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immerse in(immersed in中文翻译,immersed in是什么意思,immersed in发音、用法及例句)

02-12 投稿

immerse in(immersed in中文翻译,immersed in是什么意思,immersed in发音、用法及例句)

1、immersed in

immersed in发音

英:  美:

immersed in中文意思翻译



immersed in双语使用场景

1、It's as if the spinning Earth were immersed in honey, Everitt explained. "When it spins, the Earth will drag the honey with it, " he said.───这好象是旋转的地球浸入到了蜂蜜里,埃弗里特解释道,“当地球旋转时,它会拖曳蜂蜜一起旋转。”

2、Corrosion rate of aluminum alloy half-immersed in electrolyte with time was similar with that of sample immersed entirely in electrolyte.───铝合金半浸于电解液中的腐蚀速率随时间的变化趋势与全浸于溶液中相似。

3、In such a wonderful time, the Christmas bell prolongs. My heart is immersed in endless longing for you and feeling sympathetic of our souls.───这样一个美妙时刻,圣诞钟声经久不息,我的心在无尽的怀念中,感受你我灵魂的共鸣。

4、She was immersed in a world light years away from her repressed East Coast background.───她沉浸在这样一个世界,这个世界和她受到压抑的东海岸生活有着好几光年的距离。

5、He's really becoming immersed in his work.───他真正地变得专注于自己的工作。

6、Meanwhile, Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said the spent fuel at the No. 4 reactor appeared to be immersed in water.───与此同时,日本原子力安全保安院(NuclearandIndustrialSafetyAgency)说,四号反应堆的乏燃料看来浸没在水中。

7、She was still totally immersed in the trauma scene as if it wereoccurring that moment.───她仍然完全沉浸在创伤场景之中,仿佛恐怖袭击就发生在此刻。

8、The electrodes are immersed in liquid.───电极被浸没在液体中。

9、One drawback is that children become fixated and immersed in their screen time and become reluctant to exercise.───一个缺点是,孩子们迷恋并沉浸在他们的屏幕时间里,变得不愿意运动。

immersed in相似词语短语

1、immersed desktop agent───浸入式桌面代理

2、immersed tunnel───沉埋隧道;沉埋式隧道

3、be immersed in───陷于,沉浸于;v.陷于; 陷入

4、immersed wifi direct───浸入式wifi直达

5、immersed vr───沉浸式虚拟现实

6、immersed definition───沉浸式定义



9、immersed games───沉浸式游戏




immerse则强调物体或身体的一部分完全沉浸在液体中,通常用于更全面、更深层次的浸入,可以表达完全、全力以赴的意味。immerse不仅适用于液体,也可以用于固体或其他物体。例如,“immerse oneself in a bathtub”意味着某人将整个身体都浸入浴缸的水中。


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