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riseandfall(rise up to中文翻译,rise up to是什么意思,rise up to发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

riseandfall(rise up to中文翻译,rise up to是什么意思,rise up to发音、用法及例句)

rise up to

rise up to发音

英:  美:

rise up to中文意思翻译





rise up to双语使用场景

1、They believe that President Assad could still rise up to the challenge and enact real change.───他们相信阿萨德总统仍然能够面对挑战,并作出真正的改革。

2、Many Western diplomats and commentators expressed doubts that the Syrian people might one day rise up to demand their rights and freedoms.───许多西方外交家和评论员质疑是否有天叙利亚人民会揭竿而起,取得他们该有权利和自由。

3、Like this little vessel that would rise up to heaven were it not held down by ballast - bags of sand.───就像这个小艇,如果不是由沙袋压着,它就可以升到天空。

4、For this to be safe, scientists have to be sure the material could never leak out and contaminate water supplies or rise up to the surface.───为了保证安全,科学家们必须确保这些物质决不可能泄漏出来,以至于污染水源或者升至地表。

5、So this is your fate destiny kismet you must rise up to it because no one else can take this job.───所以,这是你的命运、气数、天命,你必须正面接受它,因为没有其他人可以做到这点。

6、To say the least, you will be somewhat different to what you are now as you have yet to rise up to the higher levels of vibration.───至少,你们会比起你们当前某些地方完全不同,当你们已经提升到更高的振动水平的时候。

7、There is way too much acceptance that there are forces beyond ones control, and thus you don't rise up to it.───人们过多地接受一种观念:暴力是个人无法控制的,因此你不可以反抗。

8、They stayed relativfely quiet on this front in 2007, so maybe 2008 will be when they rise up to the challenge of Google Apps.───它们在2007年看起来相对还比较平静,因此,也许2008年将会是他们兴起的时候,也应迎接来自Google应用程序的挑战了。

rise up to相似词语短语

1、shine up to───对…献媚讨好

2、give up to───陷入;让给;向…投降

3、given up to───陷入;让给;向…投降

4、lives up to───不辜负

5、lived up to───不辜负;做到;实践

6、gives up to───陷入;让给;向…投降

7、live up to───不辜负;做到;实践

rise to和rise in区别?

区别就是两者都是动词rise +介词短语但意思是不一样的,具体的不同如下

rise to中文意思是上升到;升迁

Perhaps the opposed parties will lay aside their sectional interests and rise to this challenge.

rise in中文意思是起源

We have allowed spending and borrowing to rise in this recession.

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