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image restoration中文翻译,image restoration是什么意思,image restoration发音、用法及例句

02-12 投稿

image restoration中文翻译,image restoration是什么意思,image restoration发音、用法及例句

1、image restoration

image restoration发音

英:  美:

image restoration中文意思翻译



image restoration双语使用场景

1、The key problem in image restoration is to get the point spread function of motion-blurred images and the knowledge about noise.───由运动模糊图像复原出原图像关键问题是获取点扩展函数和噪声信息,其中噪声通常假设为高斯白噪声。

2、Experiment results show that this method can improve the encoding speed and image restoration performance against the normal VQ.───实验结果表明,相对于普通矢量量化,该方法不但可以提高编码速度,而且图像质量也有明显改善。

3、Blind image restoration is to recover the original image form the observed degraded image with unknown the Point Spread Function (PSF).───盲图像恢复就是在点扩散函数未知情况下从降质观测图像恢复出原图像。

4、image restoration is blur removal in the presence of observation noise.───图像恢复就是在存在噪声的情况下去除模糊。

5、Point Spread Function( PSF ) estimation, an essential part for image restoration, has no accurate estimation algorithm at present.───点扩展函数估计是图像复原的重要内容,目前还没有精确估计的算法。

6、For Windows system image restoration, the boot header has to be written to the destination disk.───对于Windows系统映像恢复,必须将启动头部(header)写入到目标磁盘中。

7、Simulation results show that this method has high accuracy of image restoration and better anti-noise performance.───仿真结果表明该方法具有良好的图像恢复精度和抗噪性能。

8、Analyzing the theory of image restoration, and the completed steps of genetic operation are given.───分析图像恢复的基本原理,给出遗传操作的具体步骤。

9、Image restoration is applied to the restoration of a known distortion for which an objective criterion can be applied.───图像恢复被用于复原已知的失真,这个过程将使用一个客观的标准

image restoration相似词语短语

1、restoration project───恢复项目;修复工程

2、restoration period───[医]恢复期,康复期


4、sailboat restoration───帆船修复

5、restoration literature───王政复辟时期文学


7、restoration hardware───恢复硬件

8、restoration comedy───复辟时期的喜剧(特指英国在复辟时期的喜剧)

9、bondstone restoration───粘结石修复

2、pd pps的区别?

PD(Product Development)和PPS(Product Planning and Strategy)是产品开发过程中的两个不同阶段。




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