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10-02 投稿


nerving 发音

英:[ˈnɜːvɪŋ]  美:[ˈnɜːrvɪŋ]

英:  美:

nerving 中文意思翻译




nerving 常用词组

nerve oneself ─── 鼓起勇气;振作

optic nerve ─── 视神经

peripheral nerve ─── 末梢神经,外周神经

nerving 词性/词形变化,nerving变形


nerving 相似词语短语

1、enerving ─── 刺激

2、nervings ─── n.神经切除;v.鼓起勇气(nerve的ing形式)

3、-serving ─── n.(供一个人吃的)一份食物;adj.上菜用的;v.为……服务;为……提供产品服务;服兵役;任职;做学徒(serve的现在分词);n.(Serving)(美、瑞)塞尔温(人名)

4、innerving ─── vt.鼓舞;使活跃;刺激神经

5、serving ─── n.(供一个人吃的)一份食物;adj.上菜用的;v.为……服务;为……提供产品服务;服兵役;任职;做学徒(serve的现在分词);n.(Serving)(美、瑞)塞尔温(人名)

6、nervine ─── adj.(药品)镇定神经的;n.神经镇定剂;n.(Nervine)(美)内尔维尼(人名)

7、-nerving ─── n.神经切除;v.鼓起勇气(nerve的ing形式)

8、perving ─── abbr.逆转录病毒(porcineendogenousretrovirus)

9、unnerving ─── adj.使人紧张不安的;n.除神经法;v.使失去气力,使丧失勇气,使焦躁(unnerve的ing形式)

nerving 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She drank some water nerving herself for a more terrible ordeal. ─── 她喝了几口水,使自己镇定,准备应付一场可怕的。

2、Object To study the difference between Radi x Codonopsis (RC) and Radix Astragali (RA) on the central nerv ous system. ─── 目的研究党参、黄芪对中枢神经系统的作用,并进行比较。

3、[4]Luan P, Zeng LJ, Zhang YZ.Study of cerebral blood flow by transcranial Doppler ultrasound in patients with depressive disorder and neurosis[J].Chin J Nerv Ment Dis, 2004,30(4) :300-301. ─── 栾萍,曾令均,张亚哲.经颅多普勒观测抑郁症及神经症患者脑血流的研究[J].中国神经精神疾病杂志,2004,30(4):300-301.

4、One day, nerving herself 4, Sophia said to Edwin, “We’d better get divorce. ─── 有一天,索菲娅鼓起勇气对埃德温说:“我们最好离婚吧。”

5、The nervous systemof the human body were divided into central nervous systemand peripheril nervous system.T he paper introduce pains related to the peripheril nerv ous system. ─── 大多数疼痛都与周围神经系统有关,以下仅介绍由于周围神经系统原发病变或其他系统疾病累及周围神经时引起的疼痛。

6、God's in his heaven.All's right with the world.----NERV ─── 呵呵呵,写的很累的,主要我打字比较慢........呵呵呵!

7、One day, nerving herself4, Sophia said to Edwin, "We'd better get divorce. " ─── 有一天,索菲娅鼓起勇气对埃德温说:“我们最好离婚吧。”

8、Conclusion:SMA simplify the surgical technique,and avoid possible damage to the facial nerv... ─── 结论:上鼓室径路避免了对鼓索神经和面神经的损害,使手术更为简便易行。

9、Keywords Peripheral nerve injury;Brachial plexus;Birth palsy;Nerv e repair; ─── 周围神经损伤;臂丛;产瘫;神经修复;

10、"Marduk Institute does not exist. It is NERV itself that is pulling the strings." ─── "马度克机关不存在.暗中操纵的是NERV."

11、In the experimental group, C6 nerv e root of the right brachial plexu s was cut. ─── 实验组:切断右侧C6神经根,而对照组不切断。

12、Keywords Central nerv sys angents tcd;Brain infarction;Nerve tissue proteins; ─── 中枢神经系统药(中药);脑梗死;神经组织蛋白类;

13、It looks like she's nerving herself up to step forward. ─── 好像她正在给自己以力量,一步步向前。

14、Conclusion:Qi extending affected parts is an effective method for theatment of contusion of superior clunial nerv... ─── 结论:“气至病所”针法是一种治疗臀上皮神经损伤的有效方法。

15、It looks like she's nerving herself up to step forward. ─── 好像她正在给自己以力量,一步步向前。

16、The whole process of planning, lying, nerving herself to carry out her part had been hard on her. ─── 这几天来,计划,说谎,这全部的过程,已经使她的神经紧张过度。

17、She drank some water nerving herself for a more terrible ordeal. ─── 她喝了几口水,使自己镇定,准备应付一场可怕的严酷考验。

18、Doctor says broken bones should be treated quickly because they can restrict blood flow or cause nerve (nerv) damage. ─── 医生告诉说断裂的骨头应该立即治疗,是因为它们会约束血液流动或导致神经受伤害。

19、Zhang KW.Endoscopic neurovascular decompression for the treatment of idiopathic hemifacial spasm[J].Zhonghua Shenjing Jingshen Jibing Zazhi(Chin J Nerv Ment Dis),1999,25(3):148-149. ─── [4]张开文.内窥镜辅助下显微神经血管减压术治疗特发性偏侧面肌痉挛[J].中华神经精神疾病杂志,1999,25(3):148-149.

20、Lin Q,Li P.Rostral medullary cholinergic mechanisms and chronic stress-induced hypertension[J].J Auto Nerv Sys 1990,1:211- 18. ─── 林青.延髓腹外侧区在应激紧张致高血压发病中的作用[J].生理科学进展1992,23(3)257-259

21、Are you in an intense nerv e your debute? ─── 你初次亮相时一定紧张坏了吧?

22、Castillo CS,Strarkstein SE,Fedoroff P,et al.Generalized anxiety after stroke.J Nerv Ment Dis 1993;181:100-6 ─── 向代群,李蓉梅,李伟,等.脑卒中后焦虑与瘫痪的调查分析[J].中国临床康复,2003,7(28):3894-5

23、Objective To determine the effect of acti vated Schwann cells for repairing of peripheral nerv e defect. ─── 目的了解激活态的雪旺细胞在修复周围神经缺损中的作用。

24、6.The toxins lock the transmission of the nerving pulse. ─── 毒液阻止神经向别处传送感知。

25、Unit 03 begins its march towards Nerv, and Shinji is dispatched to stop it. ─── 该股3月03开始其对神经和慎派遣制止。

26、Indexer received "Access Denied" error while propagating to Search server in project . ─── 这通常是因为传用帐号设定错误所造成。请验证传用帐号是否正确。

27、We will nerv say bye bye! ─── 并不代表一切!

28、[1]Wang YK,Liu MS,Jiang Y,et al.Morphological study to prevent CVS by intrathecal injection with dexamethasone in rat experiment[J].Chin J Nerv Ment Dis,1998,24(5):307-308. ─── 王玉凯,刘梅仕,蒋云,等.鞘内注射地塞米松预防实验性脑血管痉挛的形态学研究[J].中国神经精神疾病杂志,1998,24(5):307-308.

29、anchor plug nerving ─── 锚塞回缩量

30、Keywords tibial lenthening;peripheral nerv e;blood cycle;barrier function;ra bbit; ─── 胫骨延长;周围神经;血循环;屏障功能;兔;

31、nerving network ─── 神经网络

32、Central nerv sys angents ted ─── 中枢神经系统药(中药)

33、Effect of nerve growth factor and ciliary neurotrophic factor on peripheral nerv eregeneration: comparative study ─── 神经生长因子与睫状神经营养因子影响周围神经再生的比较研究

34、I was too nerv... ─── 她讨厌起来还真要命,不是吗?

35、The toxins lock the transmission of the nerving pulse. ─── 毒液阻止神经向别处传送感知。

36、NERV - God's in his heaven. All's right with the world. ─── 但系香港我谂绝对唔可以话有少少气就唔做.......

37、The interaction and cooperation of nerv system and endocrine system ─── 神经系统与内分泌系统的相互影响与协同作用

38、Mao XP, Chen XF, Zhang L, et al.Influences of Buyanghuanwu decoction extract on nitric oxide synthase activeity in cerebral ischemic reperfusion damage in rats[J].Stroke Nerv Dis, 2001, 8(2): 103-4. ─── [2]毛小平,陈秀芳,张玲,等.补阳还五汤提取物对脑缺血再灌流后一氧化氮合酶活性的影响[J].卒中与神经疾病,2001,8(2):103-4.

39、Comparison of the pathology changes between two kinds of PD animal models with MPTP-treated mice and 6-OHDA-lesioned rats [J].J Apopl Nerv Dis, 1999, 16(2): 79-82. ─── MPTP处理的小鼠和6-OHDA损毁的大鼠帕金森病模型病理变化的比较[J].中风与神经疾病杂志,1999,16(2):79-82.



举例来说,我触到了他们的神经,翻译过来就是I touch a nerve with them。由此可见,nerve是可数的。



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