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10-04 投稿


motherliness 发音


英:  美:

motherliness 中文意思翻译



motherliness 词性/词形变化,motherliness变形

名词: motherlessness |

motherliness 相似词语短语

1、fatherliness ─── n.父亲的慈爱;父亲的风度

2、motherless ─── adj.无母的

3、brotherliness ─── n.友爱;兄弟情谊

4、smotheriness ─── 窒息

5、northerliness ─── 向北

6、southernliness ─── 南方性

7、southerliness ─── 偏南性

8、motherlessness ─── 无母亲

9、butcherliness ─── 屠宰

motherliness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The feelings or characteristics associated with being a mother; motherliness ─── 母性,母爱母亲的感受或特征;慈母心

2、Comments: This poem is about women, as everyone can see. It tells the disappearance of the source and origin of femininity and motherliness is rooted out in the society. ─── 极短评:这首诗写女人,这是人人都会承认的。然而,这首诗说出了女人之软从根源上的消失,读来令人惊恐,原来我们的社会甚至已经远离了滋养母性的时代。

3、The girl's motherliness made her invaluable in caring for the children. ─── 那个女孩的慈母之心使她成为照顾孩子们的难得人选。

4、The feelings or characteristics associated with being a mother;motherliness. ─── 母性,母爱母亲的感受或特征;

5、She was a lady in her fifties, with sensibly cut white-blonde hair and a pair of plastic-framed spectacles. There was about her a pervading air of kindness and motherliness. ─── 她五十多岁,一头浅色金发修剪得恰到好处,戴着一副胶框眼镜,周身散发出一种和善、慈爱的气息。

6、A vietnamese mother kindly glanced at her beloved baby. The power of motherliness is huge. In a church, Beijing. ─── 一位越南母亲慈爱的端详着自己的宝宝,母爱的力量是巨大的。摄于北京一处教堂内。

7、the girl's motherliness made her invaluable in caring for the children. ─── 那个女孩的慈母心使她照顾孩子们的行为是无价的。


《Friends in Life》是一篇充满友情的课文。它讲述了朋友在我们的生活中扮演的重要角色,让我们明白有了朋友的支持,我们会变得更加坚强。尽管朋友也会犯错,但我们仍然应该给予宽容和理解。通过这篇文章,我们可以认识到友情的力量,珍惜身边的朋友,并从中汲取力量。


Friendship is indispensable to people's life. A man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression. Friendship is the mother of our psyche, who'll warm her kid when hurt occurs. We have much to share with our friends in life, perplexity, excitement, bitterness etc. So it's delighted to maintain a genuine friendship.

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