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10-03 投稿


scrutinizing 发音

英:[ˈskruːtənaɪzɪŋ]  美:[ˈskruːtənaɪzɪŋ]

英:  美:

scrutinizing 中文意思翻译



scrutinizing 同义词

research | check-up | audit | probing | study | observance | investigation |examination | surveillance | look | exploration | close | observation | canvass | analysis | close look | search | probe | consideration | perusal | inquiry | survey | inspection

scrutinizing 词性/词形变化,scrutinizing变形

副词: scrutinizingly |动词过去式: scrutinized |动词过去分词: scrutinized |动词现在分词: scrutinizing |名词: scrutinizer |动词第三人称单数: scrutinizes |

scrutinizing 反义词


scrutinizing 相似词语短语

1、cutinizing ─── v.使充满蜡状质,使角质化;被引起充满角质

2、scrutinisingly ─── 仔细地

3、cretinizing ─── 克汀病

4、keratinizing ─── v.(使)角质化,角质化

5、scrutinising ─── vi.作仔细检查;细致观察;vt.细看;仔细观察或检查;核对(等于scrutinize)

6、scrutinizingly ─── 仔细地

7、routinizing ─── vt.使惯例化;使程序化

8、scrutinized ─── v.详细检查(scrutinize的过去分词);adj.详细检查的;审核的

9、scrutinize ─── vi.细阅;作详细检查;vt.详细检查;细看;n.仔细或彻底检查

scrutinizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The University of Western Ontario psychologist reached his conclusion after scrutinizing the results of university aptitude tests taken by 100,000 students aged 17 and 18 of both sexes. ─── 这项研究结果一定会让男人高兴,惹女人生气。一项具有争议的最新研究表明,男人确实比女人聪明。

2、Robert Kelly, chief executive of the Bank of New York Mellon, said the central bankers around the world would probably be scrutinizing the American bailout proposal. ─── 纽约梅隆银行总裁罗伯特凯利说,全世界的中央银行人员都将可能来审查美国救援金提案。

3、The exporter must take care in scrutinizing the documentary letter of credit to make sure whether all the terms and condition in the credit can be complied with. ─── 出口商必须谨慎检查信用证,确信信用证上条件完全符合。

4、In particular, study the Timesheet view, scrutinizing multiple tasks and multiple projects. ─── 特别要研究一下“时间表”视图,仔细查看多项任务和多个项目。

5、An Scrutinizing on the Problem of Rural Community Ecological Enviroment ─── 对农村社区生态环境问题的重新审视

6、When scrutinizing bills in parliament the public interest context must be borne in mind first. ─── 在国会审批法令时,一定以公众利益为首要考虑因素。

7、Our present method is to hold this enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau attended by more than 70 comrades,who will spend some time and energy scrutinizing the draft so as to further improve and finalize it. ─── 现在的方法,就是开政治局扩大会议,七十几个人,花点时间,花点精力,把稿子推敲得更细致一些,改得更好一些,把它定下来。

8、When picking out a couch, we can trust our emotions, but we should rely on the rational brain when scrutinizing the fine print of a mortgage. ─── 在我们挑选沙发的时候,可以信任自己的情绪,但是,在分析一笔按揭贷款时,我们应该依靠的是理智头脑。

9、Scrutinizing the History of Women's Mosques in Chinese Islam Through Dialogues--On Probing the Innovational Theories and Methodologies in Constructing Huizu Studies ─── 在对话中探寻中国清真女寺史--兼谈回族学建设中理论、方法的探索与创新

10、The University of Western Ontario psychologist reached his conclusion after scrutinizing the results of university aptitude tests taken by 100,000 students aged 17 and 18 of both *es. ─── 这位西安大略大学的心理学家对10万名17至18岁的男女学生进行了大学智力测试,他在分析测试结果后得出了这个结论。

11、Evolution, Darwin said, "is daily and hourly scrutinizing, throughout the world, every variation, even the slightest; ─── 达尔文说,进化“每日每时都在进行挑剔的细查,范围遍及全世界;它细查每一种、哪怕是最轻微的变异;

12、Now, as broken-hearted survivors turn to piecing together the remnants, scientists are scrutinizing the oceanic and island terrain to determine how the crust has changed and to gauge what further horrors the earth may have in store. ─── 目前,心碎的生还者正努力拼凑残破的家园,而科学家也详细研究著海洋与岛屿的地形,企图量测出地球仍存在的骇人力量。

13、Scrutinizing the Construction of the Social Security System in View of Scientific Development Outlook ─── 从科学发展观的视角审视社会保障制度建设

14、Both Fannie and Freddie say they are aggressively scrutinizing defaulted loans to see if those mortgages didn't meet the representations and warranties made by lenders at the time of origination. ─── 鲍尔森表示,他希望在更长的时间里,重塑美国的住房金融系统,抛弃“两房”这类政府支持企业的“不完善的业务模型”。

15、After scrutinizing the film, I offer you my summary of the story: Guy dies, finds himself resurrected, meets others, fights. That lasts for almost two hours. ─── 看完电影以后,我给您提供故事的概要:一个男人死了,然后发现自己复活了,撞见了其他人以后,就开始打仗。打仗的镜头持续了几乎两个小时。

16、This certificate will be issued by MOH after receiing the necessary registration fees and after scrutinizing the documents submitted to them. ─── 这个注册证由卫生部在收到注册费及详细审查了提交的文件之后颁发。

17、Such idea, first put forward after my scrutinizing the relevant historical materials, was both testified in front of more and more historical materials and accepted in the research circle on history. ─── 史学研究应关注现实,当代中国黑社会问题成为我关于秘密社会史研究的自然延展,相关的研究结论也为政府决策提供了重要参考。

18、Discussion on Goods in Stock Scrutinizing Stocktaking ─── 浅议存货监盘

19、Our present method is to hold this enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau attended by more than 70 comrades, who will spend some time and energy scrutinizing the draft so as to further improve and finalize it. ─── 现在的方法,就是开政治局扩大会议,七十几个人,花点时间,花点精力,把稿子推敲得更细致一些,改得更好一些,把它定下来;

20、Often our methods involve scrutinizing new technology and predicting how it could be misused. ─── 很多时候,我们的工作要求我们仔细研究最新的科学技术,并且预测可能将其误用的情况。

21、At the company level, advertising is often one of the highest expense or investment, and definitely a cost worth worrying about and scrutinizing. ─── 从一个公司的角度来看,广告经常是商家开支或投资最高的项目之一,而且肯定是值得费心审核的一笔费用。

22、She also says that customers are scrutinizing the price tags on shoes before trying them on. ─── 她还说,顾客在试穿鞋子之前都要先仔细看看标价。

23、"Free women," said Anna, wryly.She added, with anger new to Molly, so that she earned another quick scrutinizing glance from her friend. ─── “自由女性,”安娜不无讽刺地说,然后用一种让莫莉感到陌生的愤怒口吻补充了一句,使得她的朋友再次看了她一眼。

24、The array is now scrutinizing a small, phenomenally powerful object just 11,000 light-years away, a potential black hole in our galactic backyard ─── 该阵列目前正在仔细观测距地球只有11,000光年的一个小的、而从现象上看似乎很亮的天体,它可能是我们银河系后庭院的一个潜在黑洞。

25、But perhaps scrutinizing all those vacua is unnecessary; ─── 但或许我们并不需要检视所有的真空。

26、Owing to the disparities in artistic spirits and cultural traditions, the Chinese and Western conventional writers have different scrutinizing approaches to ascetic religious believers. ─── 由于艺术精神、文化传统的差异,中西方传统作家对具有禁欲苦行色彩的宗教信徒的审视也有所不同。

27、As a man scrutinizing balloting, he is just and honest, so don't worry. ─── 他做监票绝对公正,大家尽管放心。

28、To ensure efficient use of the existing bus fleet, we are scrutinizing the franchised bus companies five-year development plans very carefully. ─── 为了确保有效运用现有的巴士车队,我们现正仔细审阅各间专营巴士公司的五年发展计划。

29、This is different from scrutinizing the actual idea of risk, we are now looking at the whole concept of risk and grouping together similar classes of risk. ─── 这跟审查风险的真实含义不同,我们现在看到的是风险的整体概念并且是把相似的风险汇集起来。

30、After closely scrutinizing the questionnaire survey data and discussions in the interviews, the following conclusions are reached:1. ─── 本研究经整理归纳统计及访谈分析获得以下重要结论:一、家长教育选择权的实施模式应朝阶段性、多元性原则规划与发展。

31、This paper aims at systematically studying the theory of "liquid modernity",scrutinizing and analyzing in the perspective of Marxism. ─── 本论文旨在对鲍曼“流动的现代性”思想进行系统的研究,并给予马克思主义的审视与评析。

32、The WDC-MARE is aimed at collecting, scrutinizing, and disseminating data related to global change in the fields of environmental oceanography, marine geology, paleoceanography, and marine biology. ─── 世界数据中心海洋环境科学中心(WDC-MARE)是世界数据中心系统的一员,主要对海洋环境、海洋地质、古海洋、海洋生物等领域内与全球变化相关的数据进行收集、整理与传播。

33、She also says that customers are scrutinizing the price tags on shoes before trying them on. ─── 她还说,顾客在试穿鞋子之前都要先仔细看看标价。

34、Be good command of costing, finalization, reconciliation, scrutinizing accounts and ERP system. ─── 熟悉工业企业全盘帐务,包括总帐、往来帐、复核帐、应付帐,熟悉企业ERP系统。

35、For nearly three months, more than 150 federal employees have been scrutinizing bank books, questioning bankers' projections and comparing each bank's expectations. ─── 近三个月以来,150多名联邦政府人员一直在仔细审查各家银行的帐面,询问银行人士的预测,比较每家银行的预期。

36、Why would you nerf Silent Resolve to disallow Shadow Priests from utilizing it, without scrutinizing things like BLESSING OF SALVATION first? ─── 为什么把无声消退改得使暗影牧师无法获益,而不是先去考虑修改一下拯救祝福?

37、Every TOTO product undergoes a scrutinizing inspection process under a discriminating eye ─── 每件toto产品都经过专业挑剔的严格程序进行细致的检验。

38、Scrutinizing and Understanding the Relation Between Yue Opera and the Yue Culture ─── 审视与解读:越文化与越剧的关系

39、Of course, even when an agency is subject to the Barlow's rule, the scope of the protection afforded by the warrant requirement will largely depend on the diligence of reviewing courts in scrutinizing agency requests for warrants. ─── 当然,即使某一行政机关受"巴洛"案裁决的制约,授权要求所提供的保护范围仍将主要依赖于进行审查的法院的努力--认真检查机关提出的授权要求。

40、The news media inquiries were prompted by a Washington Post article that alleged the Bush administration is scrutinizing Mr.ElBaradei's conversations with Iranian diplomats. ─── 媒体之所以对这个问题紧追不放,是因为华盛顿邮报最近在报道中指称,布什政府窃听了巴拉迪和伊朗外交官之间的电话谈话。

41、As she rummaged through her big tote bag for her wallet, Mom felt the office scrutinizing her. ─── 她急忙在手提袋中找她的钱包,母亲觉得警官想要检查一下她。

42、The stranger inserted his two hands in both his fobs, drew himself up without straightening his dorsal column, but scrutinizing Marius in his turn, with the green gaze of his spectacles. ─── 陌生人把两手插在背心的口袋中,抬起头但并不撑直脊背,他那通过眼镜的绿目光也在细察着马吕斯。

43、So, they'll be scrutinizing our financial projections with a fine-toothed comb to assess our company's risk and profit potential? ─── 所以他们会仔细地检查我们公司的财务计划,以评估公司承担的风险和盈利的可能性?

44、Questioning and scrutinizing your child’s physician in the hospital may only add to the stress, but working with them can be very beneficial. ─── 质疑和精查你孩子的内科医生也许只会增加他们的压力,但和他们一起工作就可以得益很多。

45、The government aims to overhaul the budget process, by starting from scratch each year and scrutinizing items, rather than rolling over previous budgets and blindly accepting the bureaucrats' demands. ─── 政府打算检查预算过程,通过每年从头开始并细查项目,而不仅仅是对照前一年的预算盲目接受官僚主义者的要求。

46、Meditating can be a bit like scrutinizing our lives with a microscope and seeing what we most need to work on. ─── 冥想有点像用显微镜仔细地观察我们的生活,看我们最需要做的是什么。

47、Nevertheless, on scrutinizing her attentively, it was evident that she still retained her beauty ─── 但是仔细看去,她的美不减当年。

48、Dumbledore moved carefully into the middle of the room, scrutinizing the wreckage at his feet. ─── 邓布利多小心地走到屋子中间,仔细观察着脚边的破碎残片。

49、Article 75 The BAS unit at all levels of the government shall establish its own quality auditing system or review system for scrutinizing various statistical projects collected and compiled by itself. ─── 第75条各级政府主计机关自行办理之各项统计,应建立其品质之稽核或评审制度。

50、scrutinizing program ─── 检验程序

51、She said it focused too narrowly on Irish Catholic leaders without scrutinizing the role of the Vatican. ─── 里维斯对路透社说。她说,这封信过于局限于关注爱尔兰天主教的领导者,而没有详查梵蒂冈的角色。

52、Many companies are scrutinizing every expense these days, and some teams are going to have problems when it comes to getting sponsors to sign on for next season. ─── 在金融危机的影响下,他们很可能会中止与各支球队的合同以减少开支,因此一些球队很担心下赛季是否还能得到这些大公司的赞助。

53、Take a long drive with no music on.Plunge deep into your own thoughts.Examine your ideas as if you are scrutinizing a diamond for quality. ─── 长时间的驾驶不要开音乐,你自己的思考要深刻,要像仔细检查钻石的质量一样来审视自己的思想。

54、To ensure efficient use of the existing franchised bus fleet, we are scrutinizing the companies five-year development plans very carefully. ─── 为了确保有效运用现有专营巴士车队,我们现正仔细审阅各间巴士公司的五年发展计划。

55、After many years of scrutinizing, astronomers have found a planet that is similar to the Earth. ─── 经过多年的仔细研究,天文学家发现了一颗与地球相似的行星。

56、This period for scrutinizing and amending subsidiary legislation is called the ─── 这段审议及修订附属法例的期间称为

57、For several minutes, Jondrette had been scrutinizing "the benefactor" in a singular fashion. ─── 在这以前,容德雷特早已鬼鬼祟祟地在留意观察这“慈善家”了。

58、Archer was aware that Madame Olenska, who had seated at her grandmother's side, was still thoughtfully scrutinizing him. ─── 阿切尔意识到坐在祖母身旁的奥兰斯卡夫人还在若有所思地打量他。

59、Scrutinizing the theories for precise predictions and formulating formal relationship between models and data might be a promising way to grasp those questions. ─── 神经网络模型设计用来模拟许多并行的认知和神经行为,具有样例学习和迁移适应能力,在解释和预测方面具有传统方法所不具备的潜力。

60、Scrutinizing shipping window summary and coordinating with USO for any mistake occurred. ─── 仔细审核出货订单汇总如有任何错误和美国联系解决。

61、The idea was a good one.On scrutinizing the solitary waste on the side where the forest is thoroughly entangled and wild, Boulatruelle suddenly caught sight of his man. ─── 这个主意不错,正当他极目搜索密林中杂乱荒僻的那部分时,猛然间他看见了那汉子。

62、"Free women, " said Anna, wryly. She added, with anger new to Molly, so that she earned another quick scrutinizing glance from her friend. ─── “自由女性,”安娜不无讽刺地说,然后用一种让莫莉感到陌生的愤怒口吻补充了一句,使得她的朋友再次看了她一眼。

63、His gaze, fixed ten or twelve paces in front of him, seemed to be scrutinizing with profound attention the shape of an ancient fragment of blue earthenware which had fallen in the grass. ─── 他的眼睛盯在他前面一二十步的地方,仿佛在专心研究野草中的一块碎蓝瓷片的形状。

64、Planetary probes, scrutinizing Mars, found signs of recently flowing water. ─── 而在对火星进行的详细探测则发现了近期有水流动的痕迹。

65、But in the meantime nobody's held responsible for scrutinizing that crucial point of bird-to-human transmission. ─── 但就由禽到人这一关键传染环节,却没有人来负责检查。

66、"Bella," he hesitated, scrutinizing my reaction to his next words. "Honey, you're not the first person to go through this kind of thing, you know." ─── “贝拉,”他犹豫了,细读我对他接下来的话的反应。“亲爱的,你不是第一个遭遇这种变故的人,知道吗。”

67、Measures for Increasing Annual Mean Coincidence Degree and Correlation in Scrutinizing of Air Environment Capacity ─── 空气环境容量核定中提高年均值符合度和相关性的措施

68、His gaze, fixed ten or twelve paces in front of him, seemed to be scrutinizing with profound attention the shape of an ancient fragment of blue earthenware. ─── 他的眼睛盯在他前面一二十步的地方,仿佛在专心研究野草中的一块碎蓝瓷片的形状。

69、Investigators have been scrutinizing the possible role of drugs in the death of Jackson, who died on June 25 aged 50 after suffering an apparent cardiac arrest at his home in Los Angeles. ─── 调查人员已在审查杰克逊死亡事件药品的可能作用,杰克逊于6月25日在洛杉矶家中显然因心脏骤停去世,终年50岁。

70、Korea Plays : romantic scrutinizing games have seen bars on her house in order to make long?We also have all the elements arose waste elements, and are thus very suitable for the breeding of love! ─── 游戏介绍:韩剧浪漫满屋都看过吧,她的房子好让人向往呢,我们的这间房子也同样具备了所有浪费要素,非常适合爱情滋生哦!

71、So, they'll be scrutinizing our financial projections with a fine-toothed comb to assess our company's risk and profit potential? ─── 所以他们会仔细地检查我们公司的财务计划,以评估公司承担的风险和盈利的可能性?

72、But there is no sense in scrutinizing for consistency a farrago like this book. ─── 为一致性而仔细检查像大杂烩样的这本书是没有意义的。

73、Mr.Cuomo also is scrutinizing the Charlotte, N.C., bank's role in setting bonuses of several Merrill executives. ─── 同时库莫还在调查美国银行在确定美林高管薪酬的问题上究竟扮演什么角色。

74、"AS THE JEWELLER returned to the apartment, he cast around him a scrutinizing glance--but there was nothing to excite suspicion, if it did not exist, or to confirm it, if it were already awakened. ─── “当珠宝商回到房间里来的时候,他小心地向四周环顾了一下,但房间里没什么可疑之处,即使他这时心里已有所怀疑,这种怀疑也是无法存在的,或无法证实的。

75、Take a long drive with no music on. Plunge deep into your own thoughts. Examine your ideas as if you are scrutinizing a diamond for quality. ─── 长时间的驾驶不要开音乐,你自己的思考要深刻,要像仔细检查钻石的质量一样来审视自己的思想。

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