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digital economy中文翻译,digital economy是什么意思,digital economy发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

digital economy中文翻译,digital economy是什么意思,digital economy发音、用法及例句

digital economy

digital economy发音

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digital economy中文意思翻译



digital economy双语使用场景

1、But as well as erecting new bridges and roads, China is also quickening the build out of infrastructure for a modern digital economy.───但在新建桥梁和道路之外,中国还在加快建设现代数字经济所需的基础设施。

2、Meanwhile, the last of the legal challenges to the hastily enacted Digital Economy Act failed last month.───与此同时,上个月草率颁布的数字经济法案获得通过。

3、EDS - managing the complexities of the digital economy.───应对数字化经济的错综复杂.

4、This has served as an important foundation on which the digital economy can prosper.───这个网络是数码经济得以在香港蓬勃发展的重要基础。

5、But as well as erecting new Bridges and roads, China is also quickening the build out of infrastructure for a modern digital economy.───但在新建桥梁和道路之外,中国还在加快建设现代数字经济所需的基础设施。

6、To shift to a digital economy, best demonstrated by the explosive growth of the Internet, is transforming everyday products and practices.───转化为数字经济,最好体现在互联网的爆炸性增长,正在改变日常的产品和做法。

7、It's all done in the hope of earning a few dollars from the detritus of the clean digital economy.───以上这一切,不过是为了讨得“清洁数字经济”里区区几美元的残羹剩饭而已。

8、and secure Corporate Enterprises' networks in support of their business expansion into the path of digital economy.───维护企业网络安全从而支持企业发展至数码经济领域。

9、digital economy is thus run on a river of copies.───数字经济便是这样运转在复制品的河流当中。

digital economy相似词语短语

1、national economy───[经]国民经济

2、ailing economy───病态经济;失调的经济

3、gig economy───零工经济

4、digital technology───数字技术

5、digital clock───数字显示式时钟

6、political economy───政治经济学

7、capitalist economy───[经]资本主义经济



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