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time wasters(time waster中文翻译,time waster是什么意思,time waster发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

time wasters(time waster中文翻译,time waster是什么意思,time waster发音、用法及例句)

1、time waster

time waster发音

英:  美:

time waster中文意思翻译




time waster双语使用场景

1、This can be a time waster.───这样就会浪费时间。

2、If you get seasick when looking at three-dimensional games, this time waster might not be for you.───如果当你看三维立体游戏时感到晕眩,那么这件费时的事可能不适合你。

3、Social media can be a large time-waster. Many people spend much of their day tweeting, liking, and posting status updates.───社交媒体可以浪费你很多时间。很多人花很多时间发微博、加关注、更新状态。

4、Trying to solve them is the greatest time waster one can engage in.───试着去解决这种问题的人是世界上最浪费时间的人。

5、Eliminate at least one time-waster from your life each week.───每周从你的生活中剔除出至少一个导致时间浪费的因素;

6、HUGE time waster.───太浪费时间啦。

7、Again, this is advantageous, because the greatest single time waster in real estate is trying to deal with a non-motivated seller.───尽速决定对你非常有利,因为从事房地产交易最浪费时间的事,就是跟卖房子意愿不高的卖家打交道。

8、I'm not entirely sure if I should call this a time waster or an educational tool.───我不太确定我该管这个叫浪费时间的东西还是教育工具。

9、But I think the real answer lies in our workaholic culture's contempt for a time-waster like sleep.───但是我觉得真正的原因来还是自于美国工作狂文化背景下对于诸如睡觉此类浪费时间的行为的一种蔑视。

time waster相似词语短语

1、time wasters───浪费时间者(歌名,TimeWaster)

2、fire master───n.消防队长


4、die caster───压铸机


6、time charter───定期租船契约

7、Game Master───游戏管理员


1.属正式用词,主要用于肯定句或疑问句,一般不用于否定句 (否定句可用 either),它在句中通常放在实义动词之前,特殊动词 (动词be、情态动词、助动词)之后,有时也放在整个谓语前面或放在句首或句尾 (较少见,且多半是因为强调之故).如:

Surfing the Internet is fun, but it's also a time waster.


Once wholesale prices are deregulated, consumer prices will also rise.


2.有时由于 also 位置不同,可能会导致句子含义不同.如:

We alsoregard him as a great writer today.我们也 (同别人一样)把他看成当今伟大的作家.

We regard also him as a great writertoday.我们把他 (同别人一样)也看成当今伟大的作家.

We regardhim as a great writer also today.我们仍 (同其它时候一样)把他看成当今伟大的作家.

3.在简略答语中,习惯上不用also,如一般不说 I also,但可说Metoo,You too等之类的.如:

A:I’m tired.我累了.

B:Me too.我也是.

B:I also.(误)

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