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mean doing中文翻译,mean doing是什么意思,mean doing发音、用法及例句

02-11 投稿

mean doing中文翻译,mean doing是什么意思,mean doing发音、用法及例句

mean doing

mean doing发音

英:  美:

mean doing中文意思翻译



mean doing双语使用场景

1、a thrifty lifestyle does not have to mean doing without.───的生活方式并不一定意味着什么都不做。

2、It would only mean doing it once or twice, which isn't too much of a stress!───但那意味着性只是偶尔为之,而不会形成压力。

3、Nonresistance doesn't necessarily mean doing nothing.───不抵抗不一定意味着什么都不去做。

4、I've already told you what I think (mean). Doing so or not is up to you.───我把我的意思已经告诉你了。至于你是否这样做,那就看你的了。

5、mean doing Perseverance does not mean doing the same things forever.───坚持不懈并不意味着永远做同一件事情。

6、Doing one thing well doesn't mean doing exactly one thing.───做好一件事情并不意味着仅仅做一件事情。

7、procrastinating does not mean doing absolutely nothing.───拖延绝不是游手好闲。

8、Pushing or pulling, however, does not necessarily mean doing work.───推或者拉,都不会产生必要的作用。

9、By defensive support, I mean doing things that actively keep you alive.───对于防御上面的支持,只有治疗能够起作用。

mean doing相似词语短语

1、practice doing───练习做某事


3、admit doing───承认做过…;准许做

4、prefer doing to doing───宁愿做……也不愿做……

5、oppose doing───反对做……

6、girlculthienjoy doing───女孩们在做什么

7、favor doing───喜欢做

8、undertook doing───从事

9、mean doing sth───意思是做某事

mean doing和mean to do的区别

mean doing sth. 意思是“意味着做某事”,mean to do sth. 意思是“意欲或意思是要做某事”。

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