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be exposed to中文翻译,be exposed to是什么意思,be exposed to发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

be exposed to中文翻译,be exposed to是什么意思,be exposed to发音、用法及例句

be exposed to

be exposed to发音

英:  美:

be exposed to中文意思翻译



暴露于;暴露在; 面临

be exposed to双语使用场景

1、In this class, you will be exposed to this quantitative aspect.───在本课程中, 你将接触到数量表示的观点.

2、to be exposed to infection───暴露于易受感染的环境

3、An under test must always be exposed to light of the correct wavelength and wavelength range.───试验的乳胶必须始终对恰当的波长和波长范围进行曝光.

4、Extricate oneself of not to be exposed to, manager fete is entertained.───见不得脱身, 经理便设宴招待.

5、If they did, they be exposed to insider dealing legislation.───如果这样做, 它们将面临违反内幕交易法规的风险.

6、Cell phones can be exposed to extreme temperatures and weather conditions.───手机可以被暴露在极端温度和天气条件.

7、Store the capacitors in the package not to be exposed to direct sunlight and dust.───确保钽电容包装贮存,不宜外露、受阳光直照及灰尘污染.

8、The biggest fear among parents thinking of using the Internet is that their children will be exposed to pornography.───大多数父母认为使用因特网最可怕的是他们的孩子将接触到色情内容。

9、No accommodation or recreational or catering facilities should be exposed to excessive vibration.───居住舱室或娱乐或膳食服务设施不应暴露于过度振动中.

10、Victims may be exposed to poisonous or radioactive minerals.───受害者可能接触到了有毒或放射性矿物。

11、Can I be exposed to energy chamber irradiation everyday?───能量屋是不是可以天天照射?一天可使用多少次?

12、We should allow children to be exposed to new ideas.───我们应当让孩子们接触新思想.

13、This medicine is not to be exposed to daylight.───这种药怕见光.

14、This liquid is not to be exposed to air, for it will soon evaporate.───这种夜体不可暴露在空气中, 因为它会很快蒸发掉.

15、So banks will still be exposed to further deterioration in their portfolios.───因此,银行还将面临投资组合进一步恶化的风险.

16、One out of four people will be exposed to ID theft and fraud while online.───每四个人中就有一个会在上网时面临身分剽窃和诈骗的危险.

17、Via the Internet, we be exposed to infinite information.───通过互联网, 我们可以接触到无限的信息.

18、She might even climb the roof, or be exposed to similar dangers, if she was not cured at once.───如果不马上治愈,她甚至可能爬上屋顶,或者暴露在类似的危险中。

19、This chemical is not to be exposed to air.───这种化学制品不可暴露于空气之中.

20、Will the children ever be exposed to a profound idea at home.───孩子们能够接触到高深的思想吗?

be exposed to相似词语短语

1、be able to───v.会;能够

2、be going to───将要;打算

3、as opposed to───与…截然相反;对照

4、be about to───即将;刚要;正打算

5、exposed to───接触;暴露于


7、be excused───原谅

8、be counter to───与……相违背

9、be used to───习惯于

be exposed to后面接什么?

be exposed to后面接名词或代词或名词短语,因为to是个介词。

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