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would rather do than do中文翻译,would rather do than do是什么意思,would rather do than do发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

would rather do than do中文翻译,would rather do than do是什么意思,would rather do than do发音、用法及例句

would rather do than do

would rather do than do发音

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would rather do than do中文意思翻译



would rather do than do双语使用场景

1、So rather than sacrificing or compromising, I think it's a lot around prioritizing and then being able to say: "this would be nice to do, but I can't do it right now".───与其说是牺牲或者是妥协,我觉得更多是分清轻重缓急,然后告诉大家:,这么做不错,但我现在没有时间精力。

2、rather do regret for themselves, rather than for himself didn't do regret.───宁愿为自己做过的后悔,也不愿为自己没做的遗憾。

3、I would rather do than do───我宁可……也不……

4、would rather do. . . than do He would rather listen to others than talk himself.───他宁愿听他人讲而不愿自己说。

5、If it's true that we would rather initiate change than have it thrust upon us, then why do we not do it more often?───确实如此,我们宁愿发起改变,而不喜欢强加的改变。那么,我们为什么不更多地发起改变呢?

6、prefer to do rather than do =would rather do than do───宁愿..而不愿而不愿…宁愿而不愿

7、would rather do than do would rather sb did───宁愿某人现在或将来做某事

would rather do than do相似词语短语

1、would rather───宁愿,宁可

would do rather than do对吗?

这个短语的语序是不正确的,正确的表达方式是would rather do than do,意思是“比起做某事来我宁愿做某事”。

如:I would rather stay at home than go to the cinema with you.比起和你去看**,宁,我宁愿待在家里。


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