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the more the more中文翻译,the more the more是什么意思,the more the more发音、用法及例句

03-21 投稿

the more the more中文翻译,the more the more是什么意思,the more the more发音、用法及例句

the more the more

the more the more发音

英:  美:

the more the more中文意思翻译



the more the more双语使用场景

1、the more the more The more people you know, the less time you have to see them.───你认识的人越多,见他们是时间就越少。

2、As you've seen, the more the more business logic is externalized and centralized, the easier it becomes to manage.───如您所见,越来越多的业务逻辑被外化和集中化,同时也更易于管理。

3、The more. . . , the more you will realize how little you know.───知道得越多,越会体会到自己知道得多么有限。

4、Our souls, shame-wounded by our sins, cling to us yet more , a woman to her lover clinging, the more the more .───我们的灵魂被我们的罪孽所玷污,越发依附我们,正如女人拥抱情人一般,越抱越紧。

5、There is an ideal that lives like a cup of honey, the more the more sweet goods; there is no ideal that life as a glass of water, light .───有理想的人说,生活像一杯蜂蜜,越品越甜;没有理想的人说,生活像一杯白开水,越喝越淡。

6、Come down from the sky, emotional person will become ignorant, the more the more ignorant fierce yokel.───情感降临的时分,人就会变得懵懂,越是粗人越是懵懂的凶猛。

7、Generally speaking, the more you pay, the more you get.───一般来说,花钱多,买的东西就多。

8、more pesticides are used, the more resistant the insects become so the more pesticides have to be used. It's a vicious circle.───杀虫剂使用得越多,那些昆虫的抵抗力越强,因此就要使用更多的杀虫剂。这是一个恶性循环。

the more the more相似词语短语

1、the more of───更多的

2、for the more───为了更多

3、the more together───更多的在一起

4、the more───越发, 更;更;越发

5、all the more───adv.更加; 格外; 益; 愈加

6、more of the───更多的

7、the more you───你越是

8、the show more───节目更多

9、more the more───越多越好

the more... the more... the more...什么意思


the more ..., the more...句型中,谓语动词并非出现在主语之前,如:The more we get together, the happier we will be.


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