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my friends中文翻译,my friends是什么意思,my friends发音、用法及例句

01-17 投稿

my friends中文翻译,my friends是什么意思,my friends发音、用法及例句

my friends

my friends发音

英:  美:

my friends中文意思翻译



my friends双语使用场景

1、One of my friends lives in Brighton.───我的一个朋友住在布莱顿。

2、Most of my friends are Christian.───我大多数朋友都信奉基督教。

3、Of course, there is something happy to me, for instance, having a picnic with my friends. That's a pleasing thing and I feel very happy .───假期里也有过的开心的,如和朋友们一起野炊,那是件高兴的事,那一天我很快乐。

4、You don't know any of my friends.───你不认识任何一个我的朋友。

5、I was enough to move out on my own , so why can't I seem to ask my friends to respect my privacy.───我受够了自己出去的状况,所以我为什么不试试向我的朋友要回我的隐私权。

6、And then one of my friends said she felt loyal to the values of the company and that they fitted her.───接着,我的一位朋友说,她忠于公司的价值观,这些价值观也适合她。

7、My friends and I saw an advertisement for your restaurant in Dining magazine and decided to give it a try because it looked so promising.───我朋友和我为您的用餐的杂志餐馆看见了广告并且决定试一试,因为它看了很有为。

8、''All my friends won medals, so I had a little bit of pressure, '' Lee said. ''I was a little bit worried. ''───李相花说,“我的队友们都得了奖牌,所以我感到有些压力,也感到有些紧张。”

9、Today, my friends thought it would be funny to prank me with a fake winning lottery ticket.───今天,我的狐朋狗友们认为用一张虚假的中将彩票对我恶作剧会很有趣。

my friends相似词语短语


2、my friends are───我的朋友们

3、played with my friends───和我的朋友一起玩

4、all my friends───我所有的朋友

5、furry friends───毛茸茸的动物朋友

6、recommended friends───推荐的朋友

7、my precious friends───我亲爱的朋友

8、call friends───打电话给朋友

9、visit my friends───拜访我的朋友

结语:myfriends是第几人称,my friends,在英语里表示是我的朋友们这个意思,这是一个复合代词由物主代词my和名词friends组成,重点在于friends,而不是在于my。friends是一个复数名词,表示朋友们的意 my friends,在英语里表示是我的朋友们这个意思,这是一个复合代词由物主代词my和名词friends组成,重点在于friends,而不是在于my。,~ re-live重温; 回味 as I looked through the album 当我翻阅相册时 all of my past life which I thought I had forgotten 我以为我已经忘记了的过去的所有生活 我的朋友 ~ re-live重温;

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