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10-04 投稿


barometers 发音

英:[bəˈrɒmɪtəz]  美:[bəˈrɑmɪtərz]

英:  美:

barometers 中文意思翻译



barometers 词性/词形变化,barometers变形


barometers 相似词语短语

1、variometers ─── n.[电]可变电感器;气压表;磁力偏差计

2、biometers ─── n.[生物]生物计

3、areometers ─── n.液体比重计

4、barometry ─── n.[气象]气压测定法

5、aerometers ─── n.[流]量气计

6、baronetess ─── 女男爵

7、barometer ─── n.[气象]气压计;晴雨表;显示变化的事物

8、barometzes ─── 气压计

9、bathometers ─── n.水深测量计

barometers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Such instruments as (are) thermometers and barometers can be found in any physics laboratory. ─── 象温度计和气压计之类的仪器在任何实验室都能找到。

2、One of the most important barometers of a region's ecological wellbeing are its rivers. ─── 一个区域生态学最重要的晴雨表是河川带来的福利。

3、Paul Farmer. "Bad Blood, Spoiled Milk: Bodily Fluids as Moral Barometers in Rural Haiti." 63-83. ─── “不健康的血液,变质的牛奶:如同海地农村道德气压计一般的体液”,63-83页

4、Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking aneroid barometers ─── 固定槽式气压计可以作为标准件去检验无液气压计。

5、The accuracy of this type of digital barometer is comparable to mercury barometers. ─── 这类型的数字气压表的准确性可以媲美水银气压表。

6、business barometers ─── 商情指标

7、These magnetometers and their successors have played the role that barometers did for early weather forecasters. ─── 这些不断推陈出新的磁力计在此领域的研究起了很重要的作用,正如气压计对早期的天气预测起的作用一样。

8、The observed terrain elevation sequence is obtained from the barometer and the radar altimeter,but the low precision of the barometers limited their application on the aircrafts. ─── 实时测量的高程序列由惯导的高度通道和雷达高度表获得,首先对实测的和从电子地图中获得的地形高程序列分别进行零均值化处理,然后再运用相关法进行匹配。

9、the day produces some change in the magical hues and shape of these mountains; and they are regarded by all good wives, far and near, as perfect barometers. ─── 季节的每一更迭,气候的每一转变,乃至一天中的每一小时,都给这些山峦的奇幻色彩和形态带来变化,远近的主妇都把这些看作是准确的晴雨表

10、Newspapers are often barometers of public opinion. ─── 报纸常是反应舆论动态的晴雨表。

11、There are a variety of barometers. ─── 这里包括多种衡量指标,其中中国品牌将要面对已经占有市 场的西方知名品牌的挑战。

12、Specification for moving cistern mercury barometers ─── 动槽水银气压表

13、Elemental mercury, or quicksilver, is a shiny, silvery liquid metal found in thermometers, thermostats, light bulbs, barometers and LCD screens. ─── 汞,俗称水银,一种有银色光泽的液态金属,多用于体温计、自动调温器、灯泡、气压计和LCD屏幕。

14、Aneroid barometers can be used to measure changes in altitude. ─── 无液气压计可以用来测量海拔高度的变化。

15、The altimeter used in most airplanes is a kind of barometer, which like barometers found in ordinary homes, is a measuring instrument for air pressure . ─── (许多飞机上使用高度计是气压计的一种。这种气压计就象普遍家庭使用的晴雨表一样是测量空气压力的仪器。)

16、Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking altimeter. ─── 固定槽式气压计可以作为标准件去检验测高计。

17、Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking aneroid barometers. ─── 固定槽式气压计可以作为标准件去检验无液气压计。

18、Investors can count on these indices as reliable barometers for evaluating manager skill and gauging index fund performance. ─── 投资者可以把这些指数当作可靠的评测标准,去评估管理者的技能,测定指数基金的表现。

19、Watches and Clocks, Barometers, Hydrometers, Thermometers, Clocks and Tide Clocks ─── 采购产品手表和钟表,气压计,液体比重计,温度计,钟表和潮钟表

20、Barometers of financial stress hit record peaks across the world. ─── 在全球范围内,金融压力指标都达到了创纪录的峰值水平。

21、Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking. ─── 固定槽式气压计可以作为标准件去检验。

22、Your reactions to other people, however, are really just barometers for how you perceive yourself.You reactions to others say more about you than they do about others. ─── 你对他人的反应,其实就像你如何看待自己的晴雨表,更多的是反映出你自己,而不是其他人。

23、BIG motor shows are good barometers[HK2] of the car industry's mood. ─── 大型汽车展览会是汽车工业心情的有效的晴雨表。

24、"It's a statistical snapshot of sexual satisfaction across the United States," Zinczenko said."What we were doing was looking at three telling bedroom barometers. ─── 研究人员主要根据安全套销量、美国国家统计局提供的生育率数据以及美国两大性用品零售商的销售数据等资料编撰了该榜。

25、Noticing the time-markers or spatial barometers; ─── 注意时间标记和空间标记;

26、The flood of dollars had some success in bringing down overnight borrowing rates that had hit extraordinary levels on Wednesday and brought barometers of systemic stress back from historic highs. ─── 巨额美元投放市场,在压低隔夜拆借利率方面取得了某些成功,这些利率在周三飙升至反常水平,把反映系统性压力的指数推至历史高位。

27、Newspapers are often called barometers of public opinion. ─── 报纸通常被称为舆论的晴雨表。

28、We want to buy Clocks, Barometers, Lamps, Globes, Model Ships Lamps and Lampshades ─── 我们要采购钟表,气压计,灯,地球,灯和灯罩

29、Newspapers are often called barometers of public opinion. ─── 报纸常常称做公众观点的晴雨表。

30、Such instruments as (are) thermometers and barometers can be found in any physics laboratory. ─── 象温度计和气压计之类的仪器在任何实验室都能找到。

31、BIG motor shows are good barometers of the car industry's mood. ─── 大型车展总是汽车制造行业心情的晴雨表。

32、Your reactions to other people, however, are really just barometers for how you perceive yourself. ─── 你对他人的反应其实是一个晴雨表,用来认识你自己的晴雨表。

33、Paul Farmer. "Bad Blood, Spoiled Milk: Bodily Fluids as Moral Barometers in Rural Haiti." 1-79. ─── “不健康的血液,变质的牛奶:如同海地农村道德气压计一般的体液”,1-79页

34、Watches and Clocks, Barometers , Hydrometers, Thermometers, Clocks and Tide Clocks. ─── 采购产品手表和钟表,气压计,液体比重计,温度计,钟表和潮钟表。

35、MARRIAGE between people of different backgrounds is one of the best barometers of social integration, especially for migrants. ─── 双方背景不同的婚姻是最好的社会融合晴雨表之一,尤其对外来移民而言。

36、During the same period, the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite Index has outpaced other market barometers, with its 6% rise trouncing the Dow Jones Industrial Average, down 7%. ─── 同期,反映科技股行情的纳斯达克综合指数以6%的涨幅令其他股指黯然失色,击败了下跌7%的道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数。

37、Digital Barometers"," ─── 数字气压计"

38、Clocks, Barometers, Lamps, Globes, Model Ships Lamps and Lampshades ─── 采购产品钟表,气压计,灯,地球,灯和灯罩

39、We want to buy Watches and Clocks, Barometers, Hydrometers, Thermometers, Clocks and Tide Clocks ─── 我们要采购手表和钟表,气压计,液体比重计,温度计,钟表和潮钟表

40、Newspapers are often called barometers of public opinion. ─── 报纸常被称为反应舆论的指标。

41、Such instruments as thermometers and barometers can be found in any physics laboratory . ─── 象温度计和气压计这样的仪器在任何物理实验室中都可以找到。

42、Your reactions to other people, however, are really just barometers for how you perceive yourself ─── 然而,你对别人的反应其实正反映了你对自己的看法。

43、Torricelli's work on water barometers showed that the pressure of the atmosphere could balance a column of water just over 30 feet in height. ─── 托里切利在水银气压计方面的研究表明大气的压力可以让气压计中的水银柱上升30多英尺。

44、Still, even some widely cited barometers of Wall Street consumption suggest confidence is returning. ─── 不过,即便是一些受到广泛关注的华尔街消费指标也表明,市场信心正在回升。

45、Stock markets are viewed as barometers ,providing early warnings of future trends in economic activity. ─── 股票市场被看作是反映未来经济走势的晴雨表。

46、Compare and shop for barometers and other weather instruments. ─── 网站简介: Learn about barometers and their historical development.

47、"What we were doing was looking at three telling bedroom barometers. ─── 我们主要研究的就是这三个能够体现性满意度的数据指标。”

48、Economists keep close tabs on confidence barometers for any clues about consumers' willingness to spend. ─── 令人诧异的是,在美国股市大幅回暖的同时,美元汇率大跌。

49、Barometers are now curiosities, as satellite-based forecasting has taken over. ─── 由于现在通过卫星对天气状况进行预测,气压计倒成了稀奇的东西了。

50、that is, we always have. Our social barometers always stand at 'cloudy' and 'overcast.' ─── 噢,是的,我是说我们一直合不来。 我们关系的晴雨表总是'多云转阴'。”

51、Such barometers as car sales and housing starts have remained dismayingly weak, ─── 一些景气的温度计,像是汽车销售及新屋营建,都维持在令人气馁的低档,

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