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keyaccount(key account中文翻译,key account是什么意思,key account发音、用法及例句)

02-14 投稿

keyaccount(key account中文翻译,key account是什么意思,key account发音、用法及例句)

key account

key account发音

英:  美:

key account中文意思翻译



key account双语使用场景

1、Key account managers represent the firm to its customers.───大客户经理代表公司与客户打交道。

2、Today, most of our multinational customers with centralised purchasing functions request a Key Account Manager.───在今天,许多拥有集中采购能力的跨国客户都要求使用大客户管理。

3、Improve, develop and maintain relationships with key account decision makers and executive staff within the region's responsibility.───在中国区区域层面内,建立、改进和维护与关键客户决策者及执行者的关系。

4、Each team reports its findings to the large group of several key account teams.───各团队向几个大客户团队的上级组织做出结果报告。

5、Develop market opportunities and targeted customers, establish effective communication and cooperation with Key account customer.───开发市场机会,发展目标客户群,与客户建立有效的沟通和合作。

6、Participate in sales calls to key account and projects. Prepare presentations and relative technical documents to include tender documents.───参与大项目或重要客户的拜访、技术资料的准备和介绍包括相关的投标书。

7、However, his low-key account never conveyed that these central concepts were his own, or that he had planned the computer revolution.───但是,他低调的说明不会传达他自己的核心观念或是他已经计划进行的计算机革命。

8、Working together with the branch office to conduct standardized training course for key account, distributor or local government.───协助各销售办事处对重要客户,经销商或政府部门进行相关培训。

9、We conclude by reporting the results of studies of key account managers.───最后我们将得出大客户经理这一命题的研究结果。

key account相似词语短语

1、unlock account───解锁帐户

2、account settings───帐户设置;帐号设定



5、bole account───伯乐帐户

6、account details───帐户明细

7、joint account───联合帐户;[会计]共同帐户;n.两人共有的银行账户

8、current account───经常帐;[金融]活期存款帐户;n.往来帐户

9、doubtful account───呆帐;呆账,可疑账款


KA是Key Account的缩写,意指关键客户或重要客户,不仅是日化行业有这个概念,其它行业都应该有这个概念。


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