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mental illness中文翻译,mental illness是什么意思,mental illness发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

mental illness中文翻译,mental illness是什么意思,mental illness发音、用法及例句

mental illness

mental illness发音

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mental illness中文意思翻译



mental illness双语使用场景

1、Mental illness is still a taboo subject.───精神疾病仍然是禁忌话题。

2、The layperson cannot really understand mental illness.───外行不完全了解精神病。

3、A strong link was found between parental mental illness and disturbance in their children.───业已发现父母的精神病史和子女的精神障碍之间有密切的关系。

4、The term 'mental illness' is difficult to define.───精神病”这个词很难下定义。

5、Heredity also plays a role in some types of mental illness.───遗传在某些精神病中也有作用.

6、Laing regards the concept of mental illness as both unscientific and stigmatizing.───菜恩认为精神病的概念是不科学的和诬蔑性的.

7、Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.───最近几年对精神病的态度已有所改变。

8、Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service it had not been caused by it.───虽然他的精神病刚好在他参战期间发作,但并不是由此引起的。

9、Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of.───精神病并不可羞愧。

10、Mental illness can create a sense of alienation from the real world.───精神病能产生一种与现实世界脱离的感觉.

11、As the editor's postscript reminds the reader, she was to endure two more spells of mental illness before the book was published.───正如编辑在附言中提醒读者的那样,她在本书出版前还要再经历两次精神疾病发作的折磨。

12、There is so much ignorance about mental illness.───人们对精神疾病很不了解。

13、Deviant behaviour is one of the features of certain types of mental illness.───反常举动是某些精神疾病的特征之一.

14、Modern medicine has a large armoury of drugs for the treatment of mental illness.───现代医学有大量可以用来治疗精神疾病的药物。

15、Mental illness is a major disease in modern time.───精神疾病是现代困扰人类的主要疾病之一.

16、Certain people may be predisposed to mental illness.───有些人易患精神病.

17、As other feel good pills followed no mental illness seemed beyond their reach.───随后由于有其他反应较好的药物,精神病似乎都能治疗了.

mental illness相似词语短语

1、mental blocks───n.[心理]心理阻隔

2、minor illness───小病

3、mystery illness───神秘疾病

4、terminal illness───终期病患

5、mental illnesses───精神病

6、mental ages───n.[心理]心理年龄;精神年龄

7、mental distress───精神苦闷,精神上的痛苦

8、feign illness───假装生病

9、fatal illness───绝症


心理疾病英文:mental illness

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