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10-03 投稿


rapine 发音

英:['ræpaɪn; -pɪn]  美:['ræpɪn]

英:  美:

rapine 中文意思翻译



rapine 短语词组

1、rapine and red ruin ─── [法] 劫掠和纵火焚烧

rapine 相似词语短语

1、craping ─── n.起绉,皱缩;v.使绉,戴黑绉纱(crape的ing形式)

2、repine ─── vi.抱怨;不满

3、raping ─── n.强奸;掠夺;v.强奸;掠夺,抢夺;犯强奸罪;(比喻)蹂躏,破坏(rape的现在分词)

4、fraping ─── 敲击

5、rapini ─── n.(Rapini)人名;(意)拉皮尼

6、trapline ─── 陷丝

7、-raping ─── n.强奸;掠夺;v.强奸;掠夺,抢夺;犯强奸罪;(比喻)蹂躏,破坏(rape的现在分词)

8、draping ─── n.覆合;隔音材料;隔声材料;[地质]披盖;换网(drape进行式)

9、elapine ─── 依拉平

rapine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Why hast thou shewn me iniquity and grievance, to see rapine and injustice before me? and there is a judgment, but opposition is more powerful. ─── 为什麽你使我见到邪恶,人受压迫,而你竟坐视?在我面前,只有迫害和残暴,争吵不休,辩论迭起。

2、The soldiers got their food by rapine. ─── 士兵们靠抢劫获得食品。

3、You're rapin' me of my pride. ─── 你在掠夺我的自豪。

4、Experiment of Spray Natural Rapin on Flue-cured Tobacco ─── 烤烟喷施天然芸苔素试验

5、It is not enough that ecclesiastical men abstain from violence and rapine and all manner of persecution. ─── 仅仅教士自身放弃暴力和掠夺以及所有迫害的方式还是不够的。

6、For thus saith the Lord God: Bring a multitude upon them, and deliver them over to tumult and rapine. ─── 因为吾主上主这样说:我要使许多人来攻击她们,叫她们饱受虐待并遭受抢掠。

7、there will be no rapine , pillage or burning ─── 不允许进行烧杀掠夺

8、because you make clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but within you are full of rapine and uncleanness. ─── 祸哉,你们经师和法利塞假善人!因为你们洗擦杯盘的外面,里面却满是劫夺与贪欲。

9、9 each comes for the rapine, Their combined onset is that of a stormwind that heaps up captives like sand. ─── 大事摧残,而面目焦燥,有如烈风;聚集的俘虏,多似尘沙。

10、Segalowitz and Isabelle Rapin. ─── 作者 editors, Sid J.

11、and Rapin has libeled them all. ─── 拉宾还诽谤他们所有的人。

12、But Japan's relations with its nearest neighbours are still bedevilled by problems of acknowledging its rapine wartime past. ─── 但是,日本和它最近的邻居的关系仍被它对战争历史的态度所侵蚀。

13、The soldiers got their food by rapine. ─── 士兵们靠抢劫获得食品。

14、Rapin's abdominal retractor ─── 拉平(氏)腹壁牵开器

15、.. but nobody thought so.This was a future of fortune and theft, pillage and rapine, culture and vice . ─── 这明明是酒池肉林,朱门冻骨的年代,处处是冒险家的乐园,却没人能这样认为;

16、The Crusades are now no more than excuses for looting, murder and rapine. ─── 十字军现在不再为抢劫谋杀和掠夺而申辩。

17、A bold stroke would free the land from rapine and devastation. ─── 你们无论做什么都不能阻止我对理想的追求。

18、There're several cases of theft and rapine had happened in this region. ─── 这一地区发生了几起盗窃抢劫案件。

19、land ravaged by pillage and rapine ─── 遭劫掠蹂躏的国土.

20、Woe to thee, O city of blood, all full of lies and violence: rapine shall not depart from thee. ─── 祸哉!血债的城,满城欺诈,处处劫掠,抢夺不息。

21、Rapin's perforator ─── 拉平(氏)(胎儿)穿颅器

22、Wellington was rigid;he gave orders that any one caught in the act should be shot;but rapine is tenacious. ─── 威灵顿是严明的,军中有当场拿获格杀勿论的命令,但是盗犯猖獗如故。

23、3 Why hast thou shewn me iniquity and grievance, to see rapine and injustice before me? and there is a judgment, but opposition is more powerful. ─── 为什么你使我见到邪恶,人受压迫,而你竟坐视?在我面前,只有迫害和残暴,争吵不休,辩论迭起。

24、For thus saith the Lord God: Bring a multitude upon them, and deliver them over to tumult and rapine: ─── 但正义的人必要裁判她们,如裁判奸妇和流血的人,因为她们是奸妇,血还在她们手上。

25、For many things are done with a view to rapine. ─── 因为有许多事是为了刼掠而做的。

26、rapine and red ruin ─── n. 劫掠和火灾

27、Subsistence farmers, who live off their harvest and risk falling victim to rapine or drought, can depend only on themselves and their children. ─── 以自给自足型农民为例,过去他们的生活完全取决于作物的收成,一遇到盗劫旱情等灾祸,农民们的生存就会面临极大威胁。

28、Oh, now he's rapin his own mother, abusing her, ─── “噢,现在他在骂他自己老妈,骂她,

29、The soldiers of the Fourth Crusade sack Constantinople and kill many fellow Christians. The Crusades are now no more than excuses for looting, murder and rapine. ─── 第四次十字军战士洗劫君士坦丁堡并且杀死许多天主教伙伴。十字军现在不再为抢劫谋杀和掠夺而申辩。

30、Slavery, Rapine, Fear, and Lust. ─── 奴役、贪婪、恐惧、邪欲伴着你睡倒。

31、Rapine agrees to marry the prince. There is one problem, though. How will she get down from the tower? Rapunzel has an idea. ─── 蕾伴柔答应王子的求婚,但是还有一个问题。她要怎样才能从这座高塔下去?蕾伴柔想到一个主意。

32、But Japan's relations with its nearest neighbours are still bedevilled by problems of acknowledging its rapine wartime past. ─── 但是,日本和它最近的邻居的关系仍被它对战争历史的态度所侵蚀。

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