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seven seas中文翻译,seven seas是什么意思,seven seas发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

seven seas中文翻译,seven seas是什么意思,seven seas发音、用法及例句

seven seas

seven seas发音

英:  美:

seven seas中文意思翻译



seven seas双语使用场景

1、The old salt had sailed the seven seas.───这位经验丰富的水手航行过世界七大洋.

2、I'm Captain Bluebush, Slut of the Seven Seas.───我是布鲁布什船长, 七海上的肮脏女人.

3、I travel the world & the seven seas.───我游历过世界 和 七大洋.

4、I should sail the seven seas and the thirteen rivers of fairyland.───我要将它航行到仙境里的七海和十三河.

5、We shall sail merrily across the seven seas and the thirteen rivers of fairyland.───我们要快快乐乐地航行在仙境里的七海和十三河.

6、I chased a man across the seven seas.───我为了追缉一个人,航遍了七海.

7、He who has sailed the seven seas doesn't think much of mere rivers.───曾经沧海难为水.

8、The pirate sails the seven seas.───海盗航行在七大洋。

9、Mainland , Hongkong , Macao , Taiwan, North America, Southeast Asia, Middle East the seven seas, others.───主要市场︰大陆, 港澳台地区, 北美, 东南亚, 中东,全球, 其它市场.

10、The seven seas: arctic , antarctic, N . Pacific , S . Pacific, N . atlantic, S . atlantic, and Indian Oceans.───七大洋: 北冰洋、南冰洋、北太平洋、南太平洋 、 北大西洋 、 南大西洋和印度洋.

11、I shall cross the seven seas and thirteen rivers in the fairyland.───我将越过仙人世界里的七个大海和十三条河道.

12、I would swim the seven seas, To have you as my guide and my light.───我要在七大洋里畅游, 因为你能变成给我方向和指引的北斗星.

13、So , get ready to sail the seven seas with Sinbad!───他就是辛巴达, 是横越七大洋的传奇人物.

14、I shall cross the seven seas and the thirteen rivers of fairyland.───我将要穿越仙境里的七海和十三河.

15、He was a scourer of the seven seas.───他曾经环游七大洋.

16、He has sailed the seven seas.───他航行过世界七大海洋.

17、A silent wish sails the seven seas.───沉默的祝福四处传扬.

18、The waters of the seven seas .───茫茫七海之水。

19、The seven seas are heaving the weight of america's dozen or so aircraft carrier battle groups.───世界七大洋被美国海上作战集团的十余艘航空母舰的沉重吨位直压得波涛起伏,不得平静.

20、The ship travels over the seven seas.───这艘船航行七大海洋。

21、A silent wish sails the seven seas The winds of change whisper in the trees.───无声的愿望航过七海转向的风在树梢呢喃.

seven seas相似词语短语

1、Seven Sisters───七姊妹(世界七大石油公司);北斗星团



4、green seas───连续海浪


6、Seven Seas───世界七大洋

7、even as───正如;正巧在…的时候;即使;甚至


9、heaven sent───天赋的,天赐的



num. 七个,七

n. 七个人;七点钟;七岁

adj. 七的;七个的

The father was telling his daughter a bedtime story about the seven dwarfs and Snow White.



seven years七年

at sixes and sevens乱七八糟

seven seas世界七大洋



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