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living proof中文翻译,living proof是什么意思,living proof发音、用法及例句

02-12 投稿

living proof中文翻译,living proof是什么意思,living proof发音、用法及例句

living proof

living proof发音

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living proof中文意思翻译



living proof双语使用场景

1、We are living proof.───我们就是活生生的例子。

2、Twelve million cancer survivors are living proof such a goal is possible.───十二万癌症幸存者都生动地证明这一目标是可能的。

3、We are, as you would say, the living proof of what is possible through Ascension.───我们是,就像你们会说的,活生生的证明,通过扬升是可能的。

4、I'd like to tell him that he was not the only survivor to come out of that day, as I am living proof.───我想告诉他,他不是那天唯一的幸存者,正如我现在是活着的证明一样。

5、Sita is living proof that this endangered species can flourish if only given enough room and enough prey.───Sita老虎是有耐力的那些濒临灭绝的种群能够得到繁荣,假如能有足够的居住空间和被掠食者供应。

6、He is living proof that not all engineers are boring.───并非所有工程师都缺乏情趣,他就是活生生的例子。

7、I'm living proof of it!───我就是活生生的证明!

8、they gave living proof of the truth of what they said, that God's love had come down and taken possession of them.───因为从他们彼此相爱的生活里,显明了他们心中已充满上帝大爱的明证。

9、His mother Emma, a business support executive, said he was living proof that the limit on abortion should be reduced from 24 weeks.───他的母亲艾玛是一个业务支持经理,她说他的生存是一个奇迹,因为怀孕低于24周生出的孩子都算不享有人权的早产儿。

living proof相似词语短语

1、incompleteness proof───不完全性证明

2、bill proof───票据证明

3、mistake proof───错误防范

4、error proof───防错

5、corrected proof───更正的证明

6、recession proof───防衰退



9、inartistic proof───非艺术证据


Yet plenty has been lost too, even incultures that still live to eat, takeItaly.  


That is, after all, the primary reasonwe live — to be of service toothers.  


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