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hang in there中文翻译,hang in there是什么意思,hang in there发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

hang in there中文翻译,hang in there是什么意思,hang in there发音、用法及例句

hang in there

hang in there发音

英:  美:

hang in there中文意思翻译


再等等; 坚持一下; hang in there or to hang on in there; you are encouraging them to keep trying to do something and not to give up even though it might be difficult.

hang in there双语使用场景

1、Does that same layer of fat hang in there despite your most diligent efforts?───无论你怎样努力,同样的那层脂肪是不是还在那里?

2、I feel that everything should work itself out so just be patient and hang in there.───我想事情总会得到解决的,因此耐心些,坚持下去.

3、Hang in there and you never know what you might achieve.───坚持下去,你永远都无法预料会有什么样的收获。

4、Well, hang in there.───好啦, 耐心等待.

5、Hang in there and you never know what is achievable.───坚持下去,你永远无法知道会有什么样的收获。

6、Hang in there old buddy; the worst is yet to come.───坚持下去,老兄, 更困难的还在后头呢!

7、I tightened my grip as if to say, "Hang in there. We'll get through this."───我紧紧地握了握她的手,就像是说,“坚持下去,我们会熬过去的。”

8、An enthusiastic attitude enables us to hang in there when the going gets tough.───当世事变得艰难时,热情的心态使我们能够坚持.

hang in there相似词语短语

1、here and there───各处,到处

2、hang in (there)───坚持住(那里)

3、pain in the arse───屁股痛

4、hang together───符合,一致;同心协力;结合在一起

5、hand in hand───手拉手地;联合

6、hand in glove───合作;勾结着;亲密地

7、then and there───当场;当时当地

keep going类似的单词?

1. Come on

很多人看比赛时,在比赛白热化的时刻,都会说“Come on!”意思是鼓励、加把劲儿!

2.Hang in there


3. Go for it / Go on


4. Cheer up

Cheer up的意思是高兴起来,振作起来,可以用来鼓励心情低迷的朋友振作起来,继续加油。

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