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treatment effect中文翻译,treatment effect是什么意思,treatment effect发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

treatment effect中文翻译,treatment effect是什么意思,treatment effect发音、用法及例句

1、treatment effect

treatment effect发音

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treatment effect中文意思翻译



[计] 处理效应

treatment effect双语使用场景

1、Results: The treatment effect is satisfactory which is confirmed by clinic observation.───结果: 经临床观察有较好的疗效.

2、Objective To summary histopathologic features and treatment effect of parotid epidermoidoma.───目的:为总结腮腺粘液表皮样癌的临床及病理特点、治疗效果.

3、Objective To improve the treatment effect of primary hepatic cancer.───目的提高原发性肝癌的治疗效果。

4、Aim: to detect the treatment effect of compound Indigo Naturalis powder to oral ulcer.───目的: 探讨复方青黛散对口腔溃疡的治疗效果.

5、Factor of the baf process treatment effect is analyzed.───分析了影响曝气生物滤池处理效能的因素。

6、Objective To evaluate the clinical treatment effect of FSM on cervical syndrome with singultus.───目的探讨脊柱(定点)旋转复位法治疗颈椎棘突错位引起呃逆症状的临床效果.

7、Objective To improve the treatment effect of primary cancer ( PHC ).───目的提高原发性肝癌 ( PHC ) 的治疗效果.

8、The present invention also discloses the antagonist resisting the polypeptide and its treatment effect.───本发明还公开了抗此多肽的拮抗剂及其治疗作用.

9、Objective To study the treatment effect of NAC on the animal model of infection labor.───目的探讨N- 乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC) 对感染性早产动物模型的治疗作用及作用机制.

10、The objective is to observe the treatment effect and side effects of Voglibose Tablet in curing type 2 diabetes.───目的是观察伏格列波糖分散片治疗2型糖尿病的疗效及副作用。

11、Objective To analyze and summarize diagnose of mesenteric ischemia disease and the treatment effect.───目的分析总结肠系膜缺血性疾病的诊断及治疗效果.

12、The post - treatment effect was significantly lower in CHM group than in control group ( P < 0.01 ).───中药组治疗后明显低于对照组治疗后 ( P<0.01 ).

13、Objective To analyze the treatment effect of brain diffusive axial injury.───目的分析脑弥漫性轴索损伤治疗的疗效.

14、Conclusion The treatment effect of Morita therapy on social phobia was better than drug therapy.───结论森田疗法治疗社交恐怖症优于药物治疗.

15、Objective : To study the clinical feature and treatment effect of open - angle glaucoma in children.───目的: 总结青少年型青光眼的临床特点与治疗效果.

16、Because of unknown etiology and treatment effect is not very ideal tradition.───由于病因不明,传统治疗效果并不甚理想.

17、Methods: To observe the treatment effect of 21 critical asthmas treated with TV, PEEP and PHC.───方法对21例危重哮喘患者及时使用低潮气量、低呼气末正压通气(PEEP) 、 容许性高碳酸血症通气策略(PHC)治疗.

18、Objective To review the treatment effect and advantage of external fixation for intertrochanteric fracture old patients.───探讨单臂外固定支架治疗老年股骨粗隆间骨折的疗效及优点.

treatment effect相似词语短语

1、deterrent effect───威慑效果;阻遏效果

2、Raman effect───喇曼效应

3、Peltier effect───培尔蒂埃效应;[热]珀尔帖效应(利用电流通过两种适宜物质的结点处而产生温度降低的现象)

4、calming effect───镇静作用;舒缓效果

5、healing effect───愈合;弥复效应

6、experimenter effect───实验者效应

7、ratchet effect───齿轮效应

8、Bradley effect───布莱德利效应

9、Zeeman effect───[光][等离子]塞曼效应

2、be different in后加什么?


1.Legal requirements that may be different in various countries or regions.法律要求可能因国家或地区而异。

2.Business or regulatory requirements that may be different in multiple regions.业务要求或法规要求可能因地区而异。

3.In other words, the true treatment effect will be different in different studies.换句话说,实际上不同试验间的治疗效应存在真正的差异。

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