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晚安吻英文(good night kisses中文翻译,good night kisses是什么意思,good night kisses发音、用法及例句)

02-14 投稿

晚安吻英文(good night kisses中文翻译,good night kisses是什么意思,good night kisses发音、用法及例句)

1、good night kisses

good night kisses发音

英:  美:

good night kisses中文意思翻译



good night kisses双语使用场景

1、now good-night to my sweet, sweet, sweet, godson, ' said Miss Tox, with a soft shower of kisses at each repetition of the adjective;───现在我祝我亲爱的,亲爱的,亲爱的教子晚安,再见了,”托克斯小姐说道,她每当重复说一次那个形容词的时候,都要伴送出一阵阵温柔的吻。

2、Sometimes my father kisses me good night and sometimes he doesn't.───父亲有时候道晚安时会亲我一下,有时候则不会。

3、What will school be like, Mama? "she asks at bedtime." school is fun, "says Mama." She kisses Sister good night.───学校将会是什么样子的呢,妈妈”她在睡前问道,“学校很有趣,”妈妈说,并给了她个晚安吻。

good night kisses相似词语短语

1、whirlwind kisses───旋风吻

2、Good night───int.晚安;晚安,再见

3、ghostly kisses───鬼吻


5、have a good night───睡得好[不好]

6、protoplasmic kisses───原生质吻

7、say good night───晚安

8、night night───晚安(非正式)

9、prostration Good night───拜倒晚安


“Kiss me”的意思是:亲吻我。



James sort of wants to kiss me. 詹姆士有一点想吻我的意思。

A small sampling: “Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she had to walk intomine”; “Kiss me. 这里有几个小例子:“世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇中有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的这一家”;“吻我吧!

'To confess, then, ' murmured Izz, 'I made sure to-day that he was going to kiss me as he heldme; and I lay still against his breast, hoping and hoping, and never moved at all. “那么我承认,”伊茨小声说,“今天他抱着我走过水塘的时候,我心里想他一定要吻我的;我静静地靠在他的胸膛上,等了又等,一动也不动。

I felt you kiss me good night and I felt loved and safe. 我感觉到你吻我道晚安,就感受到了爱和安全。

He wanted to kiss me all the time. 他无时不刻想吻我他无时不刻不想吻我。

'Alas! my son, ' she cried, 'wilt thou not kiss me before I go? “唉!我的孩子啊,”她抽泣着说,“在我离开前你难道不亲吻一下妈妈吗?

Yes, you may kiss me, and cry; and ring out my kisses and tears: they'll blight you--they'll damnyou. 是的,你可以亲吻我,哭,又逼出我的吻和眼泪:我的吻和眼泪要摧残你——要诅咒你。

Kiss me quick, I'm off, good bye! 快吻我一下,我要离开,再见!

If therefore he is to find my holocaust acceptable, let him kiss me I entreat with a kiss of his mouth. 所以如果他觉得我的毁灭是可以接受的,就让他用我乞求的嘴给我亲吻吧

All clear signs that you're saying, kiss me you fool! 这些都在暗示他:你这个傻瓜,快吻我!

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