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饺子皮英语(make dumpling中文翻译,make dumpling是什么意思,make dumpling发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

饺子皮英语(make dumpling中文翻译,make dumpling是什么意思,make dumpling发音、用法及例句)

make dumpling

make dumpling发音

英:  美:

make dumpling中文意思翻译



make dumpling双语使用场景

1、the first step is to mix the flour with water. when the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers.───第一步是混合面粉和水,面团准备好后,就开始制作饺子皮了。

2、When the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers.───当面团准备好了,我们可以开始做饺子皮。

3、The Lantern Festival is coming. Lots of people are now buying sweet dumpling from the supermarket. Sometimes I make sweet dumpling myself at home.───元宵节快到了,大家都到超市买汤圆呢,不过有时候我也在家自己做。

4、boiling heat transfer gradually to the dumplings, and made with boiling water does not stop the change, make dumpling skin evenly, so not easy break cook.───沸水逐渐向饺子传递热量,并使之随着滚水不停翻动,使饺子外皮受热均匀,所以不易煮破。

5、Thirdly , all the families get together and have a big dinner . people make dumpling with meat and vegetables .───第三,所有的家庭成员会聚在一起吃晚餐。大家一起包饺子,里面的陷是混合着肉和蔬菜的。

6、Jane bought one kilogram of flour to make dumpling for the whole family, for it is the New Year day today.───简买了一公斤面粉来给全家人包饺子,因为今天是新年。

7、Firstly, she takes out some farina. After the dough is ready, she begins to make dumpling wrappers.───首先,她拿出面粉来和,等到面发好之后,就开始做饺子皮。

8、package into tofu, pickled vegetables, bean paste and so on, make dumpling-shaped Qingming fruit for Chatham.───包入豆腐干、腌菜、豆芽馅等,做成饺子形的为咸清明果。

make dumpling相似词语短语

1、clootie dumplings───克罗蒂水饺


3、make public───公诸于众;公布;公开;披露

4、clootie dumpling───克罗蒂水饺


6、make a complaint───提出投诉;抱怨

7、make a killing───赚大钱,发大财;突然赚得/赢得一大笔钱;大有所获


你好,“make dumplings”的中文意思是“包饺子”的意思。


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