legal form中文翻译,legal form是什么意思,legal form发音、用法及例句
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legal form中文意思翻译
legal form双语使用场景
1、The creation of a wholly state-owned Company is the outcome of such changes and a legal form.───国有独资公司的创立正是这种变革的成果和采取的法律形式。
2、Chapter V, briefly introduces other legal form of takeover of listed company for explanation that it should be brought into legal category.───之所以写这章,是为了说明我国上市公司收购形式的多样化也应纳入法律的规范范畴。
3、RPS is a mandatory provision of the renewable energy electricity market share in legal form issued by the nation or regional government.───它是一个国家或者一个地区的政府用法律的形式对可再生能源发电的市场份额做出的强制性的规定。
4、The first part of this text gives the fact to describe on the legal form of expression that conflict of our country.───本文第一部分就我国的法律冲突的表现形式予以事实描述。
5、Labor relations to establish with the labor contract, their legal form of writing.───劳动关系用劳动合同来确立,其法定形式是书面的。
6、In the legal form, the TPL services mainly performs as certain types of TPL contract, and the contract is the basis of these legal issues.───而第三方物流服务在法律形式上表现为各种类型的第三方物流合同,第三方物流合同是这些法律问题的基础。
7、An enterprise shall recognise, measure and report transactions or events based on their substance, and not merely based on their legal form.───企业应当按照交易或者事项的经济实质进行会计确认、计量和报告,不应仅以交易或者事项的法律形式为依据。
8、Otherwise the result of abiding by the legal principle of crime and punishment can only be to encroach on citizen's right in legal form.───实行罪刑法定原则的前提是刑法应该犯罪设置合理、刑罚适度,否则实行罪刑法定原则的结果只能是以合法的形式侵害公民权利。
9、University finally got its own legal form of stability.───大学终于获得了属于自己的安定的法律形式。
legal form相似词语短语
1、charterers legal───租船人法律
3、legal age───n.法定年龄,成年;法定年龄;成年
4、sureties legal───法定担保人
6、legal holiday───n.<美>法定假日; 例假
7、legal representative───n.法定代理人
8、pleadings legal───合法诉状
9、legal listening───法律倾听
结语:谁能解释下英国会计中的group,associate和jointventure的具体,company和它的所有子公司subsidiaries.它们虽然法律形式上是彼此独立的,但经济角度上可以看作是一个单一的经济体the single entity,是economic substance over legal form single entity,是economic substance over legal form的体现.这是因为当一个公司拥有另一个公司足够多的股份时,就已经根本上控制了这家公司.比如,A拥有B的60%股份,这就意味 entity,是economic substance over legal form的体现.这是因为当一个公司拥有另一个公司足够多的股份时,就已经根本上控制了这家公司.比如,A拥有B的60%股份,
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