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performancetest(performance testing中文翻译,performance testing是什么意思,performance testing发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

performancetest(performance testing中文翻译,performance testing是什么意思,performance testing发音、用法及例句)

performance testing

performance testing发音

英:  美:

performance testing中文意思翻译




performance testing双语使用场景

1、But there are few high performance testing and sorting equipment for power battery in China.───但是,目前国内却缺少性能优良的动力电池化成、检测和分选设备.

2、Strict quality management facility, equipped with first - class Blower and centrifugal fan performance testing the whole system.───工厂严格质量管理, 配备有 一流 的罗茨鼓风机及离心风机全性能检测系统.

3、Reaction brake tester is most popular in vehicle brake performance testing.───反力式制动试验台是目前广泛使用的汽车制动力检测装置.

4、informal performance testing early.───及早进行非正式的性能测试。

5、Protocol testing includes conformance testing, interoperability testing, performance testing and robust testing.───协议测试包括四个方面:一致性测试 、 互操作性测试 、 性能测试和坚固性测试.

6、Bit error tester is indispensable equipment during performance testing and malfunction diagnosis of communication system.───在通信系统的性能测试以及故障诊断工作中,误码仪是必不可少的设备.

7、We have covered major aspects of performance testing and usability testing.───本文已经涉及了性能测试和可用性测试的大部分内容.

8、Note: Not intended for performance testing.───注意:没有针对性能测试目的。

9、The synthetic method and performance testing of BH series acidulate corrosion inhibitor were introduced.───介绍了BH系列酸化缓蚀剂的合成方法及性能测试.

10、This paper describes hardware configuration based on PC DC servo motor performance testing virtual system.───介绍了基于PC的直流伺服电机性能测试虚拟系统的硬件组成,测速和测功方法,系统的功能及关键技术.

11、After verifying than output characteristics by performance testing, its significance in application is proved.───通过性能测试验证了这些外特性, 确认其具有应用的价值和推广意义.

12、The methods for determining the insulation levels and performance testing were presented.───阐述了产品绝缘等级的判断方法及其性能检测方法.

13、This is useful in performance testing.───在性能测试中这比较有用。

14、Testing includes many aspects, such as: function testing, performance testing, interoperability testing, and conformance testing, etc.───测试包括许多方面, 如: 功能测试 、 性能测试 、 互操作测试 、 一致性测试等.

15、In this paper, a kind of performance testing system for electric bicycle power battery is introduced.───本文介绍了一种电动自行车用动力电池(组)全自动性能测试系统.

16、Examples are setup for stress and performance testing and preparation of a subject for usability testing.───例如压力和性能测试的启动以及可用性测试的准备工作.

17、ISO 14644 - 3 Test Methods recommend test apparatus , test procedures, and acceptance criteria for determining performance testing.───ISO14644 -3 测验方法推荐了性能测试用的测试设备 、 测试规程和验收标准.

performance testing相似词语短语

1、performance art───表演艺术

2、performance test───特性试验

3、performance artists───表演艺术(performanceart的变形)

4、performance bond───[法]履约保证书

5、performance arts───表演艺术

6、performance ratings───性能状态;额定性能

7、performance review───服务表现检讨;业绩评价

8、performance tests───操作测验;作业测验

9、performance artist───表演艺术(performanceart的变形)





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