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group leader中文翻译,group leader是什么意思,group leader发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

group leader中文翻译,group leader是什么意思,group leader发音、用法及例句

group leader

group leader发音

英:  美:

group leader中文意思翻译




group leader双语使用场景

1、He is a capable group leader.───他是个能干的小组长.

2、The Group Leader, Dr. Han Jin - Lin , is an internationally respected scientist.───伙伴小组组长 韩金林 博士在国际上是一名受尊重的科学家.

3、To learn about our group leader perhaps, you mean?───你的意思是,他来了解我们组长的情况 吗 ?

4、The group leader dissociated himself and his members from the views expressed in the report.───组长及其成员不赞成报道中的观点.

5、The group leader will is hold accountable for the action of the group.───小组长要对小组的行为负责.

6、As group leader, you should take charge.───你身为组长,应当负起责任来。

7、We asked our group leader what was the next thing we had to do.───我们问了组长下一步要做什么.

8、We made the man our group leader.───(复合宾语)我们选这个年轻人做我们的组长.

9、Confirm with Group Leader and SPE Engineer the concept design and detail execution of his work.───和主管以及SPE工程师一起确认方案及其详细施工.

10、" Notes to the Group Leader Location Map " and " Floor Plan "───兹附上 [ 团体领队须知]、 [ 孙中山纪念馆位置图 ] 及.

11、The group leader assigned me the task of ramming the earth.───组长分派我到这儿来夯土.

12、The group leader announced that we should begin to work soon.───小组长宣布过,我们不久就将开始工作了.

13、In our design, we defined three personas: the typical customer, a group leader, and an administrator.───在我们的设计中,定义了三种角色:典型客户、组负责人和管理员。

14、The group leader supervises a dozen workers.───组长管十二个工人.

15、The group leader apportioned them the duties for the week.───组长给他们分派了这星期的任务。

16、After weekday, the group leader urges exercise, always close insufficient.───周日之后, 组长催作业, 总是收不够.

17、We got behind him to be our group leader.───我们赞成当我们的组长.

group leader相似词语短语

1、group lives───团体生活

2、floor leader───(美)议会中的政党领袖

3、ground layer───接地层;贴地层,[气象]近地面层

4、;and leader───畅销品牌

5、ground elder───羊角芹

6、form leader───班长

7、group sexes───集体性淫乱

8、group life───团体生活

9、loss leader───为招揽顾客而削本出售的商品


GL不是职称,是group leader的英文简写。

Group Leader是一个组织的领导者、领头。GROUP可指任何组织、团体。如果是更正式的组织,可用Organization Leader.

Corporation Leader是一个公司的领导者。

Enterprise Leader也指公司、企业领导,但一般是相当大的企业。

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