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look inside中文翻译,look inside是什么意思,look inside发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

look inside中文翻译,look inside是什么意思,look inside发音、用法及例句

look inside

look inside发音

英:  美:

look inside中文意思翻译



look inside双语使用场景

1、Take a look inside the post.───看看柱子里面。

2、Look inside you and be strong.───正视自己要坚强.

3、They have found a way to look inside viruses for the first time.───他们首次发现了观察病毒内部的方法.

4、The first thing to do is to take a look inside the Boot Record.───首先我们要做的是关注一下引导记录里面的内容.

5、You really have to look inside yourself and find your own inner strength.───你真的必须反躬自省,寻找自已内心的力量.

6、Look inside! See? I put ten donuts in there.───看里面! 看见了 吗 ?我在里面放了十个油炸圈饼.

7、Now, you get to have a look inside.───现在,你将可以目睹里面究竟是怎的。

8、Danny: Well in that case, let me remove the ball and look inside.───丹尼: 那么, 待我把圆球拆下来,看看鼠标里面的状况.

9、Why would we shield the public from an unfiltered look inside the mind of a killer?───为什么我们应该保护公众远离未经过滤而进入杀手内心的探寻呢?

10、At least from look inside the industry, such practice is very scarce.───起码从行业内看, 这样的做法是很少见的.

11、Dense white petals, a look inside layers of pack, thus forming a beautiful chrysanthemums.───白色的花瓣密密麻麻, 一层层往里包, 从而形成了一朵美丽的菊花.

12、I wanted to look inside the palace.───我想瞧瞧宫殿里面的样子.

13、JP: Are we allowed to look inside it?───我们能看详细的内容 吗 ?

14、Look inside the medicine cupboard for more petroleum products, medical paraffin and petroleum jelly.───向药厨里看看,你可以找到更多的石油产品, 如药用石蜡和凡士林.

15、If you look inside your heart.───如果你往你的内心深处寻觅.

16、Look inside instead of outside yourself for answers to life's problems.───从自身内部而非外部寻求生活的答案.

look inside相似词语短语

1、look in───看望;顺道访问

2、peek inside───窥视内部

3、look alive───快点;注意

4、stay inside───待在里面;呆在室内

5、step inside───走进里面

6、look into───调查;观察;窥视;浏览;看

7、look sick───显得逊色

8、good side───好的一面



look into中的into是介词,后面必须接名词(或代词,或动名词,或其他相当于名词的短语)。如:look into the classroomlook inside中的inside是副词,后面不接名词。

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