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10-04 投稿


manipulator 发音

英:[məˈnɪpjuleɪtər]  美:[məˈnɪpjuleɪtə(r)]

英:  美:

manipulator 中文意思翻译



manipulator 网络释义

n. [机] 操纵器,调制器;操作者

manipulator 词性/词形变化,manipulator变形


manipulator 短语词组

1、robot manipulator ─── 拟人机操作手

2、mandrel manipulator ─── 心轴操纵器

3、remote manipulator ─── [化] 遥控机械手

4、master-slave manipulator ─── [化] 随动式机械手

5、welding manipulator ─── [化] 焊件支架

6、data manipulator ─── [计] 数据变换网络

7、micro manipulator n. ─── 显微操纵器

8、Manipulator Controller Interface Un ─── 机械手控制器接口Un

9、amalgam manipulator ─── [医] 汞合金调制器

10、manipulator finger ─── 机械手抓手

11、manipulator dynamics ─── 机械手动力学

12、augmented data manipulator ─── [计] 强化数据变换网络

13、articulated manipulator ─── [计] 关节式机械手

14、manual manipulator ─── [计] 人工操纵机械手

15、double manipulator ─── 双操纵器

16、die manipulator ─── 模具操纵器

17、castle manipulator ─── 高架式机械手,双柱窝式机械手

18、manipulator robot ─── 机械手 ─── 机扑

19、Manipulator Controller Interface Unit ─── 机械手控制器接口单元

manipulator 相似词语短语

1、manipulators ─── 操纵器

2、manipulates ─── vt.操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改

3、manipular ─── adj.(古罗马步兵队的)支队的士兵;n.支队的士兵

4、manipulations ─── n.操作(manipulation的复数);处理

5、manipulating ─── v.操纵;假造;手动(manipulate的ing形式

6、manipulatory ─── adj.操作的;操纵的;控制的

7、manipulate ─── vt.操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改

8、manipulation ─── n.操纵;操作;处理;篡改

9、manipulated ─── v.操作(manipulate的过去分词)

manipulator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Vibration control is the main task in flexible manipulator controlling. ─── 振动控制是柔性臂控制的主要任务。

2、The micro-nano manipulator, acted as an executive mechanism, is one of the key components of micro nano operational system. ─── 摘要作为一执行机构,微纳操作器是纳米操作系统的关键部件之一。

3、The reconfiguring modular manipulator is a kind of concept, which assembles different robots by universal modules according to especial missions. ─── 可重组模块化机器人是一种根据特定任务要求利用通用模块来组装成不同机器人的思想。

4、Results of applications to robust controller design for a two-degree-of-freedom manipulator with parameter uncertainties demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method. ─── 对存在参数摄动的二自由度机械臂进行鲁棒控制器设计的结果表明,所提出的方法是有效的。

5、Manipulator for shell making has experienced the developed stages from mechanical transmission to hydraulic transmission to high automation. ─── 制壳机械手经历了机械传动、液压传动到高度自动化等几个发展阶段。

6、Abstract: The research based on the kinematic character of the manipulator indicates the system is equipped with constrains of nonholonomic. ─── 摘要:本文通过对此非完整机械手的运动特性的研究表明了该系统具有非完整约束型。

7、The article focuses on the new type of manipulator in the aspectof driving device and joint instruture,and solves completely the number and the quality of motor. ─── 在机械手的动力传输和关节结构方面提出了新的构想,以一种新型的传动机构较好地解决电机数量和重量问题。

8、The singularities of manipulator as a base of the design of manipulator's structure and control algorithms are analyzed. ─── 作为冗余机械臂结构设计和控制算法设计的理论基础,本文对机械臂的运动奇异性问题进行了分析。

9、For solving the problems of coordinated control of mobile manipulator, this paper presents the motion planning of a wheeled mobile manipulator. ─── 为了解决移动机械手协调控制问题,研究了轮式移动机械手的运动规划方法。

10、This paper provides a method to grasp static objects in unstructured environment with a manipulator guided by human-machine cooperation techniques. ─── 摘要介绍了一种利用人机合作技术在非结构环境引导机械手抓取静态目标的方法。

11、Use its manipulator arm to deliver presents to several houses, as well as take cookies from each house. ─── 使用它的机械手臂送入礼物于数个房子,以及由每个房子拿取饼干。

12、When the frist grade flexible mode and the rigid mode are intercepted the flexible manipulator is transformed into a quadratic system. ─── 基于柔性臂简化的二阶线系统模型,指出前馈延时控制在本质上是一种零极点对消技术,得到了零极点对消应满足的条件。

13、He is the great manipulator and pointed the way to success. ─── 他是一个伟大的巧匠,他指出了一条通向成功的路。

14、In written testimony to the Senate last week Timothy Geithner invoked the dreaded 'currency manipulator' label intimating that China is deliberately undervaluing the yuan. ─── 在最近提交给参议院的书面证词中,盖特纳使用了“汇率操纵国”这个可怕的标签,表示中国有意地低估了人民币。

15、In May, Snow said China must move to a more flexible exchange rate if it is to avoid future designation as a currency manipulator. ─── 斯诺在今年5月说,中国如要避免将来被视作操纵汇率,必须向更灵活的汇率过渡。

16、Some investors believe it may have been a message to Candidate Obama, who wanted China to be named a currency manipulator. ─── 一些投资者还相信,这可能是向美国总统候选人奥巴马发出的一个信号,奥巴马想把中国定性为“汇率操纵国”。

17、Key words: robotic manipulator, driving system, dissipated energy, computer control. ─── 关键词:机器人机械手臂,驱动系统,耗能,计算机控制

18、A novel parallel manipulator for laser cutting is presented. ─── 提出了一种新型激光切割并联机床。

19、The collision is considered in the solution, so that the manipulator based on this solution method can move more flexible. ─── 同时在求解的过程中利用罚函数法,对逆解过程进行避碰优化,使得基于该逆解方法的机械手运动控制更具灵活性。

20、The kinematics of the mobile manipulator, which consisted of an omnidirectional mobile platform and a holonomic manipulator mounted atop the platform, was set up. ─── 建立了基于全方位移动平台的移动机械手的广义运动学模型。

21、Schumer said he still believes China is manipulating its currency, but that 'this wouldn't have been the opportune time' to designate the country as a manipulator. ─── 他表示,自己仍然认为中国在操纵汇率,但现在恐怕不是将中国列为汇率操纵国的恰当时机。

22、Or is it a rival candidate trying to make her look like a manipulator? ─── 或者说,是否有一个与之竞争的候选人正试图让她看起来像是个操纵者呢?

23、The relevant experiments of Cartesian Coordinate RAMS Master Manipulator are done and the experiment results are evaluated by standard of the useful data from ergonomics. ─── 在笛卡儿坐标式RAMS主操作手实物模型的基础上,进行相关实验,并采用人机工程学的相关理论作为标准评价,验证方案的合理性。

24、He was a backstage manipulator. ─── 他是幕后人物。

25、The Bush administration purposely did not use the term “currency manipulator” to avoid antagonizing the Chinese, even when it was criticizing China’s trade policies. ─── 布什政府即使是在批评中国贸易政策时,也刻意回避用“操纵汇率”这样的词,避免与中国为敌。

26、Based on the concepts of reciprocal screws and thei r linear correlativity,a detecting method of input interference in a spatial par allel manipulator is presented. ─── 提出一种基于螺旋系线性相关性和约束反螺旋概念的空间并联机器人输入原动件选取合理性的判别方法。

27、And, its controllable quality is proved, which show the manipulator is controllable. ─── 并且,证明了其可控性,表明此机械手是可以控制的。

28、A method for the inverse kinematics is proposed for the given position, orientation of the end and curve of the manipulator body. ─── 提出了长链柔性双二重八面体变几何桁架机器人实现末端位置和法向以及长链本体形状的逆位置分析方法。

29、Jean Brodie is a manipulator. She cons everybody. ─── 琼•布罗迪是位善于摆布他人的高手。她欺骗了所有人。

30、The Manipulator is often stealthy. ─── 操作者。他们总是鬼鬼祟祟的。

31、The clip manipulator appears. ─── 剪辑操作器出现。

32、In order to restrain low frequency vibration of flexible manipulator, hysteretic damping of assembled flexible link is used to restrain the vibration of flexible manipulator. ─── 摘要为抑制柔性机械臂的低频固有振动,该文提出利用组合结构滞迟阻尼效应来提高柔性机械臂的抑振性能。

33、This paper introduces hardware circuit structure of glassware grabbing manipulator and programming skills.It presents a way for time control of this manipulator. ─── 介绍了钳杯机械手的硬件电路结构及软件编程的技巧,并叙述了机械手时间控制的一种方法。

34、A re-programmable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks. ─── 可重复编程的多功能操纵器,设计成通过不同的编程动作为执行多种任务移动原料、部件、工具或专门的设备。

35、Based on the Lagrange equation,the multi-joint robotic manipulator dynamical model is transformed into a linear state equation. ─── 基于拉格朗日方程,把多关节机器人机械臂动力学模型转化成一线性状态方程。

36、Waldron, K.J., 1982, “Geometrically Based Manipulator Rate Control Algorithms,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 379-385. ─── 卢添福,1990,“四轴机械臂之研制,”国立成功大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,台南.

37、By practicing the machine as a model of joint, we build up a open-chained nonholonomic manipulator. ─── 并以此作为关节模型,组成了开链多关节机械手臂。

38、These results can be used as the reference for application of solid lubricants bearings used in space manipulator joints. ─── 为采用固体润滑技术解决空间机械臂关节轴承润滑问题提供了依据。

39、Kokinko: In a much-anticipated semiannual report, the Treasury stopped short of labeling Beijing a currency manipulator, which could trigger sanctions under U.S. Law. ─── 在备受期待的半年报告中,美国财政部放弃将中国定为汇率操纵国。而操纵汇率的国家将会受到美国法律的制裁。

40、China is pledging to maintain its currency at a "reasonable and balanced level," after the United States refrained from calling Beijing a currency manipulator. ─── 中国保证把人民币汇率保持在合理与平衡的水平上,此前美国避免指责北京操纵人民币汇率。

41、The application of 6-RTS parallel manipulator to centered assembly is explored. ─── 探讨 6 -RTS并联机器人在装配对中的应用。

42、The workspace of this manipulator is researched by analyzing the boundary of the workspace on the basis of its inverse solution. ─── 在其位置逆解的基础上,通过边界搜索法获得了并联机床的工作空间,探讨了其结构参数对工作空间的影响。

43、When the motion law of rigid body of manipulator is known the elastic motion law of its platform and of each joint of legs cam be found out by this KED equation. ─── 已知机器人的刚体运动规律,由此方程可以求出其平台以及腿部各关节的弹性运动规律。

44、Have well realized the level orientation problem of the pneumatic manipulator. ─── 很好地实现了气动机械手的平面定位问题。

45、About the problem of object orientation of longan and lychee picking manipulator,a experiment system on camera calibration based on binocular stereo vision is proposed. ─── 摘要 针对龙眼和荔枝采摘机械手的目标获取问题,文章提出了基于双目立体视觉的摄像机标定的实验系统。

46、I came up with the idea by myself, and after that created the sound with our manipulator. ─── 我自己想出这样的概念,然后和我们的。

47、The manipulator s structure, operation principle and hydropneumatic system are described systematically in the paper. ─── 介绍一种两自由度液压驱动式上料机械手,包括其机构设计、工作原理及液压气动系统。

48、The Jacobian matrix of the parallel manipulator had been derived by taking the derivative of the constraint equations. ─── 利用对机构约束方程求导数法得到机构的雅可比矩阵。

49、The Treasury under George Bush, particularly in recent years, preferred a softer behind-the-scenes approach and refused to brand China a manipulator. ─── 布什的财政部,尤其是这几年来,一直采取都是柔和的,秘密的措施,他们一直拒绝给中国贴上操控者的标签。

50、Varies parameters can set by keyboard and display the actual value, like size, backhaul height, top stop time, manipulator displacement and the corner of tongs. ─── 各种锻造参数如锻件尺寸、回程高度、上停时间、操作机大车行走位移和钳口转角等均可通过键盘设定,并及时显示实际值。

51、The principle and structure of new type consumable-self cabon-oxygen gun manipulator are introduced in the paper. ─── 介绍了自耗式碳氧枪操纵器工作原理、结构特点。

52、Main business: machine tools, equipment Reclaimer machine, forging manipulator, casting auxiliary machines, textile machinery, large castings and non-standard design. ─── 主要经营:机床设备、装取料机、锻造操作机,铸造辅助机、纺织机械、大型铸件及非标设计等。

53、Critical of earlier historians who tended to treat Garibaldi with condescension, Ms Riall is anxious to display him as the resourceful manipulator of his own legend. ─── 对于那些认为加里波第好强人所难的早期历史学家所做出的批判,Riall女士急于展示出加里波第在其自身的传奇中其实是一位足智多谋的领军人物。

54、The paper introduces a pneumatic flexible bending joint,which can be applied to a manipulator. ─── 提出一种波壳伸缩式的弯曲关节,及其构成的机械手。

55、Based on electronic theodolite, a novel method for testing the kinematic accuracy of manipulator is developed for the first time. ─── 基于电子经纬仪首次提出了一种全新的机械臂末端执行器位姿精度测试方法。

56、According to the process of the mono-lever manipulator's data acquistion, two effective processing methods-floating zero and nonlinear are presented. ─── 就单杆操纵器读值的处理,提出了浮动零点、非线性处理这两个行之有效的处理方法。

57、This paper introduces the way of solid lubricants bearings used in space manipulator joints, and the improved performances of solid lubricants film are analyzed. ─── 摘要介绍了空间机械臂关节轴承的固体润滑方式,分析了跑合对固体润滑膜润滑性能的改善作用。

58、Therefore, a parallel control method of compound orthogonal neural network(CONN) and PID is presented, and is compared with a parallel control of CMAC and PID in manipulator neural network controls. ─── 为此在机械臂的神经网络控制中,该文提出复合正交神经网络(CONN)与PID并行控制方法,并对小脑模型(CMAC)与PID并行控制作一比较研究。

59、The relationship between the structure error and executor error of the 3-RRRT parallel manipulator has been studied through the inverse position analysis. ─── 摘要基于3-RRRT并联机器人位置反解方程,分析并联机器人结构误差对机器人末端误差的影响。

60、Mr Romney maintained a tough stance on China in the Republican primary contest, vowing to brand it a "currency manipulator" . ─── 在共和党初选中,罗姆尼一直保持对中国的强硬态度,宣称将把中国列为“汇率操纵国”。

61、The dynamics of robotic manipulator with the parallelogram hinged mechanism were investigated while it motioned in plane. ─── 摘要以具有平行四边形铰链机构的操作机器手为研究对象,对其平面运动时的动力学问题进行研究。

62、Statusque and developments of heating furnace domestic and overseas for forging press have been introduced with description of technical developments of manipulator. ─── 介绍了国内外锻造液压机用加热炉现状及发展,同时叙述了与锻造液压机配套的工具操作机的技术发展。

63、Fichter, E. F.,”A Stewart Platform-Based Manipulator: General Theory and Practical Construction,” Int. J. Robotics Research, Vol. 5, pp. 157-186, 1986. ─── 宋长耀,“利用齐次转换矩阵分析骨外固定器之调整分析范围与肱骨骨内固定器之固定姿势”,国立台湾大学医学工程研究所硕士学位论文,民国91年。

64、A reply like, "I have the final word," could mean she's a "Manipulator Boss. ─── 如果回答是:“我有最终的决定权”,这就意味着她是“控制型上司”。

65、While there happened a failure in a joint of an ordinary 6R manipulator it becomes a 5R manipulator or calls it an insufficient DOF manipulator. ─── 摘要一般6R机械手在一个关节发生故障时,成为5R机械手或称欠自由度机械手。

66、The technology of PLC was applied to control the hydraulic manipulator of the CNC machine,the intelligent and flexible control for the system was realized. ─── 以数控机床的上下料机械手为研究对象,采用可编程控制器(PLC)对其液压驱动装置进行控制,实现了系统的智能化和柔性化。

67、Based on the multi-bodies systems dynamitic, the most general dynamic equations of flexible manipulator were derived at first in this paper. ─── 摘要以多体系统动力学为基础,建立了柔性机械手最为普遍的动力学方程所建立的方程。

68、In a much-anticipated semiannual report, the Treasury stopped short of labeling Beijing a currency manipulator, which could trigger sanctions under U.S. Law. ─── 在一份半年一期的预测报告中,财政部停止将北京标签为货币的操纵者,这在美国的法律在可能会引发制裁。

69、In accordance with the maximization of operationable space of micro-nano manipulator, an analysis was carried out upon the Jacobi matrix of micro-nano manipulator. ─── 依据微纳操作器的可操作空间最大化,对微纳操作器的推可比矩阵进行了分析。

70、The answer is the “shadow shogun”, Ichiro Ozawa, a master manipulator who secured an historic victory for the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) in August elections. ─── 他是确保日本民主党在八月份选举中取得历史性胜利的主要幕后操纵者。

71、Pressure has been growing for the U. S. Treasury to label China a currency manipulator in a report due out on April 15. ─── 美国财政部受到国会越来越大的压力,要求财政部在4月15日发布的一份报告中把中国定为操纵汇率的国家。

72、This paper presents a trinal-branch space robotic manipulator with redundancy, due to hash application environments, such as in the station. ─── 基于例如空间站等恶劣的应用环境,研制了一种具有冗余度的三分支空间机器人。

73、A predictor-corrector method to get the forward solution of a 6-SPS parallel manipulator was presented based on the principle of position tracking. ─── 摘要以6-SPS并联机构为例,基于路径跟踪原理,提出一种求解并联机构位置正解的预估-校正法。

74、Using the Niche Genetic Algorithms and the simplex method, basing on this three DOF manipulator, the control algorithms are programmed. ─── 分别采用小生境遗传算法与单纯形法设计了基于三自由度机械操作臂的控制算法;

75、In order to perform automatic cladding of large scale shell cover,the positioner and the manipulator are combined based on flexible control techniques. ─── 为实现大型封头自动堆焊,提出了对变位器、操作机进行技术改造,组合使用并进行柔性控制的方案。

76、Based on this principle, a simply and direct net method to distinguish the singularity of the parallel manipulator is derived. ─── 依据此原理得到一种新的判别并联机器人机构奇异的简捷方法。

77、It can schlep six drill pipes at the same time, which achieves automatic replacing of pipe by the manipulator driven by the hydraulic system, and has high efficiency and security. ─── 它可同时携带6根钻杆,由液压系统控制机械手装卸钻杆并自动换杆,效率高,安全性好。

78、The manipulator label would be a symbolic slap. ─── 汇率操纵者的标签将是一个有象征意义的打击。

79、As a manipulator, Updike succeeded in incorporating his idea into the rewriting in the field of consumer culture. ─── 并指出小说借古喻今、戏仿名人,一方面利用名人意识,另一方面又充满着浓郁的女性主义色彩,是美国消费文化领域的一位操手。

80、The characteristic equation of nonsymmetric oil jar of the manipulator is derived from the matching nonsymmetric proportional direction control. ─── 对于机械臂各连杆的非对称油缸,推导出当采用与之相匹配的非对称比例换向阀控制时的特性方程。

81、What was more surprising was the relative lack of political, media and market attention to the manipulator report. ─── 比较令人意外的,是政界、媒体和市场对美国财政部的汇率报告都相对缺乏关注。

82、It provides a strong means for manipulator on workspace analysis and Synth -esis and error analysis and synthesis. ─── 为并联机械手的工作空间分析与综合、误差分析与综合等提供了一个有力的工具。

83、And the manipulator's principle as well as the structure, the hydraulic system and the control scheme of PLC were discussed in detail. ─── 对系统的工作原理及机械本体、液压驱动和PLC控制方案等方面进行了较为详尽的论述。

84、Experimental results show that the robot manipulator can grasp objects safely and compliantly. ─── 实验结果表明,该机器人操作手可实现对物体安全、柔顺的抓取操作。

85、The detailed structure of Cartesian Coordinate RAMS Master Manipulator is stated and the concise structure of PHANToM Desktop is introduced. ─── 对笛卡儿坐标式RAMS主操作手的具体结构进行了详细的阐述,并对关节式RAMS主操作手PHANToM进行了简单的结构介绍。

86、Out main products are as follows:rail forging manipulator, discharger for forging, railless manipulator, railless discharging machine, heat treatment discharging machine. ─── “诚信为本,合作共赢”,高质量的产品和高品质的服务,始终是我公司的宗旨。

87、This paper presents the motion planning algorithm of a differential drive mobile manipulator. ─── 提出了差动驱动式移动机械手的运动规划算法。

88、Design of Manipulator Control System Based on Move-control Chip. ─── 基于运动控制芯片的机械手控制系统设计。

89、Anor worked both as a subtle manipulator and a political firebrand, disrupting the politics of local systems and stirring up trouble for the New Republic and the new Jedi order. ─── 亚诺同时身为微妙的操纵者和政治挑动者,扰乱区域星系的政治,替新共和和新绝地信条制造麻烦。

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