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10-02 投稿


mystifying 发音

英:[ˈmɪstɪfaɪɪŋ]  美:[ˈmɪstɪfaɪɪŋ]

英:  美:

mystifying 中文意思翻译



mystifying 词性/词形变化,mystifying变形

副词: mystifyingly |动词过去分词: mystified |动词第三人称单数: mystifies |动词过去式: mystified |动词现在分词: mystifying |名词: mystifier |

mystifying 反义词


mystifying 同义词

dumbfound | addle | stump | bamboozle | cloud | muddle | baffle | stymie | flummox | get | gravel |puzzle | bewilder | floor | stupefy | stick | confound | nonplus | beat | confuse | pose | muddy | perplex | amaze | vex

mystifying 相似词语短语

1、karstifying ─── 岩溶作用

2、testifying ─── vt.证明,证实;作证;vi.作证;证明

3、mortifying ─── adj.禁欲苦修的;使人难为情的,令人尴尬的;痛心的;v.使……羞愧;抑制,克制(肉体需要,情感);(肌体)坏死(mortify的现在分词)

4、justifying ─── n.活字整理;辩护;v.证明…有理(justify的现在分词);为…辩护;对…作出解释;为…辩解

5、mystifyingly ─── 使(某人)困惑不解地,使迷惑地(mystify的副词)

6、demystifying ─── v.使(某事)简单化;阐明,启发

7、moistifying ─── 潮湿

8、mattifying ─── 铺垫

9、Russifying ─── 俄罗斯化

mystifying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mystifying financial products have tripped up even their clever inventors. ─── 玄妙的金融产品甚至已使其中的聪明的投资者失足。

2、No suprise that the Americans are doing it again, mystifying the masses here with their weird, weird presidential elections. ─── 美国人正在再做它的没有惊讶,神秘化块在这里与他们的怪异又怪异总统大选。

3、Having hidden meaning; mystifying. ─── 有隐含意义的;神秘的

4、Don't be deliberately mystifying. ─── 别故弄玄虚。

5、This, coupled with the fact that the factors that cause thread leakage do not always leave evidence, can lead to surprising or even mystifying application behavior. ─── 这一点,再加上引起线程泄漏的因素并不总是留下明显痕迹,就会引起令人惊讶甚或使人迷惑的应用程序行为。

6、He said that he was explaining some abstruse philosophy. But to me he was only trying to stir up a storm in a teacup and mystifying things. ─── 他说他是在阐述深奥的道理,可我认为他只不过在小题大做,故弄玄虚而已。

7、Mystifying deals and decisions suggest that the money trail runs all the way to the Kremlin. ─── 雾里看花的交易与决定暗示着资金链大有深入克里姆林宫的可能。

8、She charged Burke with the hypocrisy of belittling women by idealizing them, and using a mystifying rhetoric to demand respect for irrational power. ─── 用坚持原则反对Burke的机会主义。她指控Burke通过表面上将女性理想化、使用神秘化的修辞使女性因非理性而得到尊重的手段贬低妇女的伪善。

9、Computers are great tools, but they can also be mystifying. ─── 电脑是伟大的工具,但同样可以成为迷惑。

10、The secret could be used for be deliberately mystifying to raise the colour of mysterious. ─── 这个秘密可以用故弄玄虚的”四字真言”来增加神秘色彩。

11、You're dependent on them to explain to you how the mystifying world works. ─── 他们告诉你这个令人迷惑的世界是怎样的。

12、Perelman's aversion to public spectacle and to riches is mystifying to many. ─── 佩雷尔曼对公众活动和财富的反感令许多人不解。

13、The Thunder Struck deck will enable you to perform mystifying and bewildering card effects that will electrify your audiences. ─── 雷被触击的甲板将使你执行将使充电你的观众的迷惑和迷惑的卡片作用。

14、Admittedly it does help and Glenn's decision to go with Shearer, a man not even captain of his club side was certainly mystifying. ─── 公认的这是一个帮助选择队长的信号,然后格伦的决定却是希勒,一个甚至在俱乐部都不是队长的球员,实在让人迷惑不解。

15、Do not worry if a particular grant does not qualify you for a loan.There are many grants that the US government offers that sometimes is very mystifying to find out that you are qualified on it. ─── 如果不批准你的申请也不必担心,美国政府建立了很多基金,有时他们也搞不清楚你是否有资格申请。

16、" everybody looks down his hand, whats did not see, galvanized iron beyond of be deliberately mystifying still say to have, everybody kneads painful eye to also do not see Huang Guang. ─── 众人顺着他的手看去,什么也没见,白铁余故弄玄虚的仍说有,众人揉痛眼睛也不见黄光。

17、We were able to feel a mystifying charisma from YEH, who still had her short cut style from her previous drama. ─── 我们从仍旧是之前电视剧中短发的她身上感受到使人迷惑的魅力。

18、They are everywhere this winter, as everywhere as furry trapper hats and fuzzy boots, in varieties so bountiful as to seem, as a street trend, rather mystifying. ─── 它们在整个冬天就象皮帽和绒靴一样随处可见,式样繁多,它们是街道潮流且极具魅惑力。

19、what's less mystifying is your fate should you fail to overcome this challenge. ─── 相比之下,你们在这场挑战中的失败将是毫无悬念。

20、Differences in how my husband and I approached the same situation, which previously would have been mystifying, suddenly made sense. ─── 相同情形下,我和丈夫处理事情的方式会有所不同。我以前对此疑惑不解,可忽然间却又茅塞顿开了。

21、But after 20 hours of nonstop debugging, Sandstorm's navigational system is still failing in mystifying ways. ─── 但在经过20小时不停的除错工作之后,沙尘暴的导航系统仍然因为莫名的原因而失灵。

22、24. He said that he was explaining some abstruse philosophy. But to me he was only trying to stir up a storm in a teacup and mystifying things. ─── 他说他是在阐述深奥的道理,可我认为他只不过在小题大做,故弄玄虚而已。

23、9 see joke: On Chinese class, make ground of teacher be deliberately mystifying ask a student: "If I do not hint first, what is the spirit that the classmate knows Ma Jiajun is successful? ─── 9看笑话: 语文课上,许老师故弄玄虚地问学生:“假如我先不提示,同学知道不知道马家军成功的精神是什么?”

24、Discovered in the jungles of Mexico, this forgotten version ofSolitaire uses a mystifying jewelled deck and powerful Wild Cards. ─── 通过30个纸牌布局的关卡,沿路解锁出神秘的珠宝探索,让揭开迷失的丛林都市里远古的秘密和再一次变沙成金。

25、Despite a mystifying listlessness of manner , so strange in a girl of fifteen ,she charmed him . ─── 一种对十五岁的女孩来说很奇怪的神秘的疲倦态度吸引了他。

26、rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands. ─── 对其他国家的人来说完全神秘的仪式。

27、Those who do not appreciate the prose tradition find it mystifying because there is nothing functional about it. ─── 那些不欣赏散文传统的人认为它故弄玄虚,因为它毫无作用。

28、They had talked about those years, about how mystifying the various rules of the Senate had been (admitting, with a laugh, that many were still mystifying). ─── 两人谈起了过去,以及议会中种种曾让他们迷惑不解的规矩(他们大笑着承认,很多规矩依然令他们很困惑)。

29、But Ling was mystifying to me. ─── 但是令狐冲的行为让我很不解。

30、purposely make a mystery of simple things; be deliberately mystifying ─── 故弄玄虚

31、It is mystifying what benefit Fabio Capello and Stuart Pearce seems to think either of them will gain by being deprived of a summer break. ─── 究竟这对法比奥卡佩罗有什么好处令人迷惑不解,而斯图尔特皮尔斯看起来想要他们中的一位,通过被剥夺一个夏天的休息来获得发展。

32、Apperception raises the ideological level.Up to now, most westerners, including those oriental educated in the west, always think the knowledge of Laozi as mystifying and worthless nonsense. ─── 演变到了今天,大多数的西方人,包括受西方教育的东方人,总有人认为老子的这一套是瞎掰,是故弄玄虚,没有什么可以用的东西。

33、In brief, I to the mystifying woman am very repugnant? ─── 男女共处,尽量去适应吧,和谐吧,不要老是抗议,抗议解决不了问题!

34、Those who classify themselves as tourists rather than travellers, meanwhile, will walk a famous wall and meet an army of model warriors, cruise a large river, eat some mystifying meals, go shopping and go home. ─── 同时,这些将自己定义为观光客而非旅行者的人,会在闻名遐迩的长城上漫步,在宽阔的江河上航行,品尝一些不可思议的食物,逛商场,然后回家。

35、Yet elsewhere, in the former Yugoslavia for example, such fears seem mystifying and even paranoid. ─── 而对其他地方的人们来说(如前南斯拉夫),这种担心有些无中生有,甚至显得偏执。

36、Without a doubt, many have testified about the divine beauty of her voice and mystifying stage presence. ─── 毫无疑问,许多人见证了她可爱而美丽的嗓音和迷人的舞台表演。

37、Our failure to score more goals in Europe is mystifying because Wayne Rooney and Ruud van Nistelrooy have been looking razor sharp and combining well. ─── 不能在欧洲杯取得很多进球实在有点奇怪,因为鲁尼和范尼状态很好并且配合得也很好。

38、But it is not just the somewhat unreal and mystifying world of credit default swaps, naked short selling, and eyewatering bonuses that has been affected. ─── 但它不仅仅是影响了信贷违约掉期、裸卖空以及惨不忍睹(?)的奖金这一有点虚幻的、捉摸不定的世界。

39、And so begins an ambiguous and subtly erotic friendship, under the ever watchful and envious eyes of the other inhabitants who do their best to disrupt this mystifying relationship. ─── 两人遂开始了这段引人入胜的暧昧关系,却惹来一班好事又妒忌的邻居明查暗访,誓要不惜一切解开谜底。

40、His father was illiterate, unable to make sense of the "mystifying jungle" of the world. Hence his violence. ─── 他的父亲是个文盲,无法理解这世界“令人困惑的丛林”意义,因而迷信暴力。

41、The act or an instance of mystifying ─── 神秘化神秘化的行为或事例

42、The trick’s inclusion in the repertoires of some of close-up magic’s most illustrious performers speaks to its utterly mystifying effect on an audience. ─── 把戏的包括在一些的保留节目特写镜头魔术的最杰出的执行者与它的完全地迷惑的作用讲话对观众。

43、at that time,i really know what is all the people of one mind,unity is strength.this is not deliberately mystifying,you know this is a strength,so large great chinese strength. ─── 愿死者安息,生者坚强。相信国家及全中国13亿人民的力量,一定会为受灾者重建一个美好的家园的,会照顾好你们的生活的。

44、How he came to head wide of an open goal from 4 yards is mystifying. ─── 距离球门4码处面对空门竟然顶偏,真是匪夷所思。

45、No, so mystifying is the question that someone always tries to explain why she doesn't leave even after she has left. ─── 然而令人困惑的问题是,一些人总是试图解释她为什么不离开,甚至在她离开以后又回到他的身边。

46、The no-smell durian is even more mystifying to those who live in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. ─── 槟榔岛宝盛榴莲园的老板常柏森先生表示:“榴莲必须要散发其特有的气味。”

47、In a dead-ended valley, a mystifying village has been preserved on cliffs and mountainslopes for hundreds of years, an ancient civilization frozen by time in the deep mountains. ─── 一个此路不通的峡谷,山坡和崖壁上,一个神秘的村庄被留存数百年,古老的文明,凝固定格于壁崖间。

48、The mystifying barrier of language ─── 语言的迷障

49、This is not the notional game of be deliberately mystifying, however a new economic times emerge as the times require. ─── 这不是故弄玄虚的概念游戏,而是一个新的经济时代应运而生。为了开辟新的市场,我们应感受它、研究它,创造感觉产品与价值,重新确定自己的战略。

50、I find your attitude a little mystifying, Marilyn. ─── 玛丽莲,我觉得你的态度有点令人困惑。

51、Legal education supports it by analogy, provides it a general legitimating ideology by justifying the rules that underlie it, and provides it a particular ideology by mystifying legal reasoning. ─── 法律教育通过类推法支持法律等级制度。通过证明其基本规则为其提供一般的法律观念;通过神秘化的法律推论为其提供特定的意识观念。

52、To me he was only trying to sir a storm in a teacup and mystifying things. ─── 我认为他只不过是在小题大做,故弄玄虚而已。

53、He said that he was explaining some abstruse philosophy. But to me he was only trying to stir up a storm in a teacup and mystifying things ─── 他说他是在阐述深奥的道理,可我认为他只不过是在小题大做,故弄玄虚而已

54、Add to this generic corruption the mystifying, near-total unpreparedness of the American rulers of Iraq to deal with the complex realities of the country after its ''liberation. ─── 在这常见的腐败之外,还有占领伊拉克的美国统治者在应付“解放”之后这个国家错综复杂现实之时不可思议而且近乎全面的无准备状态。

55、Having hidden meaning;mystifying. ─── 有隐含意义的;

56、We were able to feel a mystifying charisma from YEH, who still had her short cut style from her previous drama. ─── 我们从仍旧是之前电视剧中短发的她身上感受到使人迷惑的魅力。

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