morulae 发音
英: 美:
morulae 中文意思翻译
morulae 词性/词形变化,morulae变形
名词: morulation |名词复数: morulae |形容词: morular |
morulae 相似词语短语
1、copulae ─── n.接合部;系动词(copula的复数)
2、ferulae ─── n.教鞭,竹板;大茴香(ferula的变形)
3、morulas ─── n.[胚]桑椹胚
4、formulae ─── n.公式(formula的复数)
5、maculae ─── n.斑点,斑疹;黑点(macula的复数)
6、morular ─── 桑椹胚的;桑葚胚的
7、torulae ─── n.圆酵母(等于torulayeast)(torula的变形)
8、morula ─── n.[胚]桑椹胚
9、florulae ─── 花的
morulae 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、M+B:Morula or blastocyst. ─── 桑椹胚或囊胚。
2、The phosphatases are weakin the fertilized ovum and morula but increase considerably during blastocystformation and differentiation of ectoderm and endoderm.... ─── 据现在所知,磷酸酶和核蛋白的形成及能的利用有关,所以观察胚胎的磷酸酶的改变和分布对于发生问题当可有进一步的认识。
3、morula delamination ─── 死亡统计
4、After that, the DNA methy-lation levels of the fused embryos are gradually increased until the morula stage. ─── 随着胚胎继续分裂, 胚胎甲基化水平逐渐增加, 在桑葚胚期甲基化水平最高;
5、When the oocytes treated with 6-DMAP for 1 hr,the percentage of morula and blastocysts (72%) were significantly higher than that of oocytes treated with 6-DMAP for 6 hr (28%). ─── 6-DMAP处理1小时的桑葚胚/囊胚的发育率(72%)远远高于6-DMAP处理6小时的桑葚胚/囊胚的发育率(28%)。
6、morula Stage in development of egg in which blastomeres form a mulberry-like cluster. ─── 桑椹囊胚卵的发育阶段在那一个囊胚细胞形成一个像桑椹一样的群集。
7、morula stage ─── 桑椹期桑葚胚期
8、The zygote, by cell division, grows into a morula an then into a blastocyst. ─── 通过细胞分裂,受精卵发育成桑葚胚,然后发育成囊胚。
9、embryos from fetal fibroblast could only develop to morula stage with the rate of 0.2%; ─── 胎儿成纤维细胞重构胚最高发育阶段为桑椹胚,比例为0.2%;
10、It was also found, from the present study, that sensitivity was highest in IFA test, moderate in PCR test and lowest in presence of morula in blood smear examination; ─── 本研究亦发现,以血液作为样本时,三种检验法中IFA法之敏感性最高,PCR法次之,血液涂抹片之桑葚体检出率最低;
11、Effect of Different Vitrifications of Rabbits Morula Cryopreservation ─── 不同玻璃化冷冻方法对实验兔胚胎超低温保存的影响
12、Morula is rich in nutrient components and has a high value of utilization. ─── 桑椹营养物质含量丰富,利用价值高,在食品和医药保健方面开发前景广阔。
13、Morulae and blastocyst came into a period of rapid growth and differentiation. ─── 胚囊胚期胚胎进入快速生长分化时期。
14、compaction of the morula ─── 胚胎致密化
15、Survival of Mouse Morulae Stored at Room Temperature ─── 室温条件下保存的小鼠桑椹胚的生存性
16、morula cell ─── 桑椹细胞
17、blastocyst or morula ─── 早期胚胎
18、After the reconstructed embryos were activated by 6-DMAP + CCB + ethanol, the cleavage rates of cytoplasm injection and electrical fusion were 33.1% and 28.9%, the morula rates were 17.8% and 15.5%. ─── 直接注核法和电融合法构建重组胚的卵裂率分别为 33.1%和 2 8.9% ,桑椹胚发育率为 1 7.8%和 1 5 .5%。
19、Then these 1-cell embryo,2-cell embryo,morula and blastocyst were respectively transferred into the oviduct and the uterus of pseudopregnancy KM mouse. ─── 结果移入1-细胞胚、2-细胞胚、桑椹胚和囊胚的假孕母鼠妊娠率分别为36.36%、42.86%、10%、27.27%,产仔率分别为46.58%、38.46%、58.33%、60%。
21、morula, morulae ─── 桑椹胚
22、Mouse embryos at the stage of 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell and morula were cultured in Whitten's medium to study the effects of ethanol on the developmental embryo. ─── 用含不同浓度乙醇的Whitten氏培养液对小鼠2细胞、4细胞、8细胞和桑椹期胚胎分别进行体外培养,研究了乙醇对小鼠不同发育时期胚胎体外发育的影响。
23、Effects of Different Cryopreservation and Dilution Methods on the Development of Mouse Morulae ─── 不同冷冻和解冻方法对小鼠桑椹胚发育的影响
24、M+B:morula and blastocyst. ─── 桑椹胚和囊胚期。
25、M+B:morula and blastocyst stages. ─── 桑椹期和囊胚期。
26、The experiment detected the telomerase activity of oocytes, 4-cell, 8-cell, morula and blastocysts in Boer goat embryos by Telomere Repeat Amplication protocol(TRAP). ─── 本试验利用端粒重复序列扩增法(TRAP)测定了波尔山羊卵母细胞、4-细胞、8-细胞、桑椹胚和囊胚胚胎的端粒酶活性。
27、Morulae and blastocyst came into a period of rapid growth and differentiation. ─── 桑椹胚囊胚期胚胎进入快速生长分化时期。
28、The growth of a zygote into a morula is called fragmentation. ─── 受精卵发育成桑椹胚的过程叫卵裂。
29、The term "morula" refers to the fertilized egg before it begins its cell division. ─── “桑椹胚”定义为开始细胞分裂之前的受精卵。
30、3.Embryos were collected on Day 7 post oestrus and two breeds ewes produced a much higher proportion of morula, they were 66.24% in Borderdale and 75.78% in Poll Dorset. ─── 配种后7天从波德代和无角陶赛特供体羊上所冲取的胚胎,以桑椹胚为最多,分别占回收总胚的66.24%、75.78%。
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