


midge 相似词语短语

1、smidge ─── adj.一点点的

2、midgie ─── n.小翼咬虫

3、midget ─── n.侏儒;(非正式)矮子,小东西;(修饰语)少年(业余运动)的;adj.极小的,小型的;n.(Midget)(美、加、澳)密德杰特(人名)

4、minge ─── n.脆煤;n.(Minge)人名;(英)明奇;(德)明格

5、midges ─── n.蚊,蠓等小虫

6、fidge ─── n.坐立不安的人;坐立不安的习惯或状态;vi.抽筋

7、midgy ─── 侏儒

8、modge ─── vt.把……弄糟;亲吻不喜欢的人

9、madge ─── n.马奇(女子名,等于Margaret)

midge 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Alison Levine has had two surgeries to repair a damaged heart. Midge Cross is diabetic and has survived breast cancer. ─── 但是,这些障碍不能阻挡她们爱冒险的精神,她们正在向"世界屋脊"进发。

2、Touch its blade, what can feel thick is sweet fragrance, drive midge effect is very good. ─── 摸其叶片,会感到浓浓的甜香味,驱蚊效果很好。

3、4. You hold all that it can give or take away was the midge that the sun-blink brings out, and the evening wind sweeps away . ─── 你认为人世间的得失不过是朝生暮死的蜉蝣,早晨的阳光孕育了它,一阵晚风又把它一扫而光。

4、A neural network approach to occurrence degree forecasting for wheat midge ─── 模拟人工神经网络对小麦吸浆虫发生程度的预测

5、At that time, brook head is the poor village with famed far and near, pluvial waterlogged drought works, midge fly everywhere, schistosomiasis is agelong cannot be completely cured. ─── 当时,溪头是远近闻名的穷村,雨涝旱干,蚊蝇遍地,血吸虫病长年不能断根。

6、blood sucking midge ─── 吸血蠓

7、When a few haemorrhage, the patient can have flying midge disease, there is exciting disease to retina before haemorrhage, can have flashy feeling. ─── 少量出血时,病人可有飞蚊症,出血前对视网膜有刺激的疾病,可有闪光感。

8、Studies on relationship between wheat morphological character as well as grain contents and wheat midge resistance ─── 小麦形态特征及籽粒内含物与抗麦红吸浆虫关系的研究

9、Studies on the Resistance Mechanism of Wheat to Wheat Midge ─── 冬小麦对麦红吸浆虫抗性机制研究初报

10、Summer how does better health prevent midge? ? ─── 夏天如何更好的健康防蚊??

11、Molecular Assisted Breeding for Resistant Varieties against Asian Rice Gall Midge in South China ─── 华南抗稻瘿蚊分子标记辅助育种

12、Advances in the Study on Wheat Variety Resistance to Wheat Midge and Innovation and Application of Resistance Germplasm Resources ─── 小麦品种对麦红吸浆虫的抗性及抗性种质资源创新应用研究进展

13、bitting midge ─── 库蠓属

14、Study on Spatial Distribution Pattern of Larva of the Pear Leafcurling Midge and its Two-stage Sampling Technique ─── 梨瘿蚊幼虫空间分布型及二阶抽样技术研究

15、Profile of enzymic activity in overwintering mature larvae of the pine needle gall midge, Thecodiplosis japonensis ─── 松针瘿蚊越冬幼虫体内酶活性的时序变化

16、The pear leafcurling midge is an important pest that damages leaf of the pear tree. ─── 梨瘿蚊是梨树主要潜叶害虫。

17、What had better use the thing that can children use drive midge? ─── 儿童能用驱蚊的东西什么最好用?

18、Breeding and resistance analysis of restorer line Shuangkangmingzhan resisting to rice blast and rice gall midge ─── 抗稻瘿蚊和稻瘟病恢复系双抗明占的选育及抗性分析

19、Genetic Analysis on the Resistance to the Brown Planthopper and Rice Gall Midge in Rice Variety RP1976-18-6-4-2 ─── 水稻品种RP1976-18-6-4-2对褐飞虱和稻瘿蚊的抗性评价及其遗传分析

20、Action when flying can because there is disease of a bit flying midge cannot pass a barrier? ─── 招飞的时候会不会因为有一点飞蚊症就不能过关啊?

21、Investigation on Tick and Midge at Changshu Port ─── 常熟港蜱类、蠓类本底调查

22、Keywords diptera;ceratopogonidae;midge;prime report; ─── 双翅目;蠓科;蠓类;初次报道;

23、So,2% avermectin EC with 150-200 g ai/hm2 could be used for rotating 10% ethoprobos FG to control rice gall midge in production. ─── 建议生产上以150-200gai/hm22%阿维菌素乳油作为防治水稻稻瘿蚊的有效药剂轮换使用。

24、Wheat midge occurrence rules and its control method ─── 小麦吸浆虫发生规律及防治方法

25、Main contagion the source is pig, horse, ox, chicken, duck, mice, mosquito (Lei Wenjun of piebald midge, library carries this virus) , etc. ─── 主要的传染源是猪、马、牛、鸡、鸭、老鼠、蚊子(花斑蚊、库雷蚊均带此病毒),等等。

26、Want us to take off a shoe only, fly of a midge in house cannot be found. ─── 只要我们一脱鞋,屋里一个蚊蝇都找不到。

27、Monitoring on the biotypes of the rice gall midge in Guangxi and the evaluation and application of resistant resources ─── 广西稻瘿蚊生物型测定及抗源评价利用

28、City midge assents, take countryside midge to the front of big Buddha temple, pointing to hum, ha 2 will say: "This Yours Excellency namely, eat quickly please. ─── 城蚊应允,就把乡蚊带到大佛寺前,指着哼、哈二将说:“这就是大人,请快去吃吧。”

29、A midge gathers pollen from a cacao flower by sticking its head inside a "petal pouch" that contains both pollen and a sticky nectar reward. ─── 一只摇蚊正在一朵可可花上收集花粉,它将头部刺入盛满花粉和粘稠花蜜的“花瓣口袋”中。

30、Small overturned Machinery face a midge, Sitodiplosis overturned after a certain point shift away from the child's transfer mode. ─── 小型翻转式成型机有一个吸浆面,吸浆之后翻转一定角度由转移模将托转移掉。

31、phantom midge ─── 幽蚊

32、------Much also before, but since me husband thinks up to destroy after midge wise move, the mosquito in the home is eliminated by us with respect to didymous ground! ─── ------ 以前也多,但自从我老公想出一个灭蚊高招后,家里的蚊子就成对地被我们消灭!

33、Relationships between the resistance of rice varieties to rice gall midge and their major agronomic traits ─── 水稻品种抗稻瘿蚊与主要农艺性状的关系

34、1997 Town Hill focus on high-yield wheat demonstration model village road construction, to take comprehensive measures to eradicate the wild wheat midge control of hazards. ─── 1997年丘头镇着力抓好小麦高产示范路示范村建设,采取综合措施,消灭了野生麦,控制了吸浆虫危害。

35、Abstract: The rate of falling out of glume of the mature larvae of wheat red blossom midge was in direct proportion to humidity. ─── 文章摘要: 麦红吸浆虫老熟幼虫的脱颖率与湿度成正比,在湿处理,特别是有水滴的情况下,脱颖率最高;

36、Action when flying can because there is disease of a bit flying midge cannot pass a barrier? ─── 招飞的时候会不会因为有一点飞蚊症就不能过关啊?

37、I tell you so, our home buys summer only perfume, never buy midge fly drug. ─── 可以想象一下,一家三个汗脚是什么后果?我这样告诉你吧,夏天我们家只买香水,从不买蚊蝇药。

38、Occurrence Rule and Precaution of Wheat Midge ─── 小麦吸浆虫的发生规律及防治

39、2) The research of "The population dynamic and IPM of the wheat midge" won the second prize awarded by the China Ministry of Agriculture, 1997; ─── 2) 吸浆虫种群动态及综合防治技术体系研究,获1997年度农业部科技进步二等奖。

40、Zhang Y.Tan Y J.Huang B C.ChenJW,ZhaoLX,XuYK,ZhuXD,QianQ,ZengDL The inheritance of resistance to gall midge in Duokangl of rice variety 1997(14 ─── 张扬.谭玉娟.黄炳超.陈建伟.朱旭东多抗1号抗稻瘿蚊遗传研究[期刊论文]-中国农业科学2000(2

41、As we have learned, breed of this kind of software is various, the principle of place introduction is to use high frequency ultrasonic to come drive midge. ─── 据了解,这类软件品种繁多,所介绍的原理都是用高频超声波来驱蚊。

42、The fastest muscle movement ever recorded belongs to the mighty midge ─── 据记录,肌肉运动最快的动物应属有体力的蠓虫了。

43、Swede Midge,Contarinia nasturtii:A New Invasive Insect Pest to the US ─── 一种潜在的危险性害虫:甘蓝瘿蚊Contarinia nasturtii (Keiffer)

44、gall midge ─── 瘿蚊

45、Any of various small insects, such as the gall midge or gall wasp, that deposit their eggs on plant stems or in the bark of trees, causing the formation of galls in which their larvae grow. ─── 瘿蝇一种小昆虫,例如瘿蚊或瘿蜂,他们把卵产在植物的茎内或树皮内,幼虫在里面生长并产生虫瘿

46、Repeat Sequence Primers PCR Study on DNA Polymorphism of the Wheat Midge Sitodiplosis mosellana Gehin at Different Diapause Stage ─── 用重复序列引物PCR分析不同滞育状态麦红吸浆虫DNA多态性

47、The chironomid midge is one of world wide distribution insects and normally occurs in a great abundance among many kinds of water bodies. ─── 摇蚊在各类水体中广泛分布且大量发生,在稻田生态系统中也有大量发生。

48、According to the Marker (DL2000), we make clear that the dimension of wheat midge genomic DNA is about 25kb. ─── 根据分子量Marker(DL2000),明确麦红吸浆虫基因组DNA的大小在25kb左右。


50、The pathogen of disease of Ba Ertong body is a kind of bacili that takes flagellum, parasitism is in surface of red blood cell, travel by white midge. ─── 巴尔通体病的病原体是一种带鞭毛的杆菌,寄生在红细胞表面,由白蚊传播。

51、Evaluation of resistance of wheat varieties(strains) to wheat blossom midge in field ─── 小麦品种(系)对吸浆虫的抗性鉴定及评价

52、A scale-eating galle midge (Lestodiplosis pentagona Jiang ,nov. sp. ) was tound for the first time in Sichnan province. ─── 对桑盾蚧盗瘿蚊(Lestodiplosis pentagona Jiang nov.sp.)

53、owl midge ─── [医] 白蛉

54、Try on the forecast of occurrence stage of Rice gall midge with the method of duality linear regression analysis ─── 二元线性回归分析在稻瘿蚊发生期预测上的试用

55、Effect of the technology popularization of Casting seedling to Rice gall midge population dynamics and its Control tactics ─── 抛秧栽培技术推广对稻瘿蚊种群动态影响及防治对策

56、Indications: It can kill all kinds of epizoic parasites and their eggs,such as louse ,flea, midge. ─── 本品能快速杀灭犬、猫体表各种寄生虫及虫卵,如虱子、跳蚤、吸血蜱、疥螨等。

57、Annabel and Midge came out of the tea room with the arrogant slow gait of the leisured ─── 安娜博尔和米吉从小餐馆里走出来,迈着高傲和缓慢的步子,象个闲人,悠然自得。

58、Does water of the midge that use drive have harm to human body? ─── 用驱蚊水对人体有没有害处啊?

59、The Effect of the High Temperature in Summer on Occurrence of Wheat Blossom Midge Next Year ─── 夏季高温对翌年小麦吸浆虫发生的影响

60、Analysis on the occurrence characteristics and reason of rice gall midge in Le'an county in 2001 ─── 乐安县2001年稻瘿蚊发生特点及原因分析

61、Resistance evaluation of the resources introduced from the international network for genetics evaluation to rice brown planthopper and rice gall midge ─── 国际水稻遗传评价试验网材料对稻褐飞虱和稻瘿蚊的抗性鉴定

62、A midge gathers pollen from a cacao flower by sticking its head inside a "petal pouch" that contains both pollen and a sticky nectar reward. ─── 一只摇蚊把它的头伸进一个“花瓣囊”里,收集可可花的花粉,“花瓣囊”里既有花粉,也有粘稠的花蜜。

63、Willow Twig Gall Midge Occurrence, Biological Behavior and its Control ─── 杞柳瘿蚊的发生与防治

64、The bag that evil midge bites is very urticant! ─── 恶蚊咬的包好痒哦!

65、Female: We had spoken of previously " drive midge is careless " , the expert says drive midge result not so reliable. ─── 女:以前咱们就说起过“驱蚊草”,专家说驱蚊效果并不那么可靠。

66、Among them " civilian is changed " cordate telosma, lavender, geranium and drive midge grass had better sell. ─── 其中“平民化”的夜来香、薰衣草、天竺葵和驱蚊草最好卖。

67、With scented tea of midge of inapproachable card report harmful to the baby? ─── 用无敌牌电蚊香片对婴儿有害吗?

68、Midge couldn't quite put her finger on the reason. ─── 吉不能非常确切地指出原因所在。

69、any of various small insects,such as the gall midge or gall wasp,that deposit their eggs on plant stems or in the bark of trees,causing the formation of galls in which their larvae grow ─── 瘿蝇,一种小昆虫,例如瘿蚊或瘿蜂,他们把卵产在植物的茎内或树皮内,幼虫在里面生长并产生虫瘿

70、Annabel and midge passed without the condescension of hurrying their pace ─── 安娜博尔和米吉打这儿经过,倒也不屑于加快速度。

71、A new gall midge pest damaging mango leaves ─── 一种新的危害芒果树叶的瘿蚊害虫

72、Annabel and Midge came out of the tea room with the arrogant slow gait of the leisured . ─── 安娜博尔和米吉从小餐馆里走出来,迈着高傲和缓慢的步子,象个闲人,悠然自得。

73、Studies on core collection of rice germplasms which resistant to different rice brown planthopper biotypes and rice gall midge China type ─── 水稻品种资源抗稻褐飞虱不同生物型和稻瘿蚊核心样品的研究

74、Mosquito and midge repellents are necessary especially during summer days. Avoid using aerosal type repellents which are harmful to the atmosphere. ─── 特别在夏季,应带备驱蚊药物;避免使用喷雾式的,因为会破坏大气层。

75、Analysis on affection factor and review of the occurrence and damage of rice gall midge for eight years in Fuzhou ─── 抚州市稻瘿蚊八年来发生危害回顾及影响因素分析

76、Midge clapped her hands, calling them back to order. ─── 琪拍着手,叫他们恢复秩序。

77、Search Most Read Story Most Viewed Photo Seven-month-old, 2.7kg Midge, a police dog, plays with 7-year-old, 56.7kg Brutus outside the Sheriff's offices in Chardon, Ohio, USA on June 13, 2006. ─── 去年6月13日,七个月大、2.7公斤的警犬米吉,跟七岁大、56.7公斤的布鲁特斯在美国俄亥俄州察顿市的警长办公室外玩耍。(照片:美联社

78、Ann Trudeau, Lew Frederick and Midge Purcell are a few of the speakers. ─── 安Trudeau, Lew Frederick和Midge Purcell是一些演讲人。

79、Effects of frequency-vibrancy pest-killing lamp on rice gall midge control in late cropping rice culture ─── 晚稻使用频振式杀虫灯防治稻瘿蚊试验

80、The new advances on the resistant breeding against rice gall midge in china ─── 我国抗稻瘿蚊育种研究的新进展

81、citrus flower midge ─── 柑桔花蕾蛆

82、What is the vitamin that knows to you can prevent midge? ─── 你知道能防蚊的维生素是什么吗?

83、Effect of 2% avermectin EC on controlling rice gall midge in field ─── 2%阿维菌素乳油防治水稻稻瘿蚊田间药效试验

84、Preliminary Study on Harmfulness of Gall Midge in Chinese Fir Cone ─── 杉木球果瘿蚊危害性之初步研究

85、You hold all that it can give or take away was the midge that the sun-blink brings out, and the evening wind sweeps away. ─── 你认为人世间的得失不过是朝生暮死的蜉蝣,早晨的阳光孕育了它,一阵晚风又把它一扫而光。

86、But so far, prove without practice this kind of means can achieve drive midge to perhaps destroy the effect of midge. ─── 但到目前为止,都没有实践证明这种方式可以达到驱蚊或者灭蚊的效果。


88、Keywords municipal water system;chironomid midge;infestation;control; ─── 供水系统;摇蚊;发生;防治;

89、Pesticide control of wheat midge ─── 小麦吸浆虫的药剂防治

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