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optic nerve中文翻译,optic nerve是什么意思,optic nerve发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

optic nerve中文翻译,optic nerve是什么意思,optic nerve发音、用法及例句

optic nerve

optic nerve发音

英:  美:

optic nerve中文意思翻译




optic nerve双语使用场景

1、The optic nerve: A new window cerebrospinal fluid composition?───视神经: 了解脑脊液成分的新视窗?

2、At the 120 th day, localized atrophy of optic nerve occurred under the incision.───手术后第120天创伤下方部位呈现局部视神经萎缩性改变.

3、Increased pressure in the eye is linked to optic nerve damage.───的升高与视神经的损害密切相关。

4、Objective To study the characteristic of the craniocerebral trauma with optic nerve injury and forensic investigation.───目的探讨颅脑外伤合并视神经损伤的特点及法医学鉴定要点.

5、The retina processes theses images into signals that travel through the optic nerve to the brain.───这些图象经过视网膜的加工后,再通过视神经传向大脑.

6、The optic nerve is a part of the brain.───视觉神经是大脑的一部分。

7、MRI demonstrated abnormal signals, thickness of optic nerve and white matter lesions in brain.───mri可表现为视神经异常信号和视神经增粗,部分患者伴有脑白质异常.

8、His optic nerve was hurt in an accident.───他的视神经在一次事故中受到损伤.

9、After cerebral hemorrhage operation, the remedial method that optic nerve injures?───脑出血手术后, 视神经损伤的治疗办法?

10、Glaucomatous optic nerve atrophy is the main factor affecting the visual recovery.───青光眼性视神经萎缩是影响视力恢复的主要因素.

11、Light stimulates the optic nerve.───光刺激视神经.

12、Methods 15 cases of optic nerve trauma were performed with HRCT scan and bone arithmetic reconstruction.───方法对外伤性视神经患者15例行视神经管HRCT扫描,骨算法重建.

13、This is a sign that her optic nerve is functioning.───这是她的视神经开始发挥功能的迹象。

14、The reason for this is that the optic nerve is a part of the brain.───这其中的原因在于视神经是大脑的一部分。

15、Optic nerve injury may occur at any section from the eyeball up to the brain.───临床的视神经损伤可发生在从球后到颅内的各段.

16、Methanol can cause poisoning, systemic acidosis, optic nerve damage and central nervous system ( CNS ) effects.───甲醇能造成中毒, 组织酸毒症, 选择性神经伤害和影响中枢神经.

17、The second your eyes flutter open, light shoots down the optic nerve andthe brain's biological clock.───当你的眼睛微微睁开的时侯, 光线投射到你视神经,同时刺激大脑的生物钟,使大脑产生多种荷尔蒙激素.

18、Results 24 patients were found combined with the optic nerve injury.───结果1026例急性颅脑损伤者中发现合并视神经损伤者24例.

optic nerve相似词语短语

1、acoustic nerves───听神经

2、optic nerves───[解剖]视神经(opticnerve的复数)

3、facial nerve───[解剖]面神经;颜面神经

4、median nerve───[解剖]正中神经

5、acoustic nerve───[解剖]听神经(等于auditorynerve)


7、to nerve───使神经紧张

8、sciatic nerves───n.[解剖]坐骨神经

9、sciatic nerve───n.[解剖]坐骨神经

既然在CNS中叫tract,在PNS中叫nerve,那么脑中的optic nerve算是PNS吗?


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