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10-04 投稿


tantalus 发音

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tantalus 中文意思翻译



tantalus 词性/词形变化,tantalus变形


tantalus 相似词语短语

1、tantalous ─── adj.三价钽的,钽的

2、tantaras ─── n.喇叭声(等于tarantara)

3、tantalic ─── adj.含钽的

4、Tantalus ─── n.上锁透明酒柜

5、tantaluses ─── n.上锁透明酒柜

6、tantalise ─── v.逗弄,招惹,使……干着急

7、tantalum ─── n.[化学]钽(符号Ta,原子序73)

8、tantalism ─── 钽

9、cantalas ─── n.[作物]肯太拉麻;龙舌兰纤维

tantalus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、before Richard II there was another king.King Tantalus was king of Phrygia which was where Turkey is now. ─── 理查德二世之前有另个国王,坦塔罗斯是佛里基亚的国王,现在这里属于土耳其。

2、Then he raised to his lips the repast that, like a voluntary tantalus, he refused himself ─── 他本来自愿做丹达露斯,自动绝食的,现在想到这里,便把食物送到了唇边

3、What say you to that torture of tantalus as applied to a mother? ─── 教一个做母亲的人受那种眼睁睁的生离死别的苦痛,您觉得有什么可说的吗?

4、Unlike Tantalus, you are not being punished for past sins, dear Libra. ─── 不像坦塔罗斯,你是不是对过去的罪恶受到惩罚,亲爱的秤子。

5、New Class A Zulu Suggestion: Tantalus ─── 新A级怪物建议

6、the torments of Tantalus ─── 大难,难以忍受的苦难

7、The trouble is that, in aggregate, investors suffer from a version of Tantalus's curse;they may be able to see attractive returns but they cannot all get hold of them. ─── 但总体来说,投资者正被现代版的“坦塔罗斯诅咒(Tantalus'scurse)”[注1]所困扰:丰厚的回报看在眼里却鞭长莫及。

8、The daughter of Tantalus who turned to stone while bewailing the loss of her children. ─── 尼奥比坦塔鲁斯之女,在为自己失去的孩子哀悼时变成了石头。

9、Top the torments of Tantalus ─── 难以忍受的痛苦

10、/ Tantalus / Disney / Pixar. ─── 制作厂商:Incinerator Studios LLC.

11、Unlike Tantalus, you are not being punished for past SINS, dear Libra. ─── 不像坦塔罗斯,你是不是对过去的罪恶受到惩罚,亲爱的秤子。

12、Chez Tantalus: See your dinner hover over you, but never quite get close enough to eat! ─── 坦塔洛斯之罚:美食近在您的眼前,可是您永远吃不到!

13、Tantalus uses satire and humor to describe the events in a "rumor has it. . . " post. ─── Tantalus在名为「传言说…」的文章里,以嘲讽与幽默语调记录此事。

14、Then he raised to his lips the repast that, like a voluntary Tantalus, he refused himself; ─── 他本来自愿做丹达露斯,自动绝食的,现在想到这里,便把食物送到了唇边;

15、Tantalus was the rich and mighty king of Lydia. ─── 坦塔罗斯是罗底亚富有而又强大的国王。

16、Descended from Tantalus, Agamemnon inherited the curse of the gods on the family. ─── 作为坦塔罗斯的后人,阿伽门农不得不承受众神加诸这个家族的惩罚。

17、Lately you may have felt like the famous Tantalus from Greek mythology. ─── 最近你可能已经感觉到就像从希腊神话中的著名坦特斯。

18、Descended from Tantalus, agamemnon inherited the curse of the gods on the family ─── 作为坦塔洛斯的后人,阿伽门农不得不承受众神加诸这个家族的惩罚。

19、Irdex tantalus ─── n. 穆虹苔螋

20、Tantalus, king of Lydia, once treated the gods to a banquet. ─── 里底亚国王丹达罗斯曾设宴款待天上诸神。

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