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load cells中文翻译,load cells是什么意思,load cells发音、用法及例句

02-12 投稿

load cells中文翻译,load cells是什么意思,load cells发音、用法及例句

1、load cells

load cells发音

英:  美:

load cells中文意思翻译



load cells双语使用场景

1、These hydraulic load cells measure and indicate forces directly for a reasonable price.───这种液压测力单元的测量和显示直接,并且价格合理。

2、Equip stainless steel weighing load cells, microprocessor and dynamic weighing indicator, form a high precision and stable weighing system.───配备高精度不锈钢传感器,微处理器,动态称重显示仪表。

3、load cells deliver data of loading conditions of every outriggers in balancing.───荷重传感器为平衡各支腿的受力状态传输数据。

4、Do you know such load cells?───你知道这样的传感器吗?

5、These hydraulic load cells are used in combination with a pressure measuring device to measure forces .───这些液压测量元件要与压强测量装置联合使用来测量力。

6、Load Cells are the preferred measurement technique for vessels and silos on pellet duty. They may also be considered for powder duty.───秤重单元是用于容器和颗粒料仓的首选测量技术。也可考虑用于粉尘工况。

7、These load cells are notable for high accuracy and low overall height.───这款测压元件特别适合于高精度和整体高度低的情况。

8、Provided that the frequency is not too high, oscillating forces can also be measured with hydraulic load cells.───假设频率不是很高,液压测力计也能测量振荡力。

9、Both load cells are identical except for the hole size.───双方负荷细胞是相同的,除孔的大小。

load cells相似词语短语

1、culturable cells───可培养细胞

2、fat cells───[医] 脂肪细胞;脂肪细胞(fatcell的复数)

3、load board───搭载基板

4、docker load───码头装卸工

5、endothelial cells───内皮细胞

6、format cells───[计] 设置单元格式;设置单元格格式


8、brood cells───[植]芽胞;母细胞



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