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10-03 投稿


newcome 发音


英:  美:

newcome 中文意思翻译




newcome 词性/词形变化,newcome变形


newcome 相似词语短语

1、Newcombe ─── n.(Newcombe)人名;(英)纽科姆

2、newcomers ─── n.新来的人(newcomer的复数)

3、Newcomb ─── n.(Newcomb)人名;(英)纽科姆

4、welcome ─── vt.欢迎,迎接;迎新;乐于接受;adj.受欢迎的;令人愉快的;可随意的;尽管……好了;n.欢迎;迎接;接受;int.欢迎;n.(Welcome)(美、印)韦尔科姆(人名)

5、newcomes ─── 新来者

6、new home ─── 新家园;新房;新居;新家

7、Newcomen ─── n.(Newcomen)人名;(英)纽科门

8、newcomer ─── n.新来者,新手;新鲜事物;n.(Newcomer)(美)纽科默(人名)

9、become ─── vi.成为;变得;变成;vt.适合;相称

newcome 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Newcome attendant is held off, say, cut, this year, what has sham, what dare sham. ─── 新来的值班员挡住,说,切,这年头,啥都有假冒,啥都敢假冒。

2、Hello! Everybody! I'm a newcome . I hope can become friends with everybody. ─── 大家好!我是新来的!我希望能和大家成为好朋友!

3、And those a few old cormorant are miserable, eat those who live is further than newcome cormorant difference. ─── 而那几只老鸬鹚就惨了,吃的住的都比新来的鸬鹚差远了。

4、Eventually once, newcome baby-sitter finish a toilet to come out particularly serious wash one's handsing, still used soap 3 times even. ─── 终于有一次,新来的保姆上完厕所出来非凡认真的洗手,甚至还用了三次肥皂。

5、Since the newcome manager took office, everyone in the office has been working under great pressure. ─── 自从新经理上任,办公室里的每一个人都顶着巨大的压力工作。

6、The person that take is replaced very quickly by newcome person, the person disappears from beginning to end little. ─── 走的人很快被新来的人代替,人始终不见少。

7、The newcome secretary wrote a very brief report, summed up all the important details by only hundreds of words. ─── 新来的秘书写了一份十分简洁的报告,只用几百个字就概括了所有的重要细节。

8、I am newcome .nice to meet to you . ─── 我是新来的,希望大家多多关照啊!

9、I am busy draw out skill thin silk to brush tear for him, holding him in the arms to sit to small chair, take out an album of paintings of a newcome, tell sentimentally had a story. ─── 我忙掏出手绢替他擦眼泪,抱着他坐到小椅上,拿出一本新到的画册,声情并茂地讲起了故事。

10、The newcome secretary wrote a very brief report,summed up all the important details by only hundreds of words. ─── 新来的秘书写了一份十分简洁的报告,只用几百个字就概括了所有的重要细节。

11、Small procedures, new learning, a very simple basic operation will be newcome. ─── 小程序,新人学习,很简单的基本操作新人必会。

12、Newcome says..."that woman grins like a Cheshire cat. ─── “柴郡猫”的生动想象,是否他所创造,有待于进一步考证,但to grin like a Cheshire cat是随着该书的风行而被广泛使用,应无疑义。

13、9 see joke: Vet clinic some day is particularly busy, I give newcome pleasant doctor the dossier of a new customer. ─── 9看笑话: 兽医诊所某日非凡繁忙,我把一个新顾客的卷宗交给新来的甘医生。

14、The newcome employee know nothing about the rules of company. ─── 新来的员工不知道公司的规定。

15、Newcome did not seem seriously to believe that his son would live by painting pictures, but considered Clive as a young prince who chose to amuse himself with painting ─── 钮可谟似乎并不深信他儿子可以靠绘画谋生,他把克莱武只看作一位青年王子,只不过兴之所至,拿绘画娱乐罢了。

16、Jack has been enthusing over the newcome girl recently. ─── 近来,杰克对新来的姑娘表现出热心。

17、And those a few old cormorant are miserable, eat those who live is further than newcome cormorant difference. ─── 而那几只老鸬鹚就惨了,吃的住的都比新来的鸬鹚差远了。

18、Newcome leader passes investigation and study, correct come over, natural also and reasonable. ─── 新来的领导经过调查研究,纠正过来,也自然在理。

19、Newcome cormorant very content with one's lot: Did negligible work only, host is so good to oneself, then each works desperately for host. ─── 新来的鸬鹚很知足:只干了一点微不足道的工作,主人就对自己这么好,于是一个个拼命地为主人工作。

20、unit newcome pony, see I am sweet call an elder sister, have bit of meaning to me? ─── 我上街,因为裙子后背拉链没拉上,一群男孩子在我后边指指点点,是不是对我有点意思?

21、Sina science and technology: Newcome these companies, whether to create a few pressure to you? ─── 新浪科技:新来的这些公司,是否给你们造成一些压力?

22、Newcome attendant is held off, say, cut, th is year, what has sham, what dare sham. ─── 新来的值班员挡住,说,切,这年头,啥都有假冒,啥都敢假冒。


24、May the newcome manager and his assistant dedicate in their work, lead the technical staffs with innovative management for succeeding sustained success in technical process field. ─── 希望新任命的经理和助理能全意投入,大胆管理,真诚地团结带领技术部干部员工,为公司的技术工艺提高与突破不懈努力。

25、9 see joke: Be in a zoo of Japan, have breeder of a newcome. ─── 9看笑话: 在日本的一家动物园,有一位新来的饲养员。

26、He is right deputy drive say: "I should go first defecate, do that newcome empty elder sister next again. ─── 他对副驾驶说:“我要先去大便,然后再去干那个新来的空姐。”

27、9 see joke: A very captious customer comes to a snack inn, see newcome a batch of fresh fruits. ─── 9看笑话: 一个非常挑剔的顾客来到一家小食品店,看到新到的一批新鲜水果。

28、The office has a newcome youth, feel very strange, what to ask him after all the reason is sad. ─── 办公室有个新来的年轻人,觉得很奇怪,便问他到底什么原因难过。

29、Sina science and technology: Newcome these companies, whether to create a few pressure to you? ─── 新浪科技:新来的这些公司,是否给你们造成一些压力?

30、newcome settlers ─── 新来的定居者

31、One day she sees young nurse of Anhui of a newcome in dormitory building was carrying dish basket to go up street, she also carried serving basket to go at once. ─── 一连几星期,李羚一直一身小保姆玲玲的装束出入街头巷尾。一天她看见宿舍楼里一位新来的安徽小保姆提着菜篮上了街,她赶紧也提上菜篮走了出去。

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