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within temptation中文翻译,within temptation是什么意思,within temptation发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

within temptation中文翻译,within temptation是什么意思,within temptation发音、用法及例句

within temptation

within temptation发音

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within temptation中文意思翻译



within temptation双语使用场景

1、We think temptation lies around us, but God says it begins within us.───我们以为诱惑是在我们四周,但神说它发自我们心内。

2、Within Temptation In this world you tried───在这世界里,你曾经试图

3、's a constant battle that rages within all of us, between the better angels of our nature, and the temptation of our inner demons.───我们每个人的愤怒是场持久战,在我们本性好的一面,和我们内心深处的黑暗面。

4、Here's a song from Within Temptation album The Hearth Of Everything.───这里的从炉膛的一切诱惑专辑内的歌曲。

5、God has promised never to allow more on you than lie puts within you to handle it. He will not permit any temptation that you could not overcome.───神已经应许不让在你身上的试探,超过他放在你里面的力量,他不会容许你受试探过于你能担当的。

6、Within Temptation-Forgiven Couldn't save you from the start───自一开始便无法拯救你

within temptation相似词语短语

1、without hesitation───adj.毫不犹豫的

2、great temptation───巨大的诱惑



5、resist the temptation───抵制诱惑;抵挡住诱惑

6、light adaptation───光适应;[生理]明适应;亮适应;明视适应性

7、switching station───n.开关站;转换站;配电站

8、within reason───理智的,合理的;合情合理

9、avoid temptation───避免诱惑


这也太少信息了吧,主唱是女的,暗黑系还有森林巫婆,几年前火的,我猜是within temptation. 或者是nightwish的歌。

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